Likes:the smell of wet leather,bondage,science fiction manners,kissing,eloquence,intelligence,that stillness in a conversation where nothing needs to be said, the crooked smile of someone confident and knowing, a pulse trying to beat itself out of someones flesh into your own,cuddling, a warm breeze tickling the nape of my neck, long hot showers,reserved opinions,all things extreamly complex or elegantly simple, running wax, thunderstorms, pain, being me.
Dislikes:Most people, extremists,stupidity,unsolicited rudeness,ignorance,immaturity,closed minded people, liers. Fetishes:Glitter,bondage,piercings,biting, leather,pain,many more that are somewhat personal and if you know me well, you probably know. I LOVE HORROR movies, their the best! But i havnt yet found one that scares the shit out of me so im still looking. Some movies i enjoy are devils advocate, quills, the old freddy movies, saw,the clockwork orange many more but I can't think of them.
I like all kinds of music but I mainly listen to rock and metal