so i'm getting really tired of getting attitude, snotty remarks, and plain ole bitchiness from some of my so called "friends" on here. they seem to think my entire freaking world revolves around this stupid computer, and that i have nothing better to do that sit on it ALL DAMN DAY. so when they try talking to me in my shoutbox, and i don't respond, guess what i get from them. not the "oh, guess i missed you" or "guess yer not there". noooo. i get the "why the hell aren't you talking to me?" or "are you ignoring me?" or "if you don't like me, just say so". my faves are the people who get pissed off, not because i don't respond to them, but that i don't respond FAST enough. WTF people ?? first of all, just cause fubar "says" i'm online, doesn't mean i am. i've noticed it takes awhile for that lil beer mug under my name to go away. second of all, i don't always have time to chit chat every time i get on here. i get on real quick, check my messages, and wanna get back off. usually i'm at work when that happens, and i'll tell people that. say "wish i could talk, but i'm at work. hopefully soon" yadda yadda. then i sign off. i'm sorry, but i don't have all day for you to finally pay attention and answer me back. but nooo, i still get crappy comments "oh thanks, glad you told me you were leaving". seriously dude ?? pretty sure i just did that
i guess my point is this...hopefully ALL my friends will read this, or at least the ones it's written about. if after this is posted, they still give me crap about stupid shit, then they're gone and blocked. i'm here to have fun and chat with people, but when i want to and how i want to. if you don't like that, bite me