Everything happens for a reason?
Hello all,
It has been a while since I last did this, but I am bored and thought I would say a few words. I have been through quite a bit in the last few years, and had a conversation with someone about a statement that I have heard many times. "Everything happens for a reason" is that statement. Ok, I can see how one can analyze certain situations, and see how that statement can be true... sometimes. But to say that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Well, it is true, but not how those that say that mean it. The law of physics states that every action has an equal, and opposite, reaction. In this respect, everything does happen for a reason. However, when people say the statement of topic, they are referring to some mystical thing that can give meaning to their actions, or the consequences of their actions. Or the consequences of someone else's actions. Well, I am not 100% sure exactly where I stand on this topic, but I can tell you that I do lean toward the feeling that it is all crap. Things that have happened to me, well, I can not see the point in some of them. One might say that just because I don't see the point, doesn't mean that there isn't one. Well, MAYBE that is true, but it still doesn't change the fact that as my personality causes me to analyze these things and try and figure them out, and frankly it makes one feel like they are going crazy at times. What do you think? It is hard to let go of things, at least it is for me. Which I suppose is the root of my problem. If I could just cast aside feelings, as if they never existed. If I could just forget about all of that, like some seem to be able to do, I would be a lot better off. Alas, this is not, and has never been, the way I am. Nor is it likely to change.
We are all eternal all this pain is an illusion. Fairly good illusion I say.