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Fu user ID Temporary

 this person hit me up when i ran my god mode on monday
 he left a comment for me today friday...
 I returned it saying  *** have a nice day hun...
 this was copied from  my sb just after i left a comment for him
Temporary: the name isnt Hun...
To Temporary: sorry ...
To Temporary: Im dyslexic and I have a tendencey to type what I know ...
Temporary: what I know is you are not the first female here to suck up to me this way...I have to say though that the dyslexia excuse is the cleverest one I have heard yet
 I went to reply and found i was blocked
 so here is my reply
 Im telling the truth...if you were a closer friend you would know that...
 when dyslexic reading and typing truely suck ... spell check is your best friend...
 so screw you Temporary ...

something to think about

If someone wants to be a part of your LIFE, They`ll make an EFFORT to be in it.So don`t bother reserving a space in your HEART for someone who doesn`t make an EFFORT to STAY.

Week of the Spirit's

Week of the Spirit's October 24 th Festival prelude The children put up the seasonal decorations October 25 th The Night of Hero's. Remembering those of the family who have done much in war and in peace, and recounting their deeds. October 26 th The night of the Seers Remembering ancestors who have dealt with the supper natural,who have foreseen the future, and telling stories of their adventures. Oct 27 th The Night of the Martyrs Those of our people who have died for their faith, their convictions, there freedom or for our people. Oct 28 th The Night of the Bards. Artists, musicians and others who have spoken of or pictured the old ways, and those others whose work evokes magic Oct 29 th The Night of the Recent Dead Remembering relatives and friends and telling about there lives. Oct 30 th The night of rememberence for the family pets Pet's are family members; they must be recalled and there memories charished OCTOBER 31 st Family Fire festival After the mundane celebration of the night, conduct a prayer ceremony for all souls still undergoing purifacation. Children relight the hearth and pilot lights. A commemorative midnight dinner is held , at which the dead are welcomed The whole family set's the table. seasonal plates, cups and napkins are used A bell is placed on the table to be run by one of the children Each child picks out a favorit halloween candle, places it on the table and lights it all Artificial lights are turned off A family member gives a prayer for that night A fireplace ( if family has one ) is lit as food is served A child rings the bell to banish all unwelcome spirits and to welcome the good Adults will alternate in reading instuckive stories and legends, or telling useful tales according to the subject of the nights, or appropriate selections from the eddas or mythology as the meal is eaten. The children's questions and requests are answered Finnaly the lights are turned back on and the whole family clears the table.
** To ALL LDC Members, Founders and Co-Founders !!! ** As of June 9th, 2007 there will be a new Chain of Command put into place within the LDC Family and the Clan Lupin Family. These chains are basically so that nobody goes over anyones head in doing something. How this chain works is simple. You will start with the Number 1 spot if you have a question or a problem. If they arent on, you will go down to the Number 2 spot and so on. This Chain of Command is to be used when dealing with ANY family situations or drama. Use this Chain of Command before posting any bulletins or comments over anything. Clan Lupin is in place to deal with any drama or problems within the family but when dealing with the more serious situations, the Chain of Command needs to be upheld. Should the need arise that a creator steps in on ANY situation, then the decision of that creator over rides any decision previously given. Below you will find the Chain of Command for the LDC Family and below that you will find the Chain of Command for Clan Lupin. ** This chain isnt intended to make anyone upset but after the situation that came about some days ago .. Lestat felt that a Chain of Command was needed. ** ** Also while you see Pain Is My Passion in the # 1 founders spot, she is also a creator as of now as well. She will be assuming Lestats duties in his absence. ** Thank you all for your time and for reposting this and follwing the Chain set within this bulletin. Much love to all of the family ....... Lord Lestat , Rebel Bitch , Pain Is My Passion and Lost Civeteto. CHAIN of COMMAND FOR L.D.C ... ..FOUNDERS.. ( please note that creators can be gone to as well ) 1. Pain Is My Passion 2. Lady Jessie 3. WolfiePup 4. DJ Mystic 5. Txtigerlady 6. Rick 7. Turd Ferguson Chain of Command for Clan Lupin ... 1. WolfiePup 2. Sato 3. Shadow Wolf Mistress 4. Lost in the Dark 5. Dark God of Bondaged Souls 6. DJ Ozzman 7. Count Acheron 8. SilverFang 9. WolfeN Dreams 10. Goddess of Oceans 11. Goddess of Afrika 12. Majestic 13. Lunar Lupin Please make sure you write these down and keep them close so you will always know the chain with which you need to follow for both the LDC and Clan Lupin. Thank you and as always.... Love Hugs and Kisses .... The LDC Creators
Welcome to Clan Lupin this blog is dedicated to the Wolfen Watchdogs of Lestat's Dark Covenant. For many years the Wolfen or werewolves have guarded the family with there lives, now it is once more time to make our clan strong as this wonderful family needs our kind once more, we are the watchdogs and personal body guard¡¯s to the family, members that are dedicated to the family and everything it stands for, WolfiePuP Alpha Of the Clan & Bound Wolf Second and Protector of Clan Lupin. We are now able to except applications for the clan from outside the family look at rule 9 for more details thank you ^_^ To join one must be loyal to the Clan & the family and faithful to the point that you Could turn away from friends, now I don't say this lightly as if it where some game! The Wolfen must be Watchdogs to the family and as such we are honor bound to the family if you think you have what it takes to be a Wolfen of Clan Lupin then go to either elders: WolfiePuP or Bound Wolf whose links are at the bottom of this blog. ____________ELDERS______________ ~WolfiePuP~((Founder)) God of Moldovia of L.D.C. (Alpha of the Lupin Clan) @ CherryTAP _______Protectors________ ~Sato~Father of the Unholy Souls of LDC~PROTECTOR OF CLAN LUPIN~Guardian of PeeJay & Mamabear~ @ CherryTAP ♥Shadow WolfMistress♥Protector of Clan Lupin♥Protector for Mystic†Kyttiekat(L.D.C) @ CherryTAP _______YoungBloods______ Dark God of Bondaged Souls ...Co-Founder of Lestat's Dark Covenant Family - Youngblood of the Lupin Clan - Guardian protector of Shaniqua @ CherryTAP Lost InTheDark™♦CT Pastor♦Shadow Artist of the LDCF♦YoungBlood of the Clan Lupin & @ CherryTAP dj ozzman~Dark CarnivalRadio-youngblood of clan lupin(L.D.C.) @ CherryTAP Count Acheron Dark Mist of the Night of LDC/COS~DMF~WRR Army~DC Bartender~Youngblood Of Clan Lupin~ @ CherryTAP Wolfen Dreamz~Scout of the LDC~~YoungBlood of Clan Lupin... @ CherryTAP Goddess of Afrika of Lestat's Dark Covenant Family youngblood of clan Lupin wife of Dark God of Bondaged Souls co-founder of Lestat's Dark Cov @ CherryTAP Silverfang daughter of shadows youngblood of the lupin clan LDC @ CherryTAP Karma the bitch- Youngblood of the Clan (L.D.C) @ CherryTAP Gadzooks!! aka Zooks...YoUnGbLoOd Of ThE cLaN LuPiN (L.D.C.) @ CherryTAP Goddess Of Oceans Wild Of Youngblood of Clan Lupin (L.D.C) @ CherryTAP ~♥~Majestic~♥~LDC Family~Youngblood Of Clan Lupin ~CT Wife To Metal69Madness ~ @ CherryTAP lunar lupin )werewolf mistress of the forest young blood of clan lupin(l.d.c ) @ CherryTAP

Clan Lupin Rules and Laws

Welcome to Clan Lupin this blog is dedicated to the Wolfen Watchdogs of Lestat's Dark Covenant. Now these are the rules: Rule 1: Wolfen's can not hold judgment over another member of the family unless directly ordered to do so by the founders or the creators. As a Watchdog we must hold ourselves distant when there is a crisis, we can not be ordered to attack or intervene on someone behalf unless it is a last resort and even then only the founders or creators can order us. Rule 2: Wolfen's are not above the Creators or the Founders, Wolfen are not all powerful and any Wolfen found Abusing power will be Judged by the Clan first then they shall be given to the Founders for family judgment. Rule 3: Wolfen's must bring any family problem or issue to the Founders, If one can not be found then either Elder WolfiePuP or Elder Bound Wolf must be contacted so that the problem/issue may be resolved. Rule 4: The Clan is Responsible for choosing new members and only Elder WolfiePuP & Elder Bound Wolf can accept. The creators have a say whether they stay, and as such members can only come from the L.D.C Family Rule 5: Wolfens may be personal body guards to up to two people and no more. Although wolfens must protect all members of the L.D.C family and as such personal problems with members shall be forgotten as we are one family and shall not disrespect or slander or hurt any one, we may be attack dogs but that dose not mean we are always aggressive any Wolfen breaking this will be judged by the Clan! Then they will be given to the founders for family judgment. We have honour in the Clan and as such we will not tolerate disrespect in any form! Rule 6: If a dispute is found we are to take all parties to a founder or creator for we are not judges we are keepers of the peace and that is all. Rule 7: Your Mistress or Lord may give you orders and you MUST for fill these orders Rule 8: Leaving or being disowned from the clan dose not mean you have to leave the family it is up to you and the founders as to why you left/Disowned from the Clan. Rule 9: Only Elder WolfiePuP & Elder Bound Wolf will be able to add members from outside the family! Any one who wishes to apply will send a letter to either Elders of the clan and await a reply if one is not given then send a shout to them but only one! As too many shouts will be taken as stalking and you will be band from applying to the Lupin Clan! Now! Even though you are not of the family! Upon being excepted, you MUST add L.D.C to your name to be taken as a true Wolfen of the Clan! And you MUST follow all rules and guidelines of the Clan and Family! There we go my Brothers and sisters this is the clan and its rules! If you have any question you may go to either Wolfie or Bound and they will gladly answer any questions you may have about the clan!
The Laws
Law #1: If you leave the family take LDC off.
Law #2: From now on anyone that tried to join that is in another family will not be able to. If your in a family other than this one now they are fine.
Law #3: All L.O.A (Leave of Absense) must be approved by a Creator and a Founder.
Law #4: If you show inactivity by not reading or reposting the family bulletins and / or blogs for a months time then you will be notified and placed on probation, if it continues then you will be removed.
Law #5: All members need to understand we are NOT a comment bombing family. Don not address comment bombing bulletins to the family. If we have time to comment then we will.
Law #6: You must make an effort to repost all family bulletins that invovle a new member or a family issue because we do not post much the least you can do is repost them.
Law #7: Anyone that has a problem with someone make sure they come to the Founders, Co-Founders, or Creators. Don't take it to the rest of the family. That only causes more drama to appear .
Law #8: Any Founder, Co-Founder, or Creator caught being disrespectful or hateful to any member regardless if they as new or not will be put on immediate probation.
Law #9: All Founder, Co-Founders, and Creators if an issue arises with someone then you keep it between us. It is no one elses business how the Founders, Co-Founders or Creators handle things.
Law #10: No offense to new cherries or cherry grunts but from now on we will only accept those that are above level 5 or at level 5.
Law # 11: No and i mean no absolutely no sharing information with ex members.
Law #12: Do not believe anything anyone says unless it come from a Founder, Co-Founder or Creator because anything else is probably just a rumor one of our enemys has started.
Law #13: All Creators will enforce these laws accordingly. All Founders will enforce them as well as Co-Founders, but anyone caught not obeying the laws of this coven will go through this process----First time is your warning, Second time is your probation and Thrid time your gone.
Law #14: If a Creator has already made a decission. DO NOT GO TO A FOUNDER OR FAMILY MEMBER FOR THEM TO PLED YOUR CASE

freedom isn't free

a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.
I heard the sound of TAPS one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That TAPS had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn't free.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


People where many mask's It is very strange to me how people act online. Most are truthful , other not. Make's me wonder why the Mask? This false front of who and what you are. I understand that most people are just playing a role, Or is the role cast when they go online? It is very simple, if you can not be Who you are in life on line you have to put up a Mask, Other may not like what they see,and thats before they lay eye's on thee. Believe, when people have been played enough, They learn not to trust what the see, Wondering " How many mask's can there be" They have Learned the Eye's are the window to the soul. No mask can Change that. To tell a lie is to bind, To be yourself will set you free, You will find no Mask's around Me. And Accept me as I am.

Peom by Iah

Cold This world is so cold, as if made intirerly of stone... And People's word's can cut you to the bone.... There is one that stand's alone.... Desperatly trying to set the tone... Marching to a drummer all there own... No one see the tear's inside or the fear they try to hide... In this world of blind to the mind And most are forgotten and left behind... Remember you are not alone, There is one that stand's beside you, Not there to Guide you..... But the one who see's inside of you..... Copyright 2006 Iah Darha
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