Jan 12, 15:02 pm
Hello: my name is Jahb. You most likely wont know who I am—hence my introducing myself. I am also, most likely, from a place you have never heard of: Marmoro. Why I’m writing you I do not know; I was told it might be a good idea to write to someone, whether they be fictional or not. So, I am writing, no reason why or why not, just to give myself something to do—a distraction if you will, from my problems.
Right at this moment I'm not even sure where I should address this to. Whether I should send it somewhere as far as Parman (5,500 m) or closer like Coml (200 m).
Well, I suppose I should say a little about myself. I'm young, 24 standard years. I have many hobbies; I like to ride my uni-pod, mostly just enjoy riding but more recently I've been trying to do more difficult maneuvers such as floaters over various obstacles and spinning off of curbs. I also like to drive my Quadro, which I just got my license to own and operate in general areas. I also like to draw—I've been known to make some interesting comical depictions; one of my favorite character to use is Rusur, a 5’5” creature with brown grey skin, only one lopsided hole for his nose, oval shaped head, short armed and legged, with a long mid section, and olive colored hair that is only along his spine.
Well I think I have written enough for know. I will try to think of an address to send this to and I will send it as soon as possible and only hope for a response.
Yours truly, (whoever you may be)
Jahb Neffore