YOU know some people can think they are a friend but not really. You hang out all the time and your always there for them when they need you but are they there for you when you need them? Lately they haven't been, i mean come on people if you really don't want to help then just say it and don't give me fucking excuses all the time. Oh my back hurts, oh I don't feel so good bla bla bla!! Now when you are really hurting im never going to know because that is all you say. I know it can be rough sometimes but do you really have to fuck me over like that? All i can say is you know who your true friends are. When someone you just met will come over and help you not knowing you very well at all and just be like let me help. a true friend doesn't care what you look like or how silly you act. I have known this girl for a while now and she has always given me excuses about everything to help me but i will stop what im doing for her bec that is what i do. I kept doing stuff for her and finally came to realize has she done shit for me?? Yeah she has watched my daughter and all but thats doing me a favor not really helping me bec i have just dropped everything that im doing and i would come over to her house and just help her with just about anything. Iam getting tired of playing these lil games and im trying to back off for a bit and relocate myself bec i feel she is using me. so im done with it and it is what it is!!