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Symbology of directions

East Healing, creativity, illumination, divination and initiation, new birth and sunshine, new learnings, strength of will, communication, expression of new. West Vision, dreams, quests and journeys, emotions, imagination, creative arts, the feminine, higher compassion, inner spiritual renewal, goals. South Purification, faith, strength, awakening inner child, overcoming obstacles, playfulness, change, protection, self sufficiency, trust, resurrection. North Teaching, abundance, balance, sacred wisdom and knowledge, gentleness, thankfulness, drawing forth inner treasures, empathic intuition, trust, alchemy.

Symbology of Dreams A's

I cant remember where I found this, but its very intoresting indeed. Hope you enjoy it. Abdomen - to dream of seeing this part of your body suggests that your greatest expectations will be realized as long as you keep it uppermost in your mind. To dream of it in an unhealthy state suggests false friends around you. To see it swollen or protruding suggests trials and delays but your determination will win out if kept up. Abundance - to dream of this suggests a strong desire for independence, especially materialistically. Abortion - for a woman to dream she is undergoing this procedure suggests scandals are waiting in the immediate future. Watch what you do as it will backfire and keep the neighbors talking. Abuse - to dream of abusing someone suggests a period of bad luck in your affairs. Losing money through the influence of others can also be suggested. To dream that you are being abused suggests some sort of mistreatment in your daily life which you cannot justify. Accident - to dream of an accident suggests a warning of any form of travel. It could also indicate something unplanned happening suddenly in your life. Aches - to dream of this suggests that you are too frank, blunt and open in your business dealings and others will profit by your ideas. Acorns - to dream of the sacred tree fruit suggest a small start for a big accomplishment. Also suggests strength and a youthful frame of mind may be needed in a given situation. Actor/Actress - lots of different opinions on this one. One may suggest a desire for recognition in whatever you are working on. Another suggests hard work ahead but by determination your ambitions will be realized. If a woman dreams she is to marry an actor, her plans will be overrode. For a man to dream he is involved with an actress, suggests family or romantic troubles. Adultery - to dream that you have committed this act suggest a bad omen of immediate misfortune due to your neglect. It can also suggest a feeling of guilt somewhere down inside that you have not worked out. If a married woman dreams of this, it could foretell a pregnancy whereby the child will most probably be a girl. For a single woman to dream of this, troubles will follow to her reputation. For a man to dream this, could suggest business rivals of which you are not paying attention to, or sometimes even a health issue of which you are ignoring. Affliction - to dream of seeing a friend with an affliction suggest the receipt of money or good news! Then yet another can suggest a friend that you are neglecting. Afraid - to dream that you are afraid suggests discontent in the home and the prospect of the business suffering due to your lack of action. Air - to dream of inhaling hot air suggests that you will be influenced against your will. Cold air will indicate possible family or business troubles. Airplane - to dream of this suggests new opportunities coming in, most probably centered around spiritual things. Alligator - to dream of this animal crawling suggests exercising much care in any new steps you may take. Think it through again. The alligator is also suggestive of fury and ferocity, but one of creation and destruction. If not used correctly, you may be swallowed up! An opportunity of which you must pay attention to. Altar - to dream of this suggest a tendency for self-sacrifice. Be sure that you are aware of what the consequences are. Animal - to dream of a helpful animal suggests an aspect of yourself which is either showing itself or you need the qualities of that animal in whatever you may be undertaking. Ants - contradictory meanings here. One suggests trivial problems plaguing you of which not much is really being done or getting accomplished by these annoyances. The other is one in which order, discipline and determination will win out in whatever you are trying to do. Anchor - to dream of this suggests a desire for security or a problem solved and a rest is now deserved. Apples to dream of apples is usually a very good sign. To see them on trees suggests prosperity and abundance; to eat them and find them tasty, a signal to go forward with whatever it is you have contemplated. To dream of the tree itself is a suggestion of love, desire and good intentions. Arrows - to dream of arrows suggest a direct action is needed in a disagreement. It could also suggest news coming suddenly A third is one that suggest pleasure and festivity, friendly competition. Automobile - to dream that you are riding in an automobile suggests a restlessness and perhaps even a regret over a deed done. Can also suggests a journey of which you are not taking as much in as you should be. These are just a few that I found intoresting, you can see the rest At http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamthemes/bodyparts.htm Enjoy
The following is a general guide to colors and the moods they promote. Blue- relaxation. Blue light works well in bathrooms if you enjoy relaxing in a bath or shower. It is also good in bedroom lamps if you want to promote calmness and sleep. A blue night-light is often good for children who suffer from nightmares because it is a calming color. Green- very similar to the effects of blue light. Green light has also been said to decrease appetite. If you are on a diet a green light in the kitchen or dining room may help. Green is also a color of fertility, and if this is what you're trying to achieve in the bedroom, a green light may help. Red- awakens the spirit. It is energizing and bold. The color red is said to increase appetite, so you may want to keep it out of the dining room unless you're having a dinner party. In the bedroom, red light helps sexual activity, and could lead to active nights! It's not a good color for relaxation or sleep, so you may want to keep two lamps in the bedroom: one for blue light and one for red. Orange- very similar to red, although more gentle. Orange light helps the imagination and is good for creativity. It is also a refreshing color and its attributes make it an idea color for work situations. Orange gives a feeling of warmth and security as well. Yellow- uplifting and warm. Yellow light brightens any room and generally makes people feel happier. It's good for social gatherings because people tend to talk more in yellow light. If your home feels cold or impersonal, yellow light can help. Pink- soft, gentle. Pink promotes feelings of safety and peaceful happiness. In a child's room, pink works well as a night light because of its softness. In the adults' room, pink promotes intimacy and romance. Purple- spirituality and mystery. Purple sets the mood for serious spiritual exploration. It is the color associated with psychic abilities and helps awaken that aspect. Purple is rich and powerful. It invokes feelings of pride and ability. Blue and purple together- a great combination for meditation or more relaxed spiritual moments. It marries the royalty of purple with the calmness of blue for a feeling of reassurance and peacefulness. Blue and green- a calm atmosphere, but not as sleepy as blue alone. This combination is good for more quite get-togethers or intimate conversation. Red and orange- calms down the affects of red, but not too much. This combination is spirited and lively. Don't use this is you want peace and quite. Instead, save it for a time when you need to be energized. Orange and yellow- creates more of a warm feeling than yellow alone. Orange and yellow used together are great for social events. Pink and orange- creates a very warm, safe feeling if the shade of orange is soft. If the orange is too bold, the combination doesn't work well. Purple and red- not a combination I recommend. The bright red and deep purple can be harsh on the eyes and lead to a headache. Many of the colors are available in light and deep shades. For a gentle affect, use the light shades. For a more intense affect, use the deeper shades. Try several colors and combinations to determine what works best for you.

Candle Magic

Candles along with music, and smells can reduce stress, moods, emotional burdens, and is a great tool for focus. Many candles also hold magical properties as well as healing values too. They can also help with mood setting, and attractions. Listed below are some candles and there purposes, and properties. Candles by date birth For those Born between/ Astral Colors Mar. 21 — Apr. 19/ WHITE and Rose Pink Apr. 20 — May 19/ RED and Lemon Ye1low May 20 — June 18/ Red and LIGHT BLUE June 19 July 23/ GREEN & Russet Brown July 24 — Aug. 22/ Red and GREEN , Gold Sept. 22— Oct. 21/ Black / Bluespeckled Oct. 22 — Nov. 20/ Black,CRIMSON,Lt Blue Nov. 21 — Dec. 20/ GOLDEN BROWN & Black Dec. 21 — Jan. 19/ Gold, Red,& GREEN Jan. 20 — Feb. 18/ GARNET,silver-gray, Feb. 19 — Mar. 20/ White, PINK, Emerald To the best of my knowledge, these are correct. Yellow: Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain anothers confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy. Gold: Fosters understanding and attracts the powers of cosmic influences; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money, or in rituals needing solar energy. Pink: Promotes romance, friendship; standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table. Red: Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy. Silver: Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess. Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy. Magenta: Combination of red and violet that oscillates on a high frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required. Brown: Earthly, balanced color; for rituals of material increase; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost. Indigo: Color of inertia; stops situations or people; use in rituals that require a deep meditative state; or in rituals that demand Saturn energy. Royal Blue: Promotes laughter and joviality; color or loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever an influence needs to be increased. Light Blue: Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquillity to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized. Blue: Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance. Emerald Green: Important component in Venusian rituals; attracts love, social delights, and fertility. Dark Green: Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual. Green: Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, and rejuvenation. Gray: Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence. Black: Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditative state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy. White: Here we have the purity of naught. The serenity of white will bring a clearing effect like a clean sweep. Whether you are using it on a person or to clear away obstacles, it is the best purging of the color spectrum. Use for candle magick spells and general rituals involving: purity, spirituality and higher attainments of life, truth, sincerity, power of a higher nature, wholeness. This color will clean, purify and absorb like no other. Now take a moment and pamper yourself, Run a warm bath, put your favorite scents , and bubles into it, pop in that enya cd, Light the candle of your choosing, turn off the lights, and let the power of candles take you into altered state. Enjoy.
I have always tried to make my own little space on the web very clear to those whose choose to take 5 seconds out of ther busy life to take a look at what I am , Who I am , and what kind of man I am. But if no one reads deeper into my page, than you might be missing out on more then the guy with the blue eyes, and the mind melting music. In real life , I am a man of honesty , compassions , and hold morals and ethics as the essence of life. I am very out going , easy to get along with, and love open minded intelligent conversations. I also love to have a great time, and I am very good at keeping things fun , sometimes to much so. I am also a very big flirt , and yes, like all men , I like adult topics the best , But I am also very married, and very happy with what I have at home. Fun is fun, and everyone needs to play. Remember what is was like in our early days of maturity, and the chase. I have always liked the chase , the ability to make girls blush, and bat there eyes, was'nt sure what to do after, but I remember the fun. To many people of today get so wrapped up in the hells of life, and dealing with societs crap, that they have forgotten how to lay back and have a good time. With me, I am not bashful , Dont be affraid to be sassy , playful , or hard to get , its more of a challenge to catch ya, and release ya. My wife knows I am this way, and has no fears due to she trust me with all her heart, and she knows that this is who I am. If your showing off your goods, thats great, I'll look, after all, I am a man, but I dont require that, when I want to look at the female nude body, I have a favorites list that has it all. So ladies, take the time if your looking for safe fun , and conversation , I always like to meet new people, and find new freinds.
Before you ask, I will explain how and why I rate the way I do. 1: If I look at your page, I will rate you a 10 as long as your page doesnt take 5 minutes to load with my high speed Connection. As I feel that everybody deserves a 10, due to everybody is important in there own ways. I dont think one person is better or worst then somebody else. 2: I dont rate mens profile for the reasons I dont want people to get the wrong idea, as I am not into that at all. 3: I always read the profiles, not just look at pictures, I have a certain style of people I vear away from, and look for certain types of people. Some groups I stay away from are those that are into satanism, vampirisim, goth, or those that deal with the dead, swinger groups, and etc. 4: people I am looking for are those that are real life type of people, not ones that wish to hide behind a false profile, role play, or act out certain persona's. People that are happy to be who and what they are. 5: If I rate or dont rate your photos, thats my choice, I can care less about the points here, or the status here. Thats not why I am here. If I dont rate your photos, its either I ran out of time, or I dont want to offend a spouse, offend you, or I dont want to give you a rate lower then a 10. 6: I rate all photos at a 10 , and therefore will choose from the photos you share to find a 10 quality photo, if all your photos are small, private, warps, or whatever, I may choose not to rate any of them. 7: As far as fans, and all the other things here, I simply fan those that I think I might want to follow to see where there profiles go. 8: If you want to be my freind, then simply ask me, more then not I will accept you, but will not ask you unless you unless you try and shout at me and tell me a bit about yourself. This is just how it is, And I will not change the ways I do things. If I look at your profile, I am looking at beauty of humankind, and with hopes you have the personality to match your beauty.
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