All I can say is WOW!
I went to the big apple last night to see some friends play a showcase for some label execs. As per the boys in VOX tore it up in a bad way!
The label dudes were quite impressed to say the least.
I hope they get signed, all I can say is look out for this band VOX (Voices of Extreme) they've got a unique sound all their own.
As far as the traffic goes all I can say is holy shit, I have never seen anything quite like it, a sea of frikken yellow (taxis) and talk about impatient???
Damn, and it's sooooo easy to get lost there too, for every building looks the same!
I do not suggest driving here if you cannot handle's too nuts to say the least.
Well I am going to end this blog, and it was a good time for sure, a much needed time out of my element, I am tired but feeling pretty damn good.
Til next time,
Peace and Love...