Hope these dogs make you smile!
Sorry!! Too cute not to pass on!

Guess that fake ID really works!!! Party time!

Are you serious !?!

Gggggrrrrrrrrr! I'm sooo mean!

What part of this face do you not understand!?

And a Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Guess I'll just go eat worms ..

Wojk akjdow alkoiehnaf slkjfow!!!!!

WHAT!?! But it was like this when I got here!!!

Just kill me now .

As Fifi sports the latest in wristband fashion

I'll show him where he can stick that thermometer! !!

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful .

Need I really say more ...

'Nuff said!!!

She'll never find me in here!!!

Take a good look at this face and then tell me no!

Where's Waldo?

What's wrong with this picture!?!

Panda-dog .

Either future McD's mascots or the next "When Animals Attack" video .

Whoa is me ..

Beauty and the Beast ...

Nothing like a lil frolic thru the meadow ...

Everybody was Kung Fu fightin!

Aaaawww Man! I almost had it!!!!

Being a mechanic is hard work, but it pays the bills and feeds the kids!

It'll be all right, don't cry!