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Your Kissing Purity Score: 9% Pure
For you, it's all kiss and no talk.

You're in a permanent lip lock.


ROMEO If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss JULIET Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. ROMEO Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? JULIET Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. ROMEO O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. JULIET Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake. ROMEO Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged. JULIET Then have my lips the sin that they have took. ROMEO Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again. JULIET You kiss by the book.
100 reasons I love you! In no particluar order. It would be much to hard to choose! So intellegent, caring Andrew Beautiful, independent Emma Sweet full of life Sare Beautiful sparkling soft brown eyes Buying broken furniture with you Breaking the furniture Your illuminating smile Watching children run around dress as bees and princess An illuminating smile The way your nose scrounges The way your hips sway hypotically Your goals The way time flies when we're together Looking out the gym's window and seeing you there Dressing as a sumo wrestler Making a fool of myself Matress made of poplar Your values Your sense of humor The way you make me feel important to you Your ambitions You make me want to be a better person Perfect breast The pet names you have for me The best cook even rivaling my grandmother's The way you flirt You notice the way I laugh Curves to die for The way you look at everything Your cute chin The way you dance A back I could rub eternity You are so intenigent Burping That you ask me for help You impress me The smell of your clothes The feel of your soft cheeks Your beautiful fingers Watching you play at the children's mussem Worms in dirt When you are shy The softest lips Waking up to the sound of your voice Coming out when you hear a noise That you know my short comings and don't use them against me You're my better half You give me something to inspirer too You have the sexiest legs Looking at magazines with you Looking at new home floor plans Recieving short letters from you Cards My honeysuckle Hayrides Thinking of you Hanging on your every word Your past Our future That you accept me Adorable toes Making soup for you when your sick A relentless kindness Your bluntess Having by my side when my scared Painting Decorating for Christmas Honesty You're so supportive Sharing your life Full filling hugs Your insecurity My insecurity The best kisser in the world Laying on my chest Feeling your heart beat Playing with you (Sportizus) sp? Long lusious neck Helping you when you don't feel well A caring sister Driving to slow 8 hr trips Your excitement when you're surprised Dependality Your eloquent silhouette by candlelight Your Sexy voice 100 reasons I love you! In no particluar order. It would be much to hard to choose! I respect you Your curves (I know I've listed it once but it deserve another) The way you move When you sit on my lap Jokes that go over my head The way you make me feel The fact you can make me cry You impress me The way time flies when we're together The fact you make me laugh You're always there when I need you The fact you make me feel important The way your lips tell me you love me without words Thinking of you and knowing you're thinking of me The fact you make me feel intellegent The rhythm of your breathing when I thouch you Walking on the beach Holding your hand Becoming one The way you look at me sideway and touch me with your eyes Soft glances Telling you I'm sorry when I screw up You wanting to do things with me Soccer Playing softball for you The way it takes my breath away when you tell me you love me You listen to me You support me You're the best mother You're my best friend You're a wonderful person Lying in bed with you Looking into your eyes Warm soft touches I know this is over 100 resonse but the truth is I could easily list a 1000 more. The fact is I love you with all of my heart!

Another one of my own

Love's dried bed It's bank overwheeled with emotions Thoughts white current brakes Her memory is a fleeting light Unfree to travel Unfree to trust Unfree to see clear Unfree to express Daily quick stops Palms wet, breath heavy Titillation of today first glimpse Can I still recall words Her eyes so soft Her lips so pure Her cheek so radiant Her tency so profound Those beautiful deep eyes clouded I take her in my arms and all be right What can I say for no more pain No don't allow her to deny Only life's experence will grow Only faithful's disappointment will build Only love's comment will show Only Time can heal What can I do? I must wait Take life simple pleasure to heart
Slipping under the covers I feel your heat. I pull you close not wanting any distance. Easy silence as I your beauty embed into memory. You ask what I'm thinking about? I simple resond, "you." Unannounced to you I pray for God to give me the words to truely tell you how I feel. Although no word would sufice my thoughts and feelings. Fore heads touching we talk about days events. All frustration lessen just by sharing with you. Laughes fill the rooms as we talk of silley things we've done. We know there isn't any judgement so all is reveled. We know all hopes and dreams will be supported unconditionally. I hold her stroking her back until she sleeps. I fall into a tranqual sleep and about walking with her hand in hand. I proudly introduced to everyone I know. As I ready to wake I think of her beuaty and call out to her with a smile. My despair returns. My Bella isn't there. Just another night of pillow talk.
This will be our last good-bye! After we hang up we'll never hear each other's voice again. My heart sinks into a bleak obscure dwelling. What can I say to change things? Please come be with me. I want you by my side. I can't imagine a day without you. I want to hold you every night and hear your warm soft voice each day. I want to share all of your happy moments but more comfort you in the days less bright. If I could I'd take all of your sorrow. No words can articulate my love. What can I do to see you again? Rush to you with eyes so enamored. Warp my arms around you hoping to ease my pain. Our bodies so close I feel your hearbeat, the rhythm comforts me. I would gladly do anything to hold you again. You don't believe my love is true. The only thing left to do, "Please do what's right for you." Amything else would be selfish on my behave. I can't think of anything that would hurt me more than losing you except disappointing you. But before I go please know; Your eyes are so filled with warmth and kindness. Your beautiful smile gives me hope. Your most kissable lips draw me close each time we're near. Your chin and freckles that you veil are perfect in everyway. The way you scrunch your nose is adorable. A body that makes me melt. Your voice so soft and firm gives me strength. Your wit that complements mine. and so much more But of all you are such an intelligent person! No wonder I get chills each time I'm around you.

Another old love letter

I think of you every morning, every night. I see you in my mind all the time. I recall you standing beside me strolling at the beach. I hear your sweet voice in each of my heartbeats that makes each phrase poetry. I feel your soft lips under mine. My life is so different because of you. You are with me every day. I feel you with me in everything I do. I feel your smile. Every day is a joy to me. You alone make each day bearable. I have truely been blessed by God. I could have asked for anything but he gave me the one thing I truely needed. You are it, without a doubt you're by blessing. Thank you for being you and being with me.
As the fire's ember glow cares her face she stairs deeply into. She moistens her lips while in thought. Her coffee eyes reflect the light with a flicker. Knees drawn to her chest my bulky flannel shirt is tuggued to her ankles. The top passed over buttons shows a phantom of her freed breast. I find myself pondering her thoughts. Thoughts too vast for my grasp. My tempatation is never more absolute. As I feel the longing just to touch her. Just to be in those vast contemplations. To be yearned for as I did her. Discreetly I decamp from my view hoping for her endorsement. I positioned myself close enough on to her I could feel the heat from her sultry body. She leans against me and my body feels conflict between her warmth and the night's crisp air. Her natural fragrance I adore, my reaction is none the less pavlovion. I wrap my arms around her. Embracing her hands, she out stretches her fingers. Lightly I chart the lives of her hands with my fingers. She watches the delicate trail still deep in virtuous visions. Our fingers lace, her hand grasp close entrapping mine. She closes her eyes and lays her head on my chest. My heart beats rapidly as it did the first time we met. Tilting her head all so scarcely her neck is exposed. I press my lips against the tender skin. The warmth unfurls rushing through my body. Covering her neck with butterfly kisses, she moans blissfully. The kisses grow in frequency as my control lessons in favor of desire. Releasing my hands she reaches back and strokes my head. My hand runs up her arms while kisses widen. Dropping her arms the loose shirt falls from one shoulder. Kisses besige the newly revealed terrain. She moans leaning her head back I come up with anticipation. Looking passionately into one another's eyes she softly bits her bottom lip. Closing my eyes I lean forward trusting she'll be there. As we approach I can feel her light breath on my lips. My heart quickens with anxiety even though I've been here before. The soft peach fuzz rubs my lips. I hold still knowing that she's right there, waiting, desiring the initial contact. My lips press as her's bear down on me. Our mouths open and tongues nestle. We share breaths as we cherish the moment. Kisses speed rapidly as blood flows warmer. We break as she turns on the log facing me. I dive to her freckled chest, kissing, licking. She throws her head back exposing her entire neck. I start just even with the first missed button and fraze up her neck. Repeating each time taking a different rout. She flings forward wrapping her arms around me pulling me to her. Mouths fully open with lostiful needs. She grabs the bottom of my shirt raising it over my head. The cold night air chills me. Without hesitation she clutches my jean's zipper and tugs it down. As her hand cross my hardness jumps. She quickly unfastens my pants pulling them to my hips. Reaching down shin to skin the initial contact makes me tingling. I sat motionless enjoying the attention, feeling athwart movement on my quivering parts. Each tremble she rejoices in. Eyes looking to my face, mouth open, she slowly returns. Her fingers softly strake me back. Arriving to my lips we enthrall with gratitude she wraps her leg around mine, my endowment tries to penetrate the remain clothing. The loose boxer hold me back with siff resistance. Softly cradling her head I trace down her lips. over her extended neck, across her exposed chest, to the encumbering button. I bite the button off with a slight giggle from my beauty. Going to the ensuing one I catch a wiff of vanilla. Her sweet smell is the most poweful stimulant. I long to see her, to feel her, to be one with her. With the last button the layer gapes open. Standing, I lift her nuzzling between her breast. Sliding her down me. my hands caress her shoulders dropping the veil down her arms to the groun. Heads together we look down at her steeple breast. Eyes making contact she looks at me unsure. Her lack of confidence with her body after having three children is endearing. I have never seen anyone more stunning. I lace my finger around her cotton panties. I slowly tug the last garment down. Peppering her warm skin with butterfly kisses I descend. My heart races as I study her, my hands caress her hips. I feel unworthiness, my desire is to pleasure her in ever aspect. I cup her face in my hands I delicately kiss her tender lips. My hands drop to her breast. Lightly and slowly my fingers encompass her nipples. Starting at their peeks working to the outer edge of the pink areoles, so lightly my touch sometimes brakes. Her eyes closed as her hands polishs my arms. Taking her standing nipples between my finger I roll them all so gently. Kneading her breast with settle quiet strength. Pulling my fingers up her body with small circles starting with area between her breast. Each stroke getting large until my movement takes from her hips to her mouth. Kissing her neck I softly nibble. Than I exhale a trifle voice I whisper "I love you." In one sudden movement she flip me on my back and straddle me. Rubbing my hardness between her valley, full range hard long distance, her eye flinching. Breast swaying to the movement. She stops and concentrates. Her fingers fist up on my chest. As she awakens, she licks her lips with a sly grin. Laying back she pulls me on top of her. Her legs part and I fall between them. My heart races to my throat as the moist inlet warms my hardness. Appling just enough presure to hold in place I ask her, "are you ready?" She knods Our hearts pound in rhythm. Lifting my body with my arms I align. The sensitive head pushes open her brim. The soothing wramth is comforting. As my slightly crock shaft lingers up her contracting walls it nuzzle against her desire area. Simultaneous moans echo as I reached the top. I drop to her and melt into her, becoming one. I look into my Bella's eyes and know this is where I want to be for the rest of my life.

Nothing gold can stay

Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. Robert Frost
Artist/Song name- Meatloaf It's all coming back to me now lyrics Boy:] There were nights when the wind was so cold That my body froze in bed if I just listened to it right outside the window [Girl:] There were days when the sun was so cruel That all the tears turned to dust and I just knew my eyes were drying up forever [Both:] I finished crying in the instant that you left And I can't remember where or when or how And I banished every memory you and I have ever made [Boy:] When you touch me like this (touch me like this) And I hold you like that (hold me like that) I just had to admit that it's all coming back to me [Boy:] When I touch like this (touch you like this) And I hold you like that (hold you like that) It's so hard to believe but it's all coming back to me [Girl:] It's all coming back It's all coming back to me now [Boy:] There were moments of gold and there were flashes of light There were things I'd never do again but then they'd always seem right, There were nights of endless pleasure It was more than any laws allow-baby, baby! If I kiss you like this (kiss you like this) And if you whisper like that (whisper like that) It was lost long ago but it's all coming back to me If you want me like this (if you want me like this) And if you need me like that (if you need me like that) It was dead long ago but it's all coming back to me It's so hard to resist and it's all coming back to me I can barely recall, but it's all coming back to me now.... But you were history with the slamming of the door And I made myself so strong again somehow And I never wasted any of my time on you since then! But if I touch you like this (touch you like this) And if you kiss me like that (kiss me like that) It was long ago but it's all coming back to me If you touch me like this (touch me like this) And if I kiss you like that (kiss you like that) It was gone with the wind but it's all coming back to me now It's all coming back It's all coming back to me now There were moments of gold and there were flashes of light There were things I'd never do again but then they'd always seem right, There were nights of endless pleasure It was more than all your laws allow. Baby, baby, baby! When you touch me like this (touch me like this) And when you hold me like that (hold me like that) It was gone with the wind but it's all coming back to me When you see me like this (see me like this) And when I see you like that (see you like that) Then we see what we want to see-all coming back to me The flesh and the fantasies all coming back to me I can barley recall, but it's all coming back to me now.... If you forgive me all this (forgive me all this) If I forgive you all that (forgive you all that) We forgive and forget and it's all coming back to me now [Girl:] It's all coming back to me now [Boy:] When I touch you like that [Girl:] It's all coming back to me now [Boy:]If you do it like that [Girl:]It's all coming back to me now....
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