I'm sharing what was actually part of a comment to a friend on here. I hadn't intended for it to come out as a serious or philosophical statement. *blush* I'm just a very passionate, intense soul; and I tend to speak what's on my mind and heart anytime, anywhere. Especially when it comes to communication and human connection.
What happened was this -
I watched the video (at the bottom of this blog) about Juan Mann and his FREE HUG sign, which I had seen before but forgot to save at that time, and I decided it was so moving and generally such an awesome idea that I'd stash it. So I did.
HvYHitter commented and said he was adding it to his forums. I thought "GREAT!" because I think it's something everyone should see. It's not flashy, technological genius or anything. It's just a simple video about a friendly gesture used to spread "warm fuzzies" to anyone willing to accept it.
Here are some of my thoughts that I shared when I replied in HvYHitter's profile comments.
It's the idea, the feeling, the connection that matters. Even watching the video gets a similar reaction. Or it should....if one is even the smallest bit decent, caring, and kind.
Hugs are powerful. They can mend broken hearts, heal boo-boos, end arguments, silence anger, and express a plethora of emotions.
When two people hug there is a silent physical, psychological, and emotional connection. It can be small enough to give "warm fuzzies" and nothing more. Or it can be deep and strong enough to instantly bring one to tears.
It's awesome when you think about it. The most helpful, healing tools to mankind are their own two arms & hands.
It's high time we start using them for the immense good they can do in the world IMO.
*hugs* :-D
Hugs can be extremely therapeutic. Think about it.
What does a parent do when their child is hurting, sick, or scared? They hold them close. When people share their joy and excitement with their closest friends and family they laugh and smile...and hug.
A hug is a hello, a goodbye, an apology, an "I love you" or "I miss you." It can mean more to someone than any amount of money or any other material thing in this world. It can brighten the darkest of times, bring hope where there was none, and show someone cares enough to just BE there.
I don't care who you are or what kind of personality you have...unless you have phobias about strangers or touching, this type of connection will move any person to the core. If not, I'm not sure I'd want to get too close to them.
In case those of you who actually communicate with me on a somewhat regular basis haven't noticed by now, this should make it quite obvious that I'm a Hug Person. :-)
I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I do every time I watch it. *HUGS* for you all....