How much I love you my darling love,
I have no idea about this... it really is hard to tell,
Its hard to describe... hard to say,
But I just want you right beside me all the time,
When moon is out I sit under the starry sky eyes closed I pray,
The only thing I shudder of is losing you,
Can't even imagine how world would be without you,
I might not say it quite often my angel,
But, this heart of mine is yours and I love you,
I dream of you as my soulmate as the owner of my soul,
I dream of you as my sweet heart wife,
This life would be nothing without you,
Without you life would be struggle and strife,
I can imagine our wedding my love,
I can picture you and me standing in the candle lit church,
After the sacred holy vows, I give you the bonding kiss,
The gap between my fingers is made for your fingers,
When you take my hand and it perfectly fits,
When you rest your head on my shoulder, oh sweet heart,
I dream a thousand dreams, I leave this world for a while,
I love it when you hug me tightly in your arms,
I love it when you say you are forever mine,
The rise of the morning sun, I see in your eyes,
Your face is home of charms with your serene smile,
You take my heart away without a single word,
You make my heart beat another zillion times,
God is really kind, he is true like his name,
How will I ever thank great lord for what he has done for me,
I am blessed by his eternal care that is your endless love,
You are more than a heavenly angel more than a goddess can ever be...
You're all I ever wanted my babe... my life,
All that I ever dared dream of I have it with me now,
I dream of a world of romance with you,
I dream of me and you taking our wedding vows,
When I am sleepless and lonely,
I sit outside and watch the stars of midnight sky,
When you're not here with me,
Thoughts of you passes through my mind,
The way you move, you fly without wings,
Your words the way you talk they make me hush,
I see everything in your eyes, its crystal clear for me,
Your eyes are as deep as oceans of love,
I just want to love you all my life and there's nothing else I want to do,
I might not say it quite often my life but I am blessed,
Blessed by lord's biggest love, your immense love which is so very true,
All I want to say is that I love you,
I dream of a tomorrow and a lifetime with you..