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What are you waiting for?

I go tomorrow to have pre op tets done before i have surgery next wednesday morning.....I have been thru a long summer of Drs and tests and i was getting sick of it so ..when i went to the woman dr yesterday he told me he was gonna give me a complete and total hysterectomy..... I was soooo Happy when they called and have it scheduled for 11am Dec 5, 2007 !!!!!!!!I will be in hosp overnight i know maybe a little longer not sure guess it depends on how it goes ....But i should be painfree soon yea ...please leave me som love :) i'll need it now and when i get back .....thx so much love to all my friends,Family and fans .... Penny
We lost a my hubbys assocate from work 1 1/2 week ago ......He was 30 Yesterday we had a good friend who was found not breathing when they got up he is still on breathing machine ,...but they r waiting to have his body shut down he was pronuced brain dead this morning ..... This brings back bad memories for me my brother died november 14,2002 and my mother passed Dec, 27,2002...so getting bad news this morning has dampened my spirits ... Thx to all who read this ..Have a wonderful Thanksgiving ....if i dont speak much for a little while i am here and there and everywhere...so plz dont get mad ...just keep trying :) tyvm ..Penny

12 Things Losers Do On

12 Things Losers Do On Fubar Body: 12 things losers do on MySpace Body: ONE there is NO SUCH THING as a fubar tracker it does NOT exist. so quit posting stupid bulletins like "OH-MY-GOSH this WORKS!!!" no, it doesnt. TWO To the people who have like 1,000 friends, are you serious? You don't know half of them. You're stupid. Go play in traffic. THREE Don't ever post pictures and say "OMG, I'm so ugly" "OMG, I'm so fat" because if you were, you wouldn't post them. And if u do ur a freaking mongoloid. FOUR Nobody cares about threats over the internet. Don't try to act like you're hard with the keyboard. Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded. FIVE Quit crying b/c you're not on someones top 8. who cares? Appearently they don't want you on there. ITS MYSPACE. NOT YOURSPACE. SIX Who really cares if I don't accept you as a friend? MOVE ON!!! Don't send me another request or message asking "what's up with you not adding me?" I don't want you as a friend, that's what's up!!! SEVEN Little 6th graders who have MySpace and look like sluts, and act like whores go somewhere else because nobody wants you here. Stop being fake ass bitches too. And Parents quit blaming myspace for your kid being a hooker, she was a hooker before myspace, and she'd be a hooker without it! What does that say about your parenting skills? Think about it! EIGHT If you have decided to read this, you are a true MySpace Friend. Real friends read their bulletins. NINE I say you go and pass this on and maybe it will finally get through people's brains TEN And if you open a bulletin and it says something like repost this in 100 seconds or a ghost will rape your dog tonight,or some dead skinless girl is gonna rape your mom" QUIT BEING AN IDIOT!! ELEVEN They Claim To Be A Celebrity For Attention Because Theyre Fat Ass Bitches With No Life Or Friends so The Steal Other Peoples Popularity By Posing As Them TWELVE All you guys that go around asking girls to post sexy videos on myspace are you serious? go get a whore off the streets if your that desprate This is a test to see how many people in your friends list actually pay attention to you. Repost this with.. 12 Things Losers Do On Fubar
Girls don't realize these things Body: I'm sorry that I bought you roses to tell you that I like you. I'm sorry that I was raised with respect not to sleep with you when you were drunk. I'm sorry that my body's not ripped enough to "satisfy" your wants. I'm sorry that I open your car door, and pull out your chair like I was raised. I'm sorry that I'm not cute enough to be "your guy". I'm sorry that I am actually nice; not a jerk. I'm sorry I don't have a huge bank account to buy you expensive things. I'm sorry I like to spend quality nights at home cuddling with you, instead of at a club. I'm sorry I would rather make love to you than just screw you like some random guy. I'm sorry That I am always the one you need to talk to, but never good enough to date. I'm sorry That I always held your hair back when you threw up, and didn't get mad at you for puking in my car, but when we went out you went home with another guy. I'm sorry that I am there to pick you up at 4am when your new man hit you and dropped you off in the middle of nowhere, but not good enough for you to listen to me when I need a friend. I'm sorry if I start not being there because it hurts being used as a doormat, only to be thrown to the side when the new jerk comes around. I'm sorry if I don't answer my phone anymore when you call, to listen to you cry for hours, instead of getting a couple hours of sleep before work. I'm sorry that you can't realize.. I've been the one all along. I'm sorry if you read this and know somebody like this, but don't care. ...but most of all, I'm sorry for not being sorry anymore. I'm sorry that you can't accept me for who I am. I'm sorry I can never do anything right, and nothing that I do is good enough to make it in your world. I'm sorry I caught your boyfriend with another girl and told you about it, I thought that was what friends were for... I'm sorry I tried to tell you the truth, that he really did cheat on you, that he really was a jerk, and that you truly deserved someone so much better I'm sorry that I told you I loved you and actually meant it. I'm sorry That i actually cared and asked what you wanted, instead of putting myself before you I'm sorry that I talked to you for nine hours on Thanksgiving when your boyfriend was threatening you instead of spending time with my family. I'm sorry That i asked you too many questions, when all i was doing was trying to learn more about you so i could make you truly happy I'm sorry that I listen to you at night, talking about how you wish you could have done something different. I'm sorry for everything. Ladies always complain and gripe to their friends that there is never any good guys out there, and they always end up with assholes who mistreat them. Well ladies next time you're complaining, maybe look up to see who you're complaining to, maybe that special someone is right there hanging on your every word as usual, screaming in his head, "Why won't you give me a chance?" Because the person you are usually searching for is right by you. If you're a guy and you agree with this letter, hit reply, copy the code, and repost as "I'm sorry." If you're one of the few GIRLS with enough BALLS to repost, and you would never make your guy feel this way, hit reply, copy the code, and repost as "Girls don't realize these things."

My First kiss was w/ ?

Body: we have some problems here..... Because u opened this, u will get Kissed on Friday by the person u love [or like] & 2morrow will be the best day of ur life, so Dont break this chain cuz if u do you'll have problems with relationships for 10 years =[ Repost this as "my first kiss was with

if u___________________________________ me

if u___________________________________ me Body: If U love me................leave me a message If U like me.................leave a comment If U wanna date me....... leave your number If U think im cute.................leave a comment on one of my piics If U care about me ....................leave a caring message If U hate me........................send me a message and tell me why REPOST THIS AND SEE HOW MANY MESSAGES/COMMENTS YOU GET. "If U _______ Me?"
how many things have you lived through? Body: I have read a lot of books. I have been on some sort of varsity team. x I have run more than 2 miles without stopping. I have been to Canada. I have been to Europe. I have watched cartoons for hours. x I have tripped UP the stairs. x I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs. I have been snowboarding/skiing. I have played ping pong.x I swam in the ocean. x I have been on a whale watch. I have seen fireworks. x I have seen a shooting star. x I have seen a meteor shower. x I have almost drowned. x I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear. x I have listened to one CD over & over & over again. x I have had stitches. I have had frostbite. I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there. I have stayed up til 2 doing homework/projects. x I currently have a job. I have been ice skating. x I have been rollerblading I have fallen flat on my face. x I have tripped over my own two feet. x I have been in a fist fight. x I have played videogames for more than 3 hours straight. x I have watched the power rangers. x I attend Church regularly. I have played truth or dare. x I have already had my 16th birthday. x I have already had my 17th birthday. x I've called someone stupid. x I've been in a verbal argument. x I've cried in school. x I've played basketball on a team. x I've played baseball on a team. I've played football on a team. I've played soccer on a team. I've done cheerleading on a team. x I've played softball on a team. x I've played volleyball on a team. x I've played tennis on a team. I've been on a track or cross country team. x I've been swimming more than 20 times in my life. x I've bungee jumped. I've climbed a rock wall. I've lost more than $20. x I've called myself an idiot. x I've called someone else an idiot. x I've cried myself to sleep. x I've had (or have) pets. x I've owned a spice girls CD. x I've owned a britney spears CD. x I've owned an N*Sync CD. x I've owned a backstreet boys CD. x I've mooned someone. x I have sworn at someone of authority before. x I've been in the newspaper. x I've been on TV. x I've been to Hawaii. I've eaten sushi. I've been on the other side of a waterfall. I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies. x I've watched all the Harry Potter movies. x I've watched all of the Rocky movies. x I've watched the 3 stooges. x I've watched "Newlyweds" Nick & Jessica. x I've watched Looney Tunes. x I've been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers. I've been called a geek. I've studied hard for a test and got a bad grade. x I've not studied at all for a test and aced it. x I've hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs. I've hugged my dad within the past 24 hours. I've met a celebrity/music artist. x I've written poetry. x I've been arrested. I've been attracted to someone much older than me. I've been tickled till I've cried. x I've tickled someone else until they cried. x I've had/have siblings. x I've been to a rock concert. I've listened to classical music and enjoyed it. I've been in a play. x I've been picked last in gym class. I've been picked first in gym class. x I've been picked in that middle-range in gym class. x I've cried in front of my friends. x I've read a book longer than 1,000 pages. x I've played Halo 2. I've freaked out over a sports game. x I've been to Alaska. I've been to China. I've been to Spain. I've been to Japan. I've had a fight with someone on AIM. x I've had a fight with someone face-to-face. x I've had serious conversations using IM. x I've forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me. x I've been forgiven.x I've screamed at a scary movie. x I've cried at a chick flick. x I've watched a lot of action movies. x I've screamed at the top of my lungs. x I've been to a rap concert. I've been to a hip hop concert. I've lived in more than 2 houses. x I've driven on the highway/been on the highway. x I've driven more than 400 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 400 miles in a day x I've been in a car accident. x I've done drugs. x I've been homesick. x I've thrown up. x I've puked on someone. x I've been horseback riding. x I've filled out more than 10 myspace surveys. x I've spoken my mind in public. x I've proved someone wrong. x I've been proven wrong by someone. x I've broken a leg. I've broken an arm.x I've fallen off a swing . x I've swung on a swing for more than 30 mins straight x I've watched Winnie the Pooh movies. x I've forgotten my backpack when I've gone to school. x I've lost my backpack. x I've come close to dying. x I've seen someone die. x I've known someone who has died. x I've wanted to be an actor/actress at some point. x I've done modeling. I've forgotten to brush my teeth some mornings. x I've taken something/someone for granted. x I've realized how good my life is. x I've counted my blessings. x I've made fun of a classmate. x I've been asked out by someone and I said no. x I've slapped someone in the face. x I've been skateboarding. I've been backstabbed by someone I thought was a friend. x I've lied to someone to their face. x I've told a little white lie. x I've taken a day off from school just so I don't go insane. x I've fainted. x I've had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not x I've pushed someone into a pool. x I've been pushed into a pool. x I've been/are in love. x


tulsa Body: Unfortunately, 97% of myspacers won't repost this. When Jesus died on the cross He was thinking of you. If you are one of the 3% who will stand up for Him just repost this with your city's name.
Things You Should Not Say At A Funeral Body: 1. Geez, what died in here? 2. He looks natural but those shoes do not go with that dress. 3. Nice service...where's the keg? 4. When did he die...really...hey Bob, you won the pool!!! 5. Hey, we're with the Publisher Clearing House Prize Patrol and we're looking for...oh, never mind. 6. Don't look now Fred but you and the deceased have the exact same suit on. 7. You know they touched that body up cause that shark has one of them legs. 8. Not to cause panic or anything but something is leaking out of that casket.

Bad Excuses For Speeding

Bad Excuses For Speeding Body: 1. "This is my tryout for Nascar." 2. "I've got to get back to Amish Country before they realize that I am missing." 3. "That McDonald's offer is for a Limited Time only and buddy, that could run out at ANYTIME!" 4. "I'm trying to rush home for the new Hanson video debut on MTV." 5. "Cause those Gorditas rule." 6. "Uh-Oh..Wapner's on...I'm an excellent driver." 7. "Trying to see how fast a Yugo can go." 8. "Umm..I'm drunk?" 9. "Trying to outrun the radio signal that is playing that lousy Alannis Morisette "Uninvited" song!"
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