I'm one of many "nicks." and "nick-oles." and that's how i roll. and, i don't actually roll, drugs are bad. hah. cherry lifesavers are disgusting. i'm looking at this like... lifesaver thing that's on the desk upstairs, and... it doesn't look too appealing. i like glass. but you can't eat glass. if you do, it leaves a nasty stanky-stank in your mouf. just like when you go to the bathroom and don't spray afterwards. but if you ask me, the spray stuff is t 3h stanky-stank. seriously. i don't like fat people. if i talk to you, chances are, you're not fat. even though i talk to fat people. there's not thing wrong with them i guess, i just felt like putting in something pseudo random. i also use the word "pseudo" a lot. a real lot. i recieved lord of the rings risk like... two years ago for christmas, and i haven't played it once. someone should play it with me. also, i'm trying to raise 100 dollars to get myself a new hard drive for my laptop, my hard drive currently has a crack in it. so. if you could donate a dollar, that'd be pimp shit. i also love the shit out of Jessica Rukstales. one day, her initials will be JLT. kind of like a BLT. Jessica, Lettuce, Tomato. She means a lot to me, and I had to do a lot to get her back. well, sort of. it's meant to be. you never know how much you love someone until you lose them, i guess. shit, i blogged about it, so.
love text