56 Year Old
From Los Angeles, CA·
Invited by: Rena·
Joined on September 19, 2007
Born on February 5th
Where my mind, thoughts and beliefs stand:
First and foremost... I'd like to say Hi to all my family members and the circle of friends that are still here amoungst us in the flesh, standing by my side, in my corner and take this brief opportunity to remind you all that I love you from the bottom of my heart.
From Mexico all the way to the bay, I just have one thing to say that'll sum it up in just a few words. "Although We May Not Be Together... Our Hearts Can Take Us There, For Distance Can Never Separate... Hearts That Truly Care".
May God's light shine upon you and allow to grow and develope into becoming more like Him. May He watch over and protect you and your little ones now and forevermore.
To those whom have passed on into the heavens above... you'll always be remembered, for it was you that made our dreams become a reality as well as pave the way through examples of good faith and kind heartedness... that keeps your memory alive.
It's those very same reflections of you that have allowed me to find the strength and courage within myself to overcome the battles, the obstacles and the horrible decision making that I've encountered and sole directed in my life.
Thanks for you love and support but more importantly, for never giving up on me and for lifting me back up when I've fallen. I'm grateful to God to have such a loving and caring family.
I now beleive in myself and find it neccessary in returning the favor to all those that may following the foot prints that I left behind. You can run all your life but in the end, it'll all catch up to you.
Take it from me, I know because I ran for more than 20 years and up until recently... finally came to stop. I was exhausted and headed no where. Should any of you ever need to talk or need some assistance or moral support, call on me anytime. I'll always have time for you.
To those that I may not know personally, I ask that God protect you, your families, including your circle of friends. May you all find love, peace and tranquility within yourselves and those that you truly love and care about.
Perhaps one day, you and I could meet... sit down with complete trust over a hot cup of coffee or mixed drink and tell war stories and how we came out on top, shed a tear or two and laugh our asses off together.
Oh yeah by the way, my name is Felipe but everyone including my mother calls me "Flip" and I'm a 38 year young hispanic "Daddy" of two beautiful boys ages 14 and 6 that is currently involved in a healthy relationship with my bestest friend... my girl, Gladys (Hi Babe!).
I live in the City of Boyle Heights, in sunny Southern California. That's near East L.A. for those that may not know. I enjoy spending quality time with the family and new found love, warm conversations over coffee, long walks on the beach, public displays of affection, wining, dining and dancing.
I find myself to be very down to earth person that has recently made some further progress into becoming the man that my mother raised me to be. I'm still not quite where I want to be in life but I'm making the most of it.
If it weren't for my loving mother, I wouldn't be here today and for that particular reason... I'd like to give a warm and sincere shout out to the woman that brought me into this world and pulled the hell out of my ears, stretching them out to this enormous size, that you now see.
Thank you Mom for all the love and support you've given and provided me! I love you so much, I can't even begin to descibe it! Muah!
I'm an Aquarian which states I'm easy to get along with as well as honorable... (that part just kicked in about 2-3 years ago by the way) - I love to laugh and I enjoy to cry every once in a while. It's good for the soul... not to mention, good for your health.
I've learned alot the hard way and feel blessed to have survived the outcome of some of my poor decision making, nevertheless... here I am, still standing, ever so tall and proud.
I'm far from perfect and I definately have some major obstacles in my life that need to be attended to in order to fully content within myself. I'm drama free and tell it how it is.
I'm cut-throat, blunt, direct and straight to the point. Should you still be curious to know more about me... I've saved the best for last so hit me up for a nice clean chat. Have a great day and may God watch over you all! :c)
56 Year Old
From Los Angeles, CA·
Invited by: Rena·
Joined on September 19, 2007
Born on February 5th