OMG! This mumm just completely flips my lid! This lady needs her kid taken away!!!
~~§@§§Y@§§Y~~ (User name)
He could have been killed!
created @ 2007-07-22 15:14:10 -- expires in: 23 hr
My 5 yr old son who plays outside all the time was told to stay in the yard while I clean my dining room and my hubby was at the fire dept yet again.... took off on his bike. I get a phone call saying "your son is riding down the main highway on the yellow line" Scared the shit out of me. I got him home and spanked him and told him how bad that scared me and what could have happened to him and that he was never to do that again. I had my nephew put his bikes up in the shed for me. What I need some advice on is how long to take it away from him. I know its gonna be a while.
SOME of the comments to her:
2007-07-22 15:32:14 #63 of 63
That is crazy why in the world would you let a 5 year old outside by himself that is stupidity on your part. You are a mom and the one responcible for their well being, i guess a clean house is more important.
2007-07-22 15:32:00 #62 of 63
can't keep kids in a bubble till they turn 18...
do that and they will have no idea how to deal with things.
i was off riding the hood as soon as i got my bike...
crossed a street without looking, so i got grounded to my block for a while.
learned a good lesson.
2007-07-22 15:31:40 #61 of 63
Oy beating a precocious 5 year old's ass and taking his bike away for something that wasn't really his fault is definitely going to solve the problem... Yeah, let's all do that and all the kids will be more well behaved......... Right.
2007-07-22 15:30:37 #60 of 63
Wastin has a point.... there was a story about a child on the Highway in Indiana.... Oddly enough I KNOW that chids mother... and he got up before the family and took off.. she went to JAIL
2007-07-22 15:30:25 #59 of 63
A lot of harsh people out there! I'm sure you learned a lesson. I know your mad at him but depending on where you live (and it sounds like this one quailifies) he needs to be supervised. Always!!! even a fenched in back yard is not fail safe! Good luck!
2007-07-22 15:30:02 #58 of 63
i havent deleted anything
Bossdaddys Mist...
2007-07-22 15:28:38 #57 of 63
I would say a month... he will learn he maybe 5 but he knows what it means to "mind your mother" at least my kids do.
2007-07-22 15:28:31 #56 of 63
I think the real question should be ....How long does the state take your 5yr old away from you for neglect.
2007-07-22 15:28:23 #55 of 63
Schaden...there are too many kids abducted every year and there are too many pedophiles out there. There's a point when you can let your kids outside alone...but 5 years old isn't it. It is every parents worst nightmare to have a child taken. She's inviting something horrible to happen by leaving him unattended.
delete comment
Assologist "...
2007-07-22 15:28:20 #54 of 63
I'll give it back the same day he gets his drivers licence! BRAVO for beating his ass...
2007-07-22 15:27:43 #53 of 63
i was ok alone at 5, but now i shouldn't be left unattended, robinetta..
i've regressed to a 3yo.
2007-07-22 15:27:04 #52 of 63
Ok Lady.... YOU were in the wrong here to be Honest.. dont delete opinions that YOU wanted.
2007-07-22 15:26:23 #51 of 63
Yeah, but back when we were 5, you didn't see kids getting kidnapped left and right in broad daylight...
2007-07-22 15:26:14 #50 of 63
No Schad I had responsible parents.
~*~ Dj Debra*Ri...
2007-07-22 15:26:09 #49 of 63
2007-07-22 15:22:53 #38 of 38
where were you again? and why was your child alone? you should pay more attention
low voltage guy
2007-07-22 15:25:43 #48 of 63
is there points for being STUPID?
Suga Lips
2007-07-22 15:25:33 #47 of 63
I wasn't Schaden. We're overprotective b/c we watch our children?! You know how many kids get abducted? Do you know most of the time it's close to their house?
~*Twitchy*~ (A ...
2007-07-22 15:25:27 #46 of 63
Parents like you piss me off. I get so angry when I see a child under the age of 8 outside by themselves. Who knows who will come around and just take your kid. How do you know your kid wont get HIT by a car? What were you thinking? Take the bike away, and the only time he is permitted to ride is when YOU or your husband are OUTSIDE with him.
2007-07-22 15:25:03 #45 of 63
I must agree no leaving the kids outside alone! We all make mistakes but that could have been the last one you made with him! I lock my son in the house with me when I think he may take off while I am in the shower and stuff, just incase he wanted to go outside! He can't undo the type of dead bolt we have! Maybe look into getting one?
*Celia*{Wife Of...
2007-07-22 15:24:54 #44 of 63
You deleted my comment for speaking the truth????
You dumb bitch!!
2007-07-22 15:24:26 #43 of 63
Schad..... even YOU shouldnt be left alone
low voltage guy
2007-07-22 15:24:20 #42 of 63
when do you get you spanking for letting a 5 year old unattended?
2007-07-22 15:24:06 #41 of 63
*still shaking her head in total disbelief* I hope you've learned YOUR lesson....
Babs310 ~* Bart...
2007-07-22 15:23:23 #40 of 63
What do you expect when you leave a 5y/o outside and tell him not to do something? You're very lucky he was not killed!! He shouldn't be punished, you should be, I wouldn't be surprised if some one called the state on you ass, god knows I would. Next time you need to clean keep the kid inside the house with you, or put up a fence - but that won't stop him if he is determined to do something. Give him back his bike in a week, its not his fault he left him alone and expected him to listen to your directions, a 5 year old is going to explore.
2007-07-22 15:23:17 #39 of 63
Oh Hell!! 5 and you tell him to stay in the fuckin yard? while YOU look away?? RIGHT!!
that worked out well didnt it?