Sitting in my ride watching all you angels go buy, I know I am safe for you are guiding me all the way, the days are long and the nights well there my days for I sleep most in the light and ride in the darkness, but I see my angels and they shine my light so I can see the way, for most I have not met but I know if needed they would not rest till I am safe.
My angels are not hidden for you can see for yourself here on page the ones that speak the most are the ones guiding me day to day, they are the beautiful flowers that grow in your garden, they are the light that lights the day. You can see them by the smile on my face, for when I am down and out they bring me around change my frown to a smile, they warm my heart on the coldest nights, and cover the holes that I am aboout to fall into...
To all my dearest ladies on my page I just want to thank you not for being my friend but becoming an Angel to me....
So now it was Valentines day, I had to work all day and most the night, and none of my angels in site, but I know inside at least I was on there mind, I road around all day tooting my train horns at angels all day making many smile as they slowed to see what was wrong just find me sitting there yelling out my window "Happy Valentines Day". Some just couldnt understand, but then I guess they just dont have much of heart....