The time has come for the Fair Maiden Album to open.
Everyone is welcome to see , rate , and make comments.
Ye Ladies that have their picture in the album are more than welcome to rip their picture if so choose.
M'Lady and I have enjoy doing this album and its our way to show you just how much you mean to each one of us here on LC.
M'Lady and I would like to request that each Fair Maiden show CrazyDave aka Knight Dave , Camelot Artist the love and thanks for the hard work he did. ( Last Pic in Album )
Again Welcome to the Fair Maiden Album.
Sign , Sir Forrest
White Knight @ LostCherry
Let it be know that the Fair Maiden Album is now Finish and will be open to all to Rate and Comment at midnight tonight 10-17-06 CST.
First I would like to thank Dave for the Great Job he did putting everything together...( Dave you are the Best and we couldn't have done it without you, Thank you for all your help ).
Next , I would like to thank all the Ladies who let M'Lady Tina , Princess Dayna , and Myself put you in the Album......( Thank you Ladies You all look lovely )
If your not sure you had your picture put into this Album please stop by and check , rate and comment.
Again , Thanks to everyone who had a hand in this.
Sign ,
Sir Forrest aka White Knight
White Knight @ LostCherry
You have a high luck quotient.
More often than not, you've felt very lucky in your life.
You may be randomly lucky, but it's probably more than that.
Optimistic and open minded, you take advantage of all the luck that comes your way.
Be it known on this day 9-18-06 Sir Forrest will be taking pictures to be place in his Fair Maidens Album.
Blueyed Redneck Angel will approve all photos and the final approval will be done by M'Lady Tina.
Fare Maidens , please keep the photos clean.
M'Lady Tina
Tina @ LostCherry
Princess & Judge
Blueyed Redneck Angel @ LostCherry
Thank you,
Sir Forrest
To All Ladies,
Let it be know on this day that the Blueyed Redneck Angel has been Knighted "Judge" of my new album call Sir Forrest Ladies.
Let it also be known that besides M'Lady Tina The Judge is the only one that can cast you out of the Album.
Blueyed Redneck Angel @ LostCherry
Sign , White Knight
To whom it may Concern,
Let it be known that I , Sir Forrest aka The White Knight has found his Lady in waiting.
Let it be known from this day forward that M'Lady's name is Tina.
In time M'Lady will be Queen but only when she is ready.
Any man that disagrees with this will be Judge by the highest, & May GOD have murcie on Your Souls.
M'Lady Tina is My Love , My Life , and My Only Angel.
Sign ,
Sir Forrest
The One & Only White Knight