63 Year Old
From Farnam, NE·
Invited by: Cinaday4u·
Joined on June 9, 2009
Born on February 11th
·11 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
63 Year Old
From Farnam, NE·
Invited by: Cinaday4u·
Joined on June 9, 2009
Born on February 11th
·11 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I'm into music, art and news in that order. I build websites, blog and have my hands into quite a few other things web related. I have 6 children, all but one grown up and two awesome grandsons. I do flirt and I like to flirt. I do not cyber ever. The reason I give for flirting is that woman are beautiful. If a song is beautiful I'll call it beautiful openly, same with art and nature. I just call it as I see it most of the time.
I'm not going to spam this or any other page so if you want any more info on the blogs, site or other interests of mine just search funkingdave on Yahell search or Google. If it's mine you'll know it right away.
One more thing.... I am being kind of a little bit vague here and that's ok for me today but if you want to chat and I find we have similar interests then I can be more open.
63 Year Old
From Farnam, NE·
Invited by: Cinaday4u·
Joined on June 9, 2009
Born on February 11th
·11 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I listen to music dating from about the year 1540 to recent. My only preference in music is that it is done well and that there be some aspect to it that seems real to me. As far as these phony wanna-be's I have little to no tolerance for them, don't want to hear them, see them, hear about them or even think of them. Same goes for politicians. I can't stand a bad song & dance.
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funkingdave I just rated Fluffy a 1 O-N-E! too "Stankin kitten rated me a 1 dammit!"