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41 Year Old · Female · Joined on October 6, 2007 · Born on April 3rd · I have a crush on someone!
41 Year Old · Female · Joined on October 6, 2007 · Born on April 3rd · I have a crush on someone!

The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color::light blue
Hair Color::brown
Height::5foot5 short ass
Favorite Color::pink
Screen Name::falling star
Favorite Band::gott be at the moment hinder and daughtery and micheal bubble tracey chapman
Favorite Movie::gotta be gost and dirty danceing of course
Favorite Show::charmed of course
Your Car::none exsistant
Your Hometown::england
Your Present Town::yorkshire
Your Crushes First Name::hmmmmmmm yeah right there a few sweet guys on here wink wink
Your Grade::
Your Style::my style is me
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?:noooooo way to high
Kissed someone in the rain?:of course i have
Danced in a public place?:lol yeah a few times and dose tables count
Smiled for no reason?:smileing now lol
Laughed so hard you cried?:lol yeah when some one tickeles me and when i watch little man
Peed your pants after age 8?:noooooooooo wayyyy that grose
Written a song?:ermmmmmmmm nope
Sang to someone for no reason?:of course i love singing
Performed on a stage?:yes i was on tv at school in a dance compertion and came 1st place
Talked to someone you don't know?:lol yeah because im strange like that lol
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?:too many times
Made out in a theatre?:noooo
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?:lol no would fall on my ass
Been in love?:once broke my heart tho
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?:my sister in law
Tell you, I love you?:my son
Kiss you?:my son when he gose to sleep
Hug you?:my boy
Tell you BYE?:my boy
Write you a note?:ermmmmmmm probley my frist love telling me he dont want me no more lol
Take your photo?:my sister
Call your cell phone?:my sister
Buy you something?:myself
Go with you to the movies?:havent been in a while why pay when u can get them off the net
Sing to you?:myself lol
Write a poem about you?:lol yeah right
Text message you?:my sister
Touch you?:my partner
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?:2:43 on the 9th october 2007 doing this damnservy lol
Time you cried?:about a month ago
Movie you watched?:wrong turn 2
Joke you told?:im shit at jokes always get them wrong
Song you've sang?:daughtery and hinder
Time you've looked at the clock?:just now 2:44am
Drink you've had?:tea tetley tea lol
Number you've dialed?:my sister dont be nosey
Book you've read?:ermmmmmmm lol pass
Food you've eaten?:chicken
Flavor of gum chewed?:sperimint
Shoes you've worn?:my confie shoes lol
Store you've been in?:hmmmm morrisions
Thing you've said?:good night babe
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?:now
Whistle?:pass lol
Blow a bubble?:yesterday with my niece
Roll your tounge in a circle?:just now lol sad
Cross your eyes?:cant so it lool just tried
Touch your tounge to your nose?:cant reach tonuge to little
Stay up a whole night without sleep?:many moons ago getting old now lol
Speak a different language?:ermmmmmmm yeah
Impersonate someone?:lol
Prank call people?:lol all the time
Make a card pyramid?:today
Cook anything?:today for my sons
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...:the ideal woman i would change
I wish ...:to have happeyness love and friendship
So many people don't know that ...:im a fruit loom lol
I am ...:kind to soft hearted so i have been told can also be a right bitch too
My heart is ...:in me and my heart is what majes me
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41 Year Old · Female · Joined on October 6, 2007 · Born on April 3rd · I have a crush on someone!

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