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37 Year Old · Female · From San Marino, San Marino · Joined on July 3, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 23rd · 2 referrals joined!
37 Year Old · Female · From San Marino, San Marino · Joined on July 3, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 23rd · 2 referrals joined!
37 Year Old · Female · From San Marino, San Marino · Joined on July 3, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 23rd · 2 referrals joined!
my sexy boo
snorkeling under ocean world( I told you I used to touch real whale and dolphin when I was young..just my luck in Safari world their training zone;)
Vampire Legend
Witch kraft, white magic for pissed toxic people around you. I never harm any other good heart first if somebody not come to beat me first or stab behind my back like jealousy bitch and I called it kinda son of a bitch's brutal behaviour
Just forgive them cuz somebody can't help was born with rotten unable heart to share their love to other..just like to be faker and hater without reason
I consider them as TRASH for this beautiful world indeed
Psychic knowledge
some language like Italian,French,Portuguese,Japanese,Chinese roots how they create a new vocaburary
different stunning shade of sky or Green light
Stars, Greek Mythology, Astrology, Prediction intelligence, Lost civilization like Maya,Atlantis, Egype..how they're so genious by that era
Brit Pop
Acoustic guitar, Irish Violin sound
Glam Rock,soft rock: Aerosmith, NickelBack, Evanesense, Temptation
Hip Hop: Black Eyed Peas, Timberland, Lil Wayne, Nelly
R&B: BoysIIMen
And so many Brit pop,many up to date track on the TOP chart
Series I adore
Small Ville
One Tree Hills
Called me Earl
Sex and the city
So you think you can dance
WWE smack down/Rawr!!
Concerts: American Idols
Exciting reality show: Man into Wild
Matrial Arts: I focus on Ninja and assasin
For fav sports
>>>>World Cup football tournament<<<<<
Calcio series A
Surfing competition
Figure skating
Latin dance

international movies French, Dutch,Spanish I watched @ll
Romantic Comedy
Cartoon Hero
Epic history
CG fantasy and all awesome delicated animations movies

Titch Nahs Han
Wayne Dyers
Deepak Chopra
JK Krishnamurti
JRR Tolkien
Gospel to the Lord Buddha(at least still 2447 years left for everyone to survive in his Bhodhisaddha era so what are you doing now? Ok What am I doing now just too careless about short life too never think of practice breathing even longer day after tomorrow can be the last breath day for anybody exactly if you believe in what he teaching)
I'm not shallow Ok
you may see me like stupid lamb but I'm truly silent fox by my Aquarious best qualification of being wiseman and respect in human rights mainly
some part in this world people live so hard
if u want to know a bit just go find the DVD "War Dance" that talk about evil Rebel kill native children's parents too
I don't like Iraq situations cuz my favourite glam boy live there Taji Camp
I hate and anti ideas that Korean love eat wild animals organ even they're in danger species
By way some Chinese could show pure merciless torture Dogs,Cats for made their food
No doubt that why they're the only nation that being killed by a lot earthquake, unexplainable diseases by their own prev selfishness(Melamine put in the milks story cos it's molecules just can be fool FDA that's it's protine..How come they're wicked smart like that until they kill a lot of infants in their country too)
Don't worry..God and justice nature force rules try to get rid off all sinners there sooner or later if they're luckyass
include that shameless one who do fetish on kitten's crops/ Shark fins lover amd they just can't live without this kind of deserts
include Canadian Harp seal slaughter who kill the naive creature another days too
they got cursed against feeling bt people 1/3 of all world's populations another days
Just wait and see
Things go around Come around same as Boomerang cos it's a simply universal innocent's protection rules

I may want to join important Organization to change the world like Green peace, Unicef, Cares
or my top ambitious is take part of being movie's role from juvenile novel
my idol is the movie Unfortunately Events
I like the story of Le petit Prince a lot
Original Pinocchio by Carlo Gollodi; Italian
Somebody said world's libery begin in every youngster's heart that not absorb any violent in this world
But hard to fixed it cos it's the truth to show in generally another day that we see by crime and terrorist's news everywhere near or far
Lost all collected human being civilization come from the way we start thinking of personal canibalize rough instincts certainly
Main sins in heart is only triple causes Greediness, Anger, Idiots stucked like Buddha teaching

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