As you can tell, I'm all for using our basic freedoms and putting them into reality rather watching them from a sheet of paper. It makes us who we are as Americans and as human beings. This species was not meant to be caged, but to be explorers.
But with this Goddess given right of ours, knowledge must accompany it. Please keep that in mind as you comment on any of my posts.
Who I am:
A Southern California native
Married, with a beautiful daughter
Egyptian Pagan, and proud of it
Computer geek, but not your average one.
Professional musician
Industrial DJ
Freelance writer
Freelance graphic and web designer
But I make my money selling electronics.
Some say I'm:
Talkative when he wants to be
but most importantly VERY OPINIONATED
Where I stand with issues:
A registered member of the Green Party, with centrist beliefs.
I believe that the Constitution is there for a reason, and that it is the fundamentals of what our nation is about
I believe we shouldn't have to give up our basic freedoms to protect ourselves against terrorists, because if we do give them up then we have lost the war on terror.
I believe that Americans have a right to own a firearm to defend themselves and their families, but for those who are responsible enough to use one.
I believe that abortions should only be used in cases of rape, incest, or if mother and/or baby's life is in danger...not as birth control.
I believe that ALL religions should not play a role in politics.
I believe that homosexuals should be able to marry.
I believe that science can be used to keep us alive and living better than before, and that we should use whatever technology possible (including stem cells) to make it happen.
I believe that in order to become a leader of his nation, one must have an understanding of the people for which he or she is working.
I believe that the death penalty should be used for those who rape and murder, and to dispose of people like Kevin Federline and Paris Hilton.
I believe that people still have the ability to think for themselves, no matter what our leaders tell us how to think.
If you believe how I do, then good for you. If you don't, then this is going to be one interesting ride here.
We look forward to the battle.