first blackout(i think)?
well my friends it was on a friday (payday)it was hot outside and cool in the bar .gin& tonic was the drink of choice that evening, hell it was the drink of choice that summer .
i was working in a guitar factory about 50 miles from my house ,not so close but not so far (i obviously wasn't within walking distance though)
anyways the thing about guitar factories is just about everyone in them is a musician .and musicians drink a little bit more than your average citizen.
at the time i happened to be carpooling with Sugarbone Johnson(and by carpooling i mean my car didn't work and he drove)so anyways Sugarbone myself and Durantula(K.M.F.D.M.) and some others that i worked with were hangin out at some random bar near where i worked ,needless to say drinking a lil being new to the gin & tonic had no idea what was in store and just got wrecked way too soon.which usually doesn't happen .
the thing about the beloved gin& tonic is it hits you all at once ,i mean one minute you'll be fine and the next you are hammered.and it's a whole different drunk than any other alcohol will give you.
so i decided once i reached that point and after really pissing some people off with my brutal honesty .that i should just go to the car and crash .
this is where the blackout begins !
i get the keys from Sugarbone , go to the car and i decide in my retarded drunken state of mind that it's time to go .so i manage to pull the car out front and go inside to get Sugarbone who is not ready to leave (i totaly forget that i left the car running outside the bar and start pissing more people off (not drinking anymore )but still f'd this point Sugarbone realizes that it's time to go get somethimg other than alcohol in my stomach(good call)
we say our goodbyes and head out for some china buffet .
i walk past the car(which was running on the sidewalk) to where it "was"parked. and of course Sugarbone is standing next to the running car parked on the sidewalk directly in front of he doors to the bar .i'm so f'd up i don't rember leaving the car on the sidewalk running, radio blasting .people who came into the bar literally had to walk around the car ,i had to walk around the car to get to where it was parked and i still didn't realize that it was his car on the sidewalk .i was confused (because the car was not where we parked it )
needless to say Sugarbone wasn't happy and he actually had to explain to me that i was the asshole who left his car on the sidewalk running .i wasn't having any of it and in total denial stated to point out people who were just getting to the bar,and in my total blackout drunken state actually believed that they were probably the ones who moved the car .
i needed to get hit and i did !
Sugarbone clocked me good and i came to me senses .
we decided to get to that china buffet a.s.a.p.
which is a whole other story in itself
to be continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!