Really starting to think I should give up on dating all together.
Men are just fucking stupid.
The one guy I really like apparently likes me back, or so his friends tell me, but is scared.
Get the fuck over it!
He's so scared, that he's going to fuck every other girl in sight. *rolls eyes*
I'm done with him.
Ha. I keep saying that, but I keep going back to him.
I can never have a real relationship with him so I don't know why I try.
I'm REALLY tired of guys treating me like a whore.
"Of course I respect you, I really like you!"
Then, whether they get what they want or not, they disappear either way.
I'm ok with being single, but I'd like to find a guy I can be with.
I don't think my expectations are THAT high!
Maybe I should just start acting like a guy and fuck anything that walks.
Too bad I'm to emotional to do that