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Outlaw X's blog: "first blog ever!"

created on 10/12/2006  |  http://fubar.com/first-blog-ever/b13126

fun and guns

sup folks i shot my first gun today. honestly it was really cool. i fired my dads pistol and his shotgun off. the first thing i notice about the gun range is lot of differnt people where there they were old and young, black and white. all walkes of life shot guns. the other thing i noticed was the staffs had guns.(dare you to hold that shop up) i filled out the gun safty test which what as easy as a highlights magazine wordcross. we started with a the shotgun. when if you don't know a shotgun is cool because its more like a catupulte, you can shot anything out of it. today we used buckshot. the kick of a shotgun is pretty strong, it not as bad if you fire it from your shoulder. Well i didnt shoot it very well i broke the target holder(shot too high) but the more i shot the better i got at shooting it. then we fired the pistol...that was bad. well tv lied , you know how tv has people shooting pistols like its easy. yeah i said it its harded to fire a pistol then a shot gun. i aimed fired. the kick almost knocked me on my but and my aim sucked. all in all i learned alot today, it was very interesting to say the least.

Dr Dre

sup folks, im just her taking care of ash shes very sick and shes been ill for a few days now and she getting better and shes still not over it %100. so im taking care of her to night.

X is back!!!!!

sup folkes long time not see, i been away doing some cool things i have started a new life of sorts. i have a no car but i really doing have to have one around here. well me and ym gril a getting the swing of things. and things are getting alot better.

just perfect

sup folk its been a while, well whats been going on, well its beena months on my own and were doing ok out here. well kinda. bigest thing is about two weeks ago i got a car accedent. long story short, my car lost the fight. well all seemed lost untill ash called told her family about the accedent and her fam came thought they are giving us a car to use. next ash just found a job at a thrif store just down the street from our apartment. in a nut shell we hit a rough pach but were bounceing back from it, and were getting better.

my own place

sup floks, it been a while, all last week and this week i have been moving into my apartment, i have been a week on my own with my gf ashely, so far things are going really good, we have been getting along better then i expected. today she met my family on my moms side, my grandma, and my half brother. so yeah things are only going to get better from here.

super update

sup floks it been a while, well my girl went home on saturday i miss her already, well we had alot of fun togather, she told me she would try to come back on her birthday, i have been working lot this month and i kinda fell out on the socail front, now that im back to human work hours im feeling better. we decide on just getting a two bedroom, our potental roomates arnt looking so stabble right now. im going to countinue looking while she gathers her money and we can set things up, i think it bothered her that i was the only one working. i tryed to talk to a well i don't know what we are anymore, on any given day she ether hates me or loves me, and here the kicker, she don't evern give me time to put my foot in my mouth. frankly i just don't understand why she actting like this. she has everthing she told me she wanted? i just don't get it. im kind mad at myself, i just realized my i knda loset touch with a friend of mine and i need to try to rebuild, but im not sure how to, we tend to have comunicastion issues, we love to eat our own feet. i was told she missed talking to me. all and all things are going really good their not all 100% good, but the negitive is not the point of life it the balenceing act thats the point.


sup folks right now im in roxborogh im no my girls computer. lets see whats been going on with me, well i ended my nightshift week on tues morning, wasn't very good it felt the longest and hardest off all that week, i have been in roxbrough for almost two days, and im loving it, for thous how don't know or have never been, its a small town thats about 45-hours drive from Durham, its mostly farm and factorys most of the lawns are huge, is has this country beauty about it that reminds me of my grandpa's old hores farm, execpt no hores. Ashley's family actually have good size land they have alot of pets including 6 dogs,2 cats and 3 ferrents. i love pets! next time i come back out here ill bring my dog sophie out here for another vist, she loved it the last time she i brounght her out here. well the biggest this i have been doing is trying to take care of ash, she hurt her foot last week and shes been walking with her dad's kane, the only this i don't like about is that she now has a weapen(oh hell no!) i have been hanging with her and a bunch of other friends since she got home, on saturday we saw wild hogs(funny as hell) then marcus, elton ash and me saw the new turtles movie(that was better tst i expected) the best part is we saw the last movie for free. yeaturday we hung out with cheryl and andrew, it was great we talked about the aprt and its looking closer and closer to being a reality, so far i think i might be abile to have a job for ash whento durham permenatly. right now im at a funny point, i keep getting job offers left and right, im actully going to an interveiw tomarrow afternoon, (rock the hell on!! heresgood luck to that. this friday a bunch of us are trying go the carnival that in durham. i havent been there i two years. it should be fun. i can't seem to go to sleep right now, must be pollen, or that my innteral clock is still on over night mode. well its good bc it just gives me a chance to think about how things are going, and what my next move will be. my biggest fear right now is that im going to mess up ashleys life, but i guess thats one of those heathly fears that keep u on ur toes.

super update

sup folks long time no see, lets she was been going on, well for starters im actually moveing in with my gf ashley. right now i have found an awsome place in south durham were not sure if we what to just get a place for our selves or get a room mate/s. so far i have a few in mind including a close friend and her husband i was also told about a place in roxoborugh thats pretty much half payed for. right now i have two jobs amd am waitting for a call back from another. ashely is really exected over it. right now i have two jobs, i work for walgreens, and HP, and i am currently waiting for a on my background check for a job at a local middle school. and not two days ago dell called me about a sales rep job. at walgreens i work in the photo lab and im woking overnight because this walgreens is 24hours thats a rough shift to cover seven days in a row. On the soical front i had two friend pass out on me on the excat same day. my buddy just had a really bad break up. another friend had shrooms slipped into his drink and got skerwed over, i hung out with sarah, we haven't hung out in a whlie, but for the first time in a while she looked happy! the two freinds that passed are recovering, well ones back on her feet not two days after the other is recoving at her bfs houes. i have reconnecting with old freinds also. and i met this really cool person one this cherrytap she is carzy as hell but shes cool. i have been feeling odd lately usually this much stuff going on would make me feel really draind, but thats not the case, its feels like i can do anything right now. like no matter what life thoughs at me i can douged it, beat it or use it to help me. i maybe bacause i feel like im making my own future. or it maybe bacasue of ashley, things just turn out good when she's around. whatcan i say i love her!


princesspaigepjk (11:06:53 AM): u are talking to travis? OutlawXWolfF (11:06:59 AM): yes i am OutlawXWolfF (11:08:05 AM): is that a problem princesspaigepjk (11:08:20 AM): no, just wanted to know why OutlawXWolfF (11:10:34 AM): why wouldn't i princesspaigepjk (11:10:48 AM): why wouldn't u what OutlawXWolfF (11:10:55 AM): talk to him princesspaigepjk (11:11:23 AM): i told you u needed to OutlawXWolfF (11:12:28 AM): it's not what u think princesspaigepjk (11:13:28 AM): i thought i told you my plans OutlawXWolfF (11:14:31 AM): u did princesspaigepjk (11:14:42 AM): then why are you asking travis OutlawXWolfF (11:15:24 AM): why are you so jumpy princesspaigepjk (11:15:34 AM): what do you mean OutlawXWolfF (11:16:05 AM): your actting really nervous or something princesspaigepjk (11:16:24 AM): im not princesspaigepjk (11:16:26 AM): i am fine OutlawXWolfF (11:16:46 AM): right princesspaigepjk (11:17:00 AM): i am! princesspaigepjk (11:18:35 AM): ok what is your issue princesspaigepjk (11:18:40 AM): i want you to talk to him, not freak him out OutlawXWolfF (11:18:53 AM): im not freaking him out OutlawXWolfF (11:19:15 AM): im just asking him about ur trip princesspaigepjk (11:20:04 AM): yea u are OutlawXWolfF (11:20:27 AM): how princesspaigepjk (11:21:26 AM): bc you know what is going on yet you are asking him OutlawXWolfF (11:21:52 AM): u wanted me to talk to him princesspaigepjk (11:22:08 AM): yea OutlawXWolfF (11:22:07 AM): so im talking princesspaigepjk (11:22:09 AM): but still princesspaigepjk (11:22:12 AM): you know what is going on princesspaigepjk (11:22:29 AM): are you trying to get into his head and lay a guilt trip? OutlawXWolfF (11:22:52 AM): no why would u say that OutlawXWolfF (11:23:44 AM): thats what i mena ur being jumpy princesspaigepjk (11:24:50 AM): i am talking to you and travis OutlawXWolfF (11:25:06 AM): i noticed princesspaigepjk (11:27:28 AM): he is a wonderful guy princesspaigepjk (11:27:34 AM): quit trying to scare him away OutlawXWolfF (11:27:38 AM): im not princesspaigepjk (11:27:46 AM): ok OutlawXWolfF (11:27:57 AM): im just talking to him OutlawXWolfF (11:28:05 AM): greez princesspaigepjk (11:28:07 AM): ok princesspaigepjk (11:40:37 AM): so, what are you trying to start over there? OutlawXWolfF (11:40:48 AM): nothing princesspaigepjk (11:42:47 AM): do you like not believe that we love each other OutlawXWolfF (11:45:07 AM): it's just hard for me to beleave thats kinda like how you think me and ashley bare all about sex OutlawXWolfF (11:45:25 AM): are all about sex princesspaigepjk (11:46:43 AM): yea yea princesspaigepjk (11:48:05 AM): i know you really like ashley princesspaigepjk (11:48:11 AM): you just put up with too much shit OutlawXWolfF (11:49:35 AM): like princesspaigepjk (11:50:55 AM): her family princesspaigepjk (11:50:58 AM): her being drunk princesspaigepjk (11:51:04 AM): she fucked with your home life princesspaigepjk (11:51:07 AM): that isn't cool princesspaigepjk (11:51:13 AM): are you telling him about sarah? OutlawXWolfF (11:52:38 AM): g2g princesspaigepjk (11:55:52 AM): ok OutlawXWolfF (2:27:53 PM): back princesspaigepjk (2:33:34 PM): ok princesspaigepjk (2:33:36 PM): what did you do OutlawXWolfF (2:34:04 PM): whats do you mean princesspaigepjk (2:36:51 PM): you left, what did you do OutlawXWolfF (2:37:20 PM): breaks princesspaigepjk (2:38:55 PM): cool OutlawXWolfF (2:39:19 PM): are you better now princesspaigepjk (2:39:40 PM): i am mad at you princesspaigepjk (2:39:42 PM): kindof OutlawXWolfF (2:39:48 PM): y princesspaigepjk (2:41:04 PM): bc of what u said to travis OutlawXWolfF (2:41:40 PM): nothing i said was bad princesspaigepjk (2:49:52 PM): i hope not princesspaigepjk (2:56:15 PM): i love him! princesspaigepjk (2:56:40 PM): he said you most likely didn't know what true love as princesspaigepjk (2:56:42 PM): was OutlawXWolfF (2:59:38 PM): what the fuck OutlawXWolfF (3:01:20 PM): where did he get that from princesspaigepjk (3:01:46 PM): i dont know sweetie princesspaigepjk (3:02:45 PM): i guess it is bc you dont quite understand why we are moving so fast princesspaigepjk (3:02:51 PM): when it is right, it is right OutlawXWolfF (3:10:27 PM): ok? OutlawXWolfF (3:16:16 PM): wtf princesspaigepjk (3:16:26 PM): what OutlawXWolfF (3:17:24 PM): were did he get that from princesspaigepjk (3:17:51 PM): what do you mean OutlawXWolfF (3:20:51 PM): what the hell princesspaigepjk (3:22:03 PM): what do you mean what the hell princesspaigepjk (3:22:07 PM): what do you not understand OutlawXWolfF (3:22:21 PM): were he can say that princesspaigepjk (3:24:13 PM): i said that princesspaigepjk (3:24:20 PM): when you know its right, it is right OutlawXWolfF (3:24:34 PM): i don't know what true love is princesspaigepjk (3:25:27 PM): bc if you knew what it was then you would know why we are doing what we are doing OutlawXWolfF (3:28:00 PM): then how come you cant tell what about each out u love princesspaigepjk (3:28:10 PM): do you know what i mean OutlawXWolfF (3:30:29 PM): no i don't OutlawXWolfF (3:33:29 PM): explain it to me princesspaigepjk (3:34:07 PM): ok what OutlawXWolfF (3:34:28 PM): since i don't know what love is princesspaigepjk (3:34:44 PM): well love is a lot of things princesspaigepjk (3:35:01 PM): its knowing the little stuff about each other princesspaigepjk (3:35:07 PM): like what they like on their pizza OutlawXWolfF (3:35:42 PM): ...... princesspaigepjk (3:35:58 PM): its knowing everything about each other and yet you still love them princesspaigepjk (3:36:14 PM): it is sitting at your desk, and all you do is think about them princesspaigepjk (3:36:35 PM): its knowing that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone princesspaigepjk (3:36:55 PM): love is when you do something crazy, like buy a plane ticket to come get them OutlawXWolfF (3:37:38 PM): sigh princesspaigepjk (3:37:43 PM): A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness princesspaigepjk (3:37:53 PM): A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. princesspaigepjk (3:37:59 PM): why the sigh? OutlawXWolfF (3:38:21 PM): im done princesspaigepjk (3:38:32 PM): with what OutlawXWolfF (3:38:54 PM): i know what love is princesspaigepjk (3:39:11 PM): you do? OutlawXWolfF (3:39:23 PM): what makes u think i don't princesspaigepjk (3:39:36 PM): i dont know princesspaigepjk (3:39:40 PM): just dont think you do princesspaigepjk (3:39:43 PM): you may princesspaigepjk (3:39:49 PM): i hope you do! OutlawXWolfF (3:40:11 PM): and you know more about love then OutlawXWolfF (3:40:15 PM): me princesspaigepjk (3:40:22 PM): yea princesspaigepjk (3:40:26 PM): bc i am living it right now OutlawXWolfF (3:40:40 PM): give me a break princesspaigepjk (3:41:17 PM): what OutlawXWolfF (3:41:53 PM): explain to me why u don't thin i know what love it OutlawXWolfF (3:41:58 PM): is princesspaigepjk (3:42:17 PM): i dont know andre princesspaigepjk (3:42:23 PM): you just dont seem lilke you did OutlawXWolfF (3:42:51 PM): i don't understad you need to rush, things princesspaigepjk (3:43:14 PM): well because i know i love him and want to be with him princesspaigepjk (3:44:03 PM): being away from him is killing me righ tnow OutlawXWolfF (3:44:51 PM): you have a crush princesspaigepjk (3:45:08 PM): no princesspaigepjk (3:45:16 PM): I LOVE HIM OutlawXWolfF (3:45:26 PM): then tell what you love about him princesspaigepjk (3:46:29 PM): i love the way he talks, the way he holds my hand princesspaigepjk (3:46:42 PM): the way he stares at me even when i say dont stare at me princesspaigepjk (3:47:48 PM): i love the way he cooks for me princesspaigepjk (3:48:24 PM): i love the way he makes me feel like the world revolves around me princesspaigepjk (3:49:19 PM): he is so wonderful! princesspaigepjk (3:50:12 PM): where did you go OutlawXWolfF (4:07:51 PM): to walk my dog princesspaigepjk (4:09:16 PM): oh ok princesspaigepjk (4:09:21 PM): you didn't tell me you were going OutlawXWolfF (4:09:37 PM): she was crying princesspaigepjk (4:10:53 PM): awe princesspaigepjk (4:11:21 PM): that is sad OutlawXWolfF (4:11:31 PM): what princesspaigepjk (4:11:42 PM): the dog crying OutlawXWolfF (4:12:26 PM): ok princesspaigepjk (4:12:34 PM): u ok? OutlawXWolfF (4:12:36 PM): no princesspaigepjk (4:13:26 PM): whats wrong OutlawXWolfF (4:14:04 PM): were do you two come off saying i don't know what love is princesspaigepjk (4:14:34 PM): sorry andre OutlawXWolfF (4:14:53 PM): like i don't love asjely OutlawXWolfF (4:15:02 PM): ashely princesspaigepjk (4:15:17 PM): do you andre OutlawXWolfF (4:15:30 PM): what do you think princesspaigepjk (4:15:40 PM): i asked OutlawXWolfF (4:15:49 PM): yes i do princesspaigepjk (4:16:09 PM): ok princesspaigepjk (4:16:13 PM): what do you love about her OutlawXWolfF (4:16:54 PM): her heart, shes honest, she cares about others OutlawXWolfF (4:17:34 PM): she not stuck up or high in her self princesspaigepjk (4:17:39 PM): good OutlawXWolfF (4:18:05 PM): she a goof, and absent minded OutlawXWolfF (4:18:24 PM): she loves to have fun OutlawXWolfF (4:18:53 PM): and makes me a better person OutlawXWolfF (4:19:47 PM): adhd is annyoing but i still love it OutlawXWolfF (4:20:07 PM): and she can have fun doing anything OutlawXWolfF (4:20:37 PM): i can actually trust her OutlawXWolfF (4:22:31 PM): i canntalk to her about anything OutlawXWolfF (4:22:56 PM): and dispite her family she wants to be with me princesspaigepjk (4:24:40 PM): ok ok OutlawXWolfF (4:24:49 PM): and she loves me for me, bad jokes and OutlawXWolfF (4:26:36 PM): everthing OutlawXWolfF (4:27:42 PM): love isn't notseeing anyfaults it's loving them for it princesspaigepjk (4:28:36 PM): GOOD OutlawXWolfF (4:29:01 PM): time proves really love OutlawXWolfF (4:30:13 PM): love is braeking up for two freaking years and picking up were u started from OutlawXWolfF (4:30:27 PM): and it only getting better OutlawXWolfF (4:31:08 PM): love is worring about messing things up because u care about them so much OutlawXWolfF (4:31:51 PM): love is understanding thier needs and makeing room for it OutlawXWolfF (4:32:05 PM): and they do the same for you princesspaigepjk (4:34:12 PM): yea OutlawXWolfF (4:34:33 PM): but you know how i know princesspaigepjk (4:35:27 PM): how OutlawXWolfF (4:36:34 PM): i gave it time to grow, i didn't drop everthing in a wim OutlawXWolfF (4:36:46 PM): i got to know ashely OutlawXWolfF (4:36:57 PM): and everthing about her princesspaigepjk (4:36:59 PM): whatever andre princesspaigepjk (4:37:40 PM): i know travis OutlawXWolfF (4:40:36 PM): not in a month princesspaigepjk (4:41:37 PM): i am not going to argue again princesspaigepjk (4:41:41 PM): i am tired of it OutlawXWolfF (4:45:12 PM): then leave ashely alone princesspaigepjk (4:45:52 PM): i dont like ashley

dog gone

happy holloween, well were back down to one dog now. we learned the homey had some issues, it was haveing sezurs every couple of hours. (not cool) it was really sad to watch. well after alot of work and networking. we found the dogs owner. homey, i mean lulu's owner was sooo happy to see her the lady started crying. so everything is cool.
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