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What are you waiting for?

Even though the baby is coming along fine, growing and moving like he should his amniotic fluids have dropped to 5% and his mother's liver isn't functioning properly anymore. It appears that she has started to get jaundice because her skin is getting that yellow tone to it. She is now 33wks and just had her DR app't today and will go back on Mon to get a biophysical done again and hopefully IF the baby is needed to be delivered early then the DR will do it instead of waiting until it's too late like he did with poor Dominik. Iam asking that people keep this baby in their thoughts and pray for his safe arrival even if he does come early. My family cannot suffer another loss like we just had with Dominik.
I know with this baby contest going on right now that alot of you have other things to worry about but I gotta say, this guy by far is the best! lol This is Dominiks baby brother and I know he is going to be smiling down on heaven and will protect this child. For those who are unsure about who Dominik is. He was my nephew that was still born in Oct/05 of a blood clot that entered the cord and slowly killed him. He needs a name though his father is Anthony and 2 grandfathers are Ronald and Jame. Any suggestions? Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Look at that cute little foot hehe And here is Dominik! RIP baby boy. Aunt Angie loves you! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Trying this again!

Ok so seeing how my incredible idea of having a kids musical contest was a flop and a dude is trying to steal my idea. I am going to hold a baby contest! This is very simple folks, I know you’s can handle it! I know alot of you have a baby and have pics up of them so send them my way and lets get them noticed! Obviously there is no way of knowing for sure how old the baby actually is today so I am allowing ANY baby pics of a child NO OLDER THAN TWO YEARS OLD! Which means the child could be an adult now but if they have a pic of age 2 or under, enter them! The prizes are the same as the last contest that didn’t happen Grand Prize - 3 day blast thanks to Razz O.T.S. First Place Girl - very nice big pimpin gift First Place Boy – very nice big pimpin gift Please note : The grand prize winner will not win the first place too. The first place will be rewarded to the next runner up boy or girl whatever the case may be. Pics are to be in by Friday April 13th at 4:00pm est (1pm for west coast folks) Send me a private message with the link to where I can rip your pic. Also include the name and age of the child so it can be posted with the pic during the contest. Shortly after 4pm on Friday is when I'll post a bulletin containing all the pics and then the voting shall begin! Contest ends Thursday April 19th at 11pm est PICS WILL BE DELETED AFTER THE CONTEST IS TOTALLY FINISHED AND WINNERS HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED! No this isn’t one of the contests where the host benefits. Racking up points mean nothing to me which is why I have no problems deleting it all when it is over. წРσçħãßąБỳწ (ẄР₣)

@ CherryTAP Please repost this and get the word out. Any questions feel free to contact me!

Well hi again!

Ive finally decided to reload my page. I missed you guys too damn much and Im talking about my FRIENDS not the site as a whole lol. I just found out yesterday that Iam going to be trying to be an Aunt yet again. Thats right, precious Dominik is going to be a big brother and I know he'll be looking down proudly and protecting his baby brother or sister (hopefully sister lol) Needless to say, the fear of having the same outcome is almost over whelming but its in God's hands and hopefully the DR will do right by them this time. Well this is my short and sweet blog


Well just thought I'd stop in and let those who care know whats going on in my life these days since Ive "almost fully" left CT. Well....not awhole lot lol I did meet a really nice guy who wanted a relationship so after some thought, I agreed to it. That lasted 48hrs lmao and boy do I miss his wanker.......geeeeezzzzuuuusssssssss We're supposed to "talk" later so we'll see what happens with that. Ive been exhausted both myself and my bank account with this Christmas shopping crap. AND I wanna know when Mr. Claus is gonna pay me back for all the money I've spent over the years. He's starting to remind me of my kids dead beat fathers lol. For those who dont know, I do stop in still to yap and reply but thats all. I havent forgotten any of you and miss yous all ALOT! Hope you all have a terrific holiday season!!
There are many that feel that you should just ignore the whole racism thing for whatever reasons that may be, but to do that is a huge mistake and I'll say that til the day I die! NOTHING that they say makes any sense or is of any truth and I think that there are some that realize that too. Things they've learnt maybe written in THEIR books but not in anyone elses and theres a reason for that. That would be that because there's no real truth to it. I dont go for the whole "poor me or us" doesnt fly with me at all and I dont care what colour you are. Ive heard it from my ex and now again tonight and all it is is a crutch. Regardless of your skin you should be able to stand strong for who you are and never bash someone because theyre not like you! It's no different than a disabled child, would you bash them because they dont look like your child? thats basically how it is. I had a very interesting chat earlier this evening with a man who is on a mission to "preserve the white race". There were no harsh words, names or anything bad tossed back and forth. Sharing facts on each of our beliefs was all. His argument was that within 5-6 generations that the white race would be extinct but I dont see that happening at all. Whites are now becoming a minority and maybe thats the problem because its not what they've been used to and they dont like how the tables have turned. Dish it but they cant take it maybe?? I told him that what he needed to do was gather up a bunch of his white friends and have them start popping out a bunch of babies in order to preserve the white race and he said thats what he's trying to do. Sure glad Im not eligible for that baby popping mission lmao It ended off that neither of us held a grudge for what colour(s) the other person was and agreed that there is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are and teaching your kids the same thing. If people want to stick to their own, thats totally their buisness but dont ever shove it down someones throat because they dont look like you do or share your beliefs. I doubt that he will ever talk to me again especially now that he knows he had a civil chat with a mixed girl with very mixed race kids but thats his loss.
Ok maybe I didn't make myself clear enough in that last blog, although Im pretty sure I did. Let me spell it out again for those who still dont get it! RACISM IS WRONG FOR ANYONE, ANY COLOUR!!! Like I also said, you broadcast your beliefs in a bad or offensive way, others may get pissed with that and retaliate. As for the race mixing omg lol How far into your family tree do you know? Any body in your family sleep with a slave or native in their travels way back? Now lets stop and think of the possibilties of why North America might have mixed races in it, shall we? Hmmm where to being....Ok Natives are here first, land stolen, raped and killed and forced to live on reserves. Africans stolen and made as slaves. Being brutally raped at any age by their masters or whoever needed to get some at the time. During that process many babies were conceived to 2 different raced parents. Both Presidents Jefferson and Jackson had mixed offspring from Slaves. Who created the whole race mixing in the first place? Whites did so dont blame anyone but those who started it, not the ones who live today! It's not the the White race is going extinct by racial mixing, thats retarded. It's about all the races multiplying, mixed raced people are hardly anything to worry about! Ok now how about that infamous Hitler. He was a nobody growing up. His mother was Jewish and he only started power tripping in his teens and like Sadam terrified people into seeing things his way. The trusted swastica symbol is Egyptian, not a WHITE symbol at all and the Nazi's gave it a bad name. He was a coward because when the war overwelmed him and he knew his time was up he took his wife Eva and trusted friends, including children (who puts their own children to death?) and they commited suicide instead of fighting on for what they believed so strongly in. So basically he didnt die any kind of hero, he died a punk. I know what being attacked by a freak is all about, just had it done a few days ago. Being attacked sucks and there's no reason for it at all. Even though I did block him, Iam still fighting that issue and wont stop until it's resolved in him being deleted cause thats what anyone shows NSFW on their page is supposed to get, right?

My Two Cents For The Day!

I still dont get it, guess I never will. I still have no intentions on reloading my page. I did stop by the fool's page last night to see what wonderful greeting he had that shouldnt be allowed this time (guess he's an exception to the no offensive stuff rule) and was very happy to see that his being bothered by people who were on my side was showing and thats just awesome! I also read a very interesting bulletin last night about a white girl being attacked by a black girl and how she was blocked when she went to fight back. I think if people dont want to receive that negative attention on their beliefs shouldnt be broadcasting it anyways. Besides that, when you have those beliefs there wont be many who agree with you anyways regardless of where you come from! Everyone has the right to be proud of who they are and to have the "marry into your own" belief, I however dont! I encourage racial mixing, look at my kids and I! Oh wait....you's cant lol Well I shouldnt say encourage it but definetly to keep an open mind to it because you just never know.... Im still waiting for someone to come with me with an issue on my previous blogs regarding this but no one really has. Thats probably a good thing though cause they better be bringing real truthful and undebatable facts with them when they do. Ok its time for me to go fill my face and find something more productive to do.

What is acceptable?

They call this an "online nightclub" but because it is "online" the only thing really unacceptable is nudity/sexuality in public veiwing areas. Forget about the saftey of the members because after all, theyre just a number in the ever growing population! If you have a "dispute" regardless of its severity, you are expected to only block that person and rid yourself of that trouble but enable that person to move on and torment someone else. WTF is wrong with that picture? I think the priorities are severly messed up around here, people are more worried about how "clean" the site is so that it looks pretty than safety! There is no damn way that a girl would be attack by a guy in a real night club and just told "ignore it", his ass would be tossed out and you all know it! Blocking does NOTHING!! Except for maybe the person blocking but the damage has already been done. You's think that because this is such a great place where everyone is so "loving" that this stuff couldnt happen to its "members" off site? You are sadly mistaken if you do, pay closer attention to your news and not your rating for a change! Obviously, very few of you are bothered that both Ray (only1jupiter) and I have deleted our pics and thats just sad. When the hell are people gonna grow the guts needed to do the right thing? Iam not saying to delete your pics/accounts, Im saying to stand up for whats right and not juse smile and nod about it with a friendly little message. I really dont care who gets mad for me constantly posting these things. How can you be mad at someone who is strong enough to fight for whats right and not afraid to go against a ton of people to do it? Delete me, forbid me from going on this site because I wont keep my mouth shut. What would that say then? Maybe I should put my private parts on my display pic or my default, would you's pay attention then? NO you'd delete me for going against rules but keep the law breakers or did you forget that death threats are against the law! For the ones that have messaged me with the infamous "sorry to see you go, you will be missed, just ignore it" Too many bad things happen from issues that go ignored, remember that! Walking away and ignoring does not solve anything, it just passes it onto someone else or causes it to be worse! I didn't need to be told multiple times to block that fool, I did it on my own shortly after it happend but then hearing that I wasnt the first he did this to, tells me I wont be the last.....
I may not have near as many referrals as others but I have brought a few to this site and I would hope that those same people would follow my step in deleted their pages! It is very disgusting that CT members are more bothered over that prick that attacked me last night than the people that are supposed to be there for you. To see that nothing has or will be done about him is a huge slap in the face, not like I didnt hear it enough from him last night...NO this is not directed to the person that I contacted either, this is directed to the people that should actually be doing something about it. I have blocked him but that wont stop him, he will do that to someone else because I know that Iam not the first. So then what? How is deleting a FAKE account worse than someone telling aperson that they dont even know that they will cut off their head and eat their flesh?? Being ignored when you need help with points or whatever is hurtful but to be ignored by people that can actually do something about this issue is a kick in the guts and I will not tolerate it. As of tonight my page will be gone and CT can keep its Hitler loving cannibal! For those who want to contact me off site and dont have that info can message me for it.
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