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created on 10/07/2006  |  http://fubar.com/few-days-off/b11276

Evil Dead (re-make)

No official plot yet, but the original followed a group of friends as they vacationed at a small remote cabin, where they are forced to fend off against each other after they're possessed by evil spirits from within the forest. LATEST NEWS 3/25/06 Original actor and current producer, Bruce Campbell, spoke with Penny Blood Magazine in their latest issue, where he revealed some details on the film. He describes how they don't discuss the project much since producer and original writer/director Sam Raimi is so busy (I.E. Spiderman 3), but from he gathers it'll be with a new group of people that will get affected by the Necronomicon, meaning there wont be an Ash character. He also believes that the goal with this remake is to make good use of today's visual FX and incorporate it into a "scary-ass un-rated horror film." 3/03/05 The man himself Bruce Campbell got to talkin' to a column at comiccon.com called The Beat, where he goes over the remake. Here's what he said: "We're going to do the remake and none of us feel bad about it because it's our own remake. We're not getting some 1970s TV show out of Aaron Spelling's file draw and making a movie. This is our own movie. So we're gonna update it for a new generation with new effects and tell a new story with a new cast. We'll be pulling the strings from behind. And hopefully they'll like it. I don't know when it will come about. It'll take a while to find a director and to write it and get it all set but it's gonna be made". 1/31/05 Producer Rob Tapert spoke again with SciFi about the film and revelead that he and parter Sam Raimi have no one paricularly in mind to helm the film, but do plan to get a cast of relatively unknowns to star in the film. He also went on to say the following: "Because we're not even certain what we're telling, when we get the director that we want aboard we want to craft the best experience under the title and the franchise Evil Dead. It may not necessarily be 'five people go to a cabin,' because that was just done in Cabin Fever. It could be some variation; we have a few tricky ideas up our sleeve that it's probably too early to talk about, but it may be familiar, yet a little different." He also went on to discuss how the film will have a bigger budget than the original, saying: "We'll certainly refine the edges, but it's not a project that demands that money [be] thrown at it. It is a project that probably excels in ingenuity, so we're certainly not going to be making the $50 million Evil Dead. To attract a director who we think will be fun and cool and the audience will think is fun and cool, we may not be able to say, 'Here's $380,000 and a wheelchair for a dolly.' So somewhere in between those extremes, it's really going to be a function of director and story. They will have all the money they need and the tools to tell the story and entertain the audience in an overall fashion, but it's not something that we said we need to go out and get Ashton Kutcher to star in to get the audience to come and see it." 1/26/05 Producer Rob Tapert spoke with SciFi about how original writer/director Sam Raimi got to the point of wanting to produce a remake and also went on to reveal what fans can expect in the new film, saying: "As long as we [Raimi and him] stay true to what was the original model of the first Evil Dead, which was that we want to hurt and punish the audience, then those who love it will be satisfied. We mean to bring that out to a whole new generation in something that honors all of the people that loved it and yet gives them a new and thrilling ride that they weren't expecting. That's the challenge, and hopefully if we succeed that's kind of the glory." DETAILS - The film will supposedly follow a similar theme of a group of people affected by the Necronomicon (possibly in a secluded cabin), but resemblances to the original may stop there. - There will be no Ash character in this film. - Sam Raimi wanted to use the cabin that they used in the original film, but couldn't due to the fact that it burnt down many years ago. - Raimi has said that he would rather not have Bruce in the film, but rather be in the sequel. - Sam Raimi will not be directing, instead he will be looking for a new director to "reinvent" the film after a script is written. - Produced by original writer/director Sam Raimi and original producing partners Rob Tapert and Bruce Campbell. - A remake of the classic low-budget 1981 film.


28 WEEKS LATER Six months after the events of the first film, Britain has been abandoned, and the Americans attempt to reintroduce life back in the country, but something goes wrong. 2002 MANIACS: BEVERLY HELLBILLIES After the sheriff refuses to cover up any further for the maniacs causing all the missing persons in the area, they're forced to hit the road in what's dubbed the "Pleasant Valley Traveling Road Show." where the maniacs head across country in hopes of gathering more victims. We'll follow a young TV crew called the "Road Rascals" as they find themselves mixed up with another one of the maniacs' deadly festivals. BOOGEYMAN 2 No official plot yet, but the first film told the story of a young man who goes to his childhood home to face his fears of the boogeyman head on. BUBBA NOSFERATU (PREQUEL) No official plot yet, but it's said the King will be in his 30s as he dabbles in the world of black magic and voodoo. CANDYMAN 4 Set in New England in an all-girls college where a professor there is a descendant of Candyman, yet she doesn't know who or what he is. CONSTANTINE 2 (IN TALKS) No official plot yet. CREEPSHOW 3 No official plot yet. DAWN OF THE DEAD 2 (IN TALKS) No official plot yet. DAY OF THE DEAD (REMAKE) No official plot yet. DOG SOLDIERS: FRESH MEAT Picks up after the first film left off. No official plot yet. EVIL DEAD IV (IN TALKS) No official plot yet. THE GRUDGE 2 No official plot yet, but it follows Karen Davis' younger sister and a group of unrelated other characters. HELLBOY 2: THE GOLDEN ARMY No official plot yet. THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2 It's said that the story will follow a group of National Guard "screw-ups," who encounter the mutants on their last day of training in the desert. HOSTEL 2 It's said to follow three female college students as they're in Italy studying, only to get lured into a similar place from the first film. LAND OF THE DEAD 2 (IN TALKS) The film would follow the surviving characters from the previous film on their journey north. LOVE AT SECOND BITE The film takes place 25 years after the events of the first film, centering on Dracula's Americanized son, who has rejected his family's heritage and is getting married to a human. Trouble ensues when he learns that his vampire relatives are coming to America for the wedding. THE MOTHER OF TEARS No official plot yet, but it will be a quoted "tale of witches and suicide". MY BLOODY VALENTINE 2 No plot yet. PUMPKINHEAD: ASHES TO ASHES The story centers around Doc Frasier an eccentric small-town physician with a sideline in unauthorized organ donation. PUMPKINHEAD: BLOOD FUED No plot yet, but it's said that it'll be a dark comic tale modeled after the old story of Romeo and Juliet, with the lovable Pumpkinhead as our dear Romeo. RESIDENT EVIL: EXTINCTION The story follows Alice and she's on the run with a new group of humans, leading a caravan that's cutting through the Nevada desert on a long trek to Alaska. Hunted by the minions of the perpetually scheming Dr. Isaacs, Alice has zombies hungry for her flesh and lab rats hungry for her blood -- while Alice herself is hungry for only one thing: revenge. RESIDENT EVIL 4 No official plot yet. RETURN TO HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL No official plot yet, but it's said to follow a new group of people as they visit the house. RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP Ronnie (Paul DeAngelo), now a co-owner of a new Camp becomes very suspicious when kids and camp staff begin falling victims to gruesome "accidents" again. Ronnie can't seem to shake what happened 20 years ago at Camp Arawak and with good reason. THE RING 3 No official plot yet. SAW 3 Jigsaw has disappeared. With his new apprentice Amanda (Shawnee Smith), the puppet-master behind the cruel, intricate games that have terrified a community and baffled police has once again eluded capture and vanished. While city detectives scramble to locate him, Doctor Lynn Denlon (Bahar Soomekh) is unaware that she is about to become the latest pawn on his vicious chessboard. SCREAM 4 No official plot yet. STIR OF ECHOES: THE DEAD SPEAK The story follows a soldier who returns home from a tour of duty in Iraq only to be haunted by visions of the dead. STRANGELAND: DISCIPLE No plot yet. TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE BEGINNING (PREQUEL) On one last road trip before they're sent to serve in Vietnam, two friends and their girlfriends get into an accident that calls their local sheriff to the scene. Thus begins a terrifying experience where the teens are taken to a secluded house of horrors, where a young, would-be killer is being nurtured. UNDERWORLD 3 (PREQUEL) Plot is currently not known. URBAN LEGENDS: GOLDFIELD MURDERS No official plot yet, but it's said to revolve around a parapsychology major and her four friends, who visit a legendary haunted hotel in hopes of getting video footage for her thesis. WHEN A STRANGER RETURNS (REMAKE) No official plot yet, but the original told the story of similar events of the first movie happening to a new girl, and the victim from the first film is now aiding the new girl with the help of a retired cop that also worked on the original case back in '79. WHITE NOISE 2: THE LIGHT The story follows a man whose family is murdered and who himself is brought back from the brink of death. He soon discovers that he now has the ability to identify people who are about to die, and begins saving them from their demises—only to discover the perils of interrupting death’s plans. WRONG TURN 2 The story supposedly revolves around "Ma" and "Pa," the bro/sis inbred parents who spawned the deformed bros. from the first film. In this movie a group of contestants in a Survivor-style reality show are forced to fend against the inbreds while attempting to brave their way through the heavily-wooded area. YOUNG HANNIBAL (PREQUEL) Follows the serial killer Hannibal Lecter from his childhood in Lithuania through a period in Paris in his teens to his arrival in the US.

upcoming horror

Here is a few movies that are scheduled to be made soon, some remakes, some prequals.. etc.
01 Saw 3 02 Friday the 13th 03 Resident Evil: Extinction 04 Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning 05 Halloween 9 06 Wrong Turn 2 07 The Hills Have Eyes 2 08 Day of the Dead 09 The Grudge 2 10 Underworld 3
want some more?? i have lots let me know

fun fun fun

hey there again, well who wants to have fun and vote for king and queen? cant go wrong, its fun and there are heaps of contestants in, have a look at the link below's pics, they are in there under king and queen folders respecfully lol
Contest Duo

@ LostCherry

texas chainsaw review

What do you get when you watch a rehash of a remake? The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. Truly lacking in originality, this prequel to the 2003 remake is everything that its predecessor was not: plodding, uninspired, gratuitously violent and just all-around disgusting. That's not to say that the two films -- and, in fact, the 1974 masterpiece that started it all -- do not share some of these qualities, which in some measures can prove effective. But TCM: The Beginning stands out more as an example of the current trend in horror -- unrelenting and not frightening brutality -- rather than the next-gen installment of a more than 30 year-old franchise. The film follows the increasingly formulaic tradition of horror movies made at New Line where the villains rather than the victims are the focal point of the story. As with Freddy in the Nightmare on Elm Street series or Death itself in the Final Destination films, the storytellers are far less interested in who inhabits the "innocent" roles than what can later be done (via the bad guy) with their still-warm bodies. In fact, this prequel might better have been titled The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Motivations For Doing Stuff, since the dialogue serves to overly explain why the killers, victims and even passersby are performing their designated tasks. However, their actual motivations are almost completely unimportant: Jordana Brewster, Diora Baird, Matthew Bomer and Taylor Handley are the intended victims. R. Lee Ermey, Terrance Evans and Marietta March are the facilitators of their demise. And as Leatherface, Andrew Bryniarski is the big, blunt instrument that brings all of them together. The time is 1969, five years before the first film happened, though the art director seems to have taken this as a cue to fulfill only the demands of current fashion trends; these are not people who look or sound like anyone but the hottest young stars this side of West Hollywood. Subsequently, beautiful heads are bashed in, bodies are chopped up, and friends and family are dismembered. The initial problem with the movie is that it is structured almost identically to the original film, which makes it a copy of a copy. Clever though it may have outwardly seemed, enlisting John Laroquette to deliver a straight-faced introduction does not accomplish more than reminding the audience that they're watching a sequel, and a particularly derivative one at that. But "explaining" Leatherface was a bad decision in the first film, and expanding that background to include his kin is a catastrophic miscalculation this time around. Rather than seeing them as creepy, inhuman monsters, they're perceived as savvy bumpkins -- the kind of back woods folk who are not only well-versed in what city slickers do and think, but evidently know how to creep around with the precise timing of, well, crazed horror movie murderers. In addition, the film relies on a convergence of some highly improbable circumstances. The reason the kids find themselves in dire straits is not because they screw each other (per the rules of most slasher movies) or otherwise mouth off to the wrong person, but because they are being robbed by a lone female biker when they run into a cow with their jeep and crash spectacularly. Screenwriter Sheldon Turner adds insult to injury when he makes the "victims," and in particular Brewster's character, dumber than just about any horror heroine in the genre's history. Whether he felt that these characters were comparatively inexperienced since the film was set in '69 or just assumed audiences wouldn't mind that Brewster was dumb as a post, he does the film a disservice by creating characters who are only victims -- i.e. so unsympathetic we don't care whether they live or die. Ultimately, the film's biggest problem is not its story or characters, but rather its concession to the style of horror movies on the market today. Its predecessor arrived at a time when the truly gross movies weren't being made; since then the likes of Hostel and The Hills Have Eyes have come out -- two films of an increasing number that focus on the blood and guts rather than scaring the crap out of a crowd. Turner and director Jonathan Liebesman try to raise the bar -- or lower it depending on your point of view -- by documenting the brutality, and all but forgoing the truly frightening moments. So while those punctuative riffs from the first film may have returned to accent certain scary scenes, they feel forced, and ultimately, false when exploited here. Of course, if you want to get sick while watching a movie or vicariously suffer the tortures of the damned, then this might be the film for you. But if you do want to see those things, you've probably already caught them in the aforementioned movies, or even Jackass: Number Two, which at least leavens the discomfort with humor. There is truly nothing to enjoy about Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, from its disappointingly unoriginal opening to the absurdly violent, equally disappointing cop-out ending. And honestly, if you're going to make a movie about cannibals, at least have the decency not to cannibalize yourself in the process -- especially when all of the really meaty parts were already used up the first time around.

condom's in the car

True story, I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my girlfriend? She was a dream! There was only one thing bothering me, very much indeed, and that one thing was her younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty years of age, wore tight mini skirts and low cut blouses. She would regularly bend down when near me and I got many a pleasant view of her underwear. It had to be deliberate. She never did it when she was near anyone else. One day little sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived. She whispered to me that soon I was to be married, and she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome and didn't really want to overcome. She told me that she wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. I was in total shock and couldn't say a word. She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want to go ahead with it just come up and get me." I was stunned. I was frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. When she reached the top she pulled down her panties and threw them down the stairs at me. I stood there for a moment, then turned and went straight to the front door. I opened the door and stepped out of the house. I walked straight towards my car. My future father-in-law was standing outside. With tears in his eyes he hugged me and said, "We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family. "The moral of this story is:" "Always keep your condoms in your car."

king of lc contest

Hello my friends, i have been put in the contest for king of lc, if you would like too vote for me its in the link belows photo's, thanks in advance if you are gonna vote me hehe, kk have a nice day. Its in his photo's, album named "king of lc" Contest Duo

@ LostCherry


FBI The following is a direct quote from the Center for Strategic and International Studies report on GLOBAL ORGANIZED CRIME; the author who introduces the story swears it's true. FBI agents conducted a raid of a psychiatric hospital in San Diego that was under investigation for medical insurance fraud. After hours of reviewing thousands of medical records, the dozens of agents had worked up quite an appetite. The agent in charge of the investigation called a nearby pizza parlor with delivery service to order a quick dinner for his colleagues. The following telephone conversation took place and was recorded by the FBI because they were taping all conversations at the hospital. Agent: Hello. I would like to order 19 large pizzas and 67 cans of soda. Pizza Man: And where would you like them delivered? Agent: We're over at the psychiatric hospital. Pizza Man: The psychiatric hospital? Agent: That's right. I'm an FBI agent. Pizza Man: You're an FBI agent? Agent: That's correct. Just about everybody here is. Pizza Man: And you're at the psychiatric hospital? Agent: That's correct. And make sure you don't go through the front (go) to the service entrance to deliver the pizzas. Pizza Man: And you say you're all FBI agents? Agent: That's right. How soon can you have them here? Pizza Man: And everyone at the psychiatric hospital is an FBI agent? Agent: That's right. We've been here all day and we're starving. Pizza Man: How are you going to pay for all of this? Agent: I have my checkbook right here. Pizza Man: And you're all FBI agents? Agent: That's right. Everyone here is an FBI agent. Can you remember to bring the pizzas and sodas to the service entrance in the rear? We have the front doors locked. Pizza Man: I don't think so. Click.


Hi everyone, i havent been on in a very long time, been too busy with work, though i have a week off now so i'm popping on too say hi, jee lots of stuff has changed on here, all looks good, hope all is well with everyone and its glad too be back and finally have a rest lol.
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