5 Tips To A Flat Stomach
It's almost one thing anyone who exercises can agree on. They would like to have a flat stomach. Men want it, women want it, young and old, superfit and beginners.
But how do you get it?
1. Eat Right.
The biggest problem for most people is that they have too much abdominal fat. Losing that is the first step to a flat stomach, and requires a combination of diet and exercise.
Aim to consistently give your body what it needs: fruits, whole grains, vegetables, nuts, and lean protein. Eat small regular meals and drink lots of water.
2. Cardio Exercise.
One of the keys to burning fat is steady cardio exercise, performed at least 3 times per week for a minimum of 20 minutes. This will start to burn away the fat and reveal the muscles that lie beneath.
3. Interval Training:
Interval training is very effective at burning fat because it spikes your metabolism, causing you to burn more calories for up to 24 hours after the workout. However, you should only do this intense training once or twice per week.
4. Work The Abs:
Of course you have to work the abs to get that trim shape. A recent study found that the 3 most effective ab exercises are crunches on an exercise ball, bicycle crunches and Roman Chair leg lifts. Not sure how to do these? Then..........
5. Enlist Help:
If you are struggling, because you don't know how to eat properly or you are unfamiliar with the exercises or simply need someone to motivate you, then consider working with a personal trainer.
I hope these tips help.