My name is Steve and I've been looking for my mom for many years. I'm 31yr old this year and she will be 49 in October. I think she is either in California, Anaheim area, or Nevada, Reno area. I believe she was born in Iowa or Indiana so I thought she might still be in contact with someone in the area.
Iva Rose Taylor is her maiden name, she goes by Rose, and I believe her current last name is Harper and her husband's name Bruce Max Harper. I believe he goes by Max.
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of either of these two people, please email me so one day I can finally meet my mom.
Thank you for your time.
Please email me at: Please read on.
The story behind this is that my father and mother divorced leaving me with my father’s parents at a very early age. When about 7yrs my father then came and got me. I wasn’t told who my real mother was till later in life. I was told from my father that she was an unfit and unstable mother to care for me and that is why he had it placed in the divorce that she is to have no contact with me. Now I have been actively searching for her for the past 11 or so years and have spent over $2000 in skip traces off of her SSN. I haven’t had very good luck. I’ve gotten a bunch of old addresses but nothing. All the Social Security will tell me is that the SSN is still active and the person is still alive that has it. Now I have called TV shows and no one will help because apparently it wouldn’t bring big ratings because “there isn’t anything exciting” happening in my life to warrant an attempt to reunite loved ones who may have never met but once in life. Now I have asked my family to help and no one claims they can, and my father refuses to help. So here I am, asking all my friends, a passer by, people of the world, a helping hand, and/or just another lost heart for help. Please help me find my mother. I was once asked by an ex-girlfriend a week before Christmas “why do you place finding your mother on the top of any wish list you make?” I gave no answer just turned away because I couldn’t think of anything close to being nice. Two weeks later I left her. Please help me find my mother before this Christmas. I don’t have any money so the best suggestions are the lease expensive.
UPDATE 6/3/07 still looking... nothing new...