please come join us and tell em sunshinebaby invited ya - huggggggggz We are also hiring - We are looking for DJ's Greeters and promoters and many more !!!! Please come join our family !!!!
We stopped by and Rated your profileIf you would be so kind to take a minute and rate usWe would be most appreciativeFeel free to fan and friend us alsoWe return ALL Luv!!!Hope you have a great day!!!Dave & Lori Check out Fusion Radio when you get a chance!!Just Click the Pic to enter!!
This should probably be taped to yourbathroom mirror where one could readit everyday. You may not realize it,but it's 100% true.1. There are at least two people inthis world that you would die for.2. At least 15 people in this worldlove you in some way.3. The only reason anyone would everhate you is because they want to bejust like you.4. A smile from you can bringhappiness to anyone, even if theydon't like you.5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks aboutyou before they go to sleep.6. You mean the world to someone.7. You are special and unique.8. Someone that you don't even knowexists loves you.9. When you make the biggest mistakeever, something good comes from it.10. When you think the world hasturned its back on you take anotherlook.11. Always remember the complimentsyou received. Forget about the ruderemarks.So........... If you are a lovingfriend, send this to everyone,including the one that sent it to you.If you get it back, then they reallydo love you.And always remember.... when lifehands you Lemons, ask for tequila andsalt,and call me over!Good friends are like stars........Youdon't always see them, but you knowthey are always there."Whenever God Closes One Door HeAlways Opens Another, Even ThoughSometimes It's Hell in the Hallway"I would rather have one rose and akind word from a friend while I'm herethan a whole truck load when I'm gone.RETURN TO SENDERForward to all your friends, includingme. ! And don't tell me you're toobusy for this. Don't you know thephrase"stop and smell the flowers"?See how many"bouquets" you end upwith!
One Sentence is Enough to Break a Heart……One Second is Enough to Fallin Love……and One Misunderstanding is Sufficient to Break Friendship.Friendship is the Rainbow Between to Hearts. Sharing 7 CharactersFirst i like u, then i loved u, Now i'm afraid to lose u, If you dontsend this to everyone on ur list, u will lose the person you love.sorry i dont wanna lose the person ilove...................................................................................................if i dont get this back i guess yournot my friend. if u have a lot of love 4 someone... copy and send this2 ur whole buddy 5 min. ur true loveOnline friends are people we may never meet.... We see pictures, wesee cams...It isn't the same.... We grow close...We care and love oneanother.... One day we may not hear from one another.... Our heartswill break... All we see is a name on messenger but the person wedon't see anymore..... We pray....."Please come back".... All I ask isyou remember me in the good times we had..... Keep me close to yourheart....Friends forever... Pass this on to all your friends....If Iget it back.... I know you
One Sentence is Enough to Break a Heart……One Second is Enough to Fallin Love……and One Misunderstanding is Sufficient to Break Friendship.Friendship is the Rainbow Between to Hearts. Sharing 7 CharactersFirst i like u, then i loved u, Now i'm afraid to lose u, If you dontsend this to everyone on ur list, u will lose the person you love.sorry i dont wanna lose the person ilove...................................................................................................if i dont get this back i guess yournot my friend. if u have a lot of love 4 someone... copy and send this2 ur whole buddy 5 min. ur true loveOnline friends are people we may never meet.... We see pictures, wesee cams...It isn't the same.... We grow close...We care and love oneanother.... One day we may not hear from one another.... Our heartswill break... All we see is a name on messenger but the person wedon't see anymore..... We pray....."Please come back".... All I ask isyou remember me in the good times we had..... Keep me close to yourheart....Friends forever... Pass this on to all your friends....If Iget it back.... I know you
One Sentence is Enough to Break a Heart……One Second is Enough to Fallin Love……and One Misunderstanding is Sufficient to Break Friendship.Friendship is the Rainbow Between to Hearts. Sharing 7 CharactersFirst i like u, then i loved u, Now i'm afraid to lose u, If you dontsend this to everyone on ur list, u will lose the person you love.sorry i dont wanna lose the person ilove...................................................................................................if i dont get this back i guess yournot my friend. if u have a lot of love 4 someone... copy and send this2 ur whole buddy 5 min. ur true loveOnline friends are people we may never meet.... We see pictures, wesee cams...It isn't the same.... We grow close...We care and love oneanother.... One day we may not hear from one another.... Our heartswill break... All we see is a name on messenger but the person wedon't see anymore..... We pray....."Please come back".... All I ask isyou remember me in the good times we had..... Keep me close to yourheart....Friends forever... Pass this on to all your friends....If Iget it back.... I know you