I am so fed up with ignorant ass people... 20 mins ago I had some lil punk ass White Power bitch hit me up in my SB with this, So, Your Native huh? I replied with Yup, Sure am. To which he proceeded with the following; You do know that you are a decendant from a bunch of Dirty, fucked in the head, cannible, pieces of shit savages right? So now Im pissed and I clear my SB and now just feel like doing something to ruin every white power skinheads day, I think about my heritage and about how I as a decendent of such beautiful people and about how proud I am as an "indian" ohhh I said it and you know what? I dont care about people using that word, But to go as far and to call my people savages... I must admit, it hurts more than you even know. I feel right now that I am proud to be Native but maybe not proud enough so to all you lil back woods skinheads I say this...