If you reeeeeeally wanna know someone best to talk to them but here are some tidbits...
* Have 3 girls
* Im a firefighter
* I dont like using apostrophes
* Gots me a fancy college degree
* Love cartoons...pretty much watch Cartoon Network all day when im home
* Work in Afghanistan
* Its 8 1/2 hours ahead of eastern time so technically im from the future
* I enjoy flirting
* Very broad range in humor but stupid and corny is preferred
* I sing "ooh Child" and "Just Call Me Angel of the Morning" on a daily basis
* Not a huge fan of critical or negative people (sounds like common sense but some thrive on them)
* I believe in virtue (honesty, loyalty, temperance etc etc...)
* Some fav music is motown, classic rock but enjoy all kinds
* Despise when people overreact. Panic and rage do not solve many problems, if any...
* I know that many people have serious issues with selfishness and a lack of empathy
* I love puzzles (human behavior being my fav)
* I'm a good driver but hate doing it
* Not a real big fan of humans in general
* I despise hero worship
* Serious glasses fetish
* Animal lover
* I cry at movies but not at real life
* Im short and stout, not unlike the lil teapot
* I sell bling sometimes but please dont beg...its annoying
* Hard to hurt my feelings or embarrass me in anyway
* Curse far worse than a sailor but can hold back when necessary
* Pet peeves include constant texting at inappropriate times, general wimpyness, and silly games
* It takes a bit but if u reeeeally wanna get on my nerves condescend or patronize me
* I leave cupboards open constantly
* Clean kitchen and bathrooms are a must
* I looooove to cook (mex, italian, meat & taters, all sorts really), and I am good at it
* Idols include but are not limited to: The Most Interesting Man in the World, Buddha, Samuel Clemens, Einstein, Batman
Things I despise:
*emo gayness - life is not that bad, get the hell over it and learn how to deal with your emotions
*Stupid firefighter sayings such as: "Everyones running out and we're running in"- complete douchery,
*crappy service
Well, now that youre asleep ill shutup...:)

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You are The Emperor
Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person.
The Emperor is the great authority figure of the Tarot, so it represents
fathers, father-figures and employers. There is a lot of aggression and violence
The Emperor naturally follows the Empress. Like an infant, he is filled with enthuiasm, energy, aggression. He is direct, guileless and all too often irresistible. Unfortunately, like a baby he can also be a tyrant. Impatient, demanding, controlling. In the best of circumstances, he signifies the leader that everyone wants to follow, sitting on a throne that indicates the solid foundation of an Empire he created, loves and rules with intelligence and enthusiasm. But that throne can also be a trap, a responsibility that has the Emperor feeling restless, bored and discontent.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
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Aries |
You are so full of energy, you constantly attract hotties, and you are always the dominant one in the sack. It is very easy for you approach people because you have so much confidence and you are very forward about your feelings.
You are very likely to have lots of sexual partners, (sometimes all at once), and be the most sexually experienced of any of your friends.
Sex matches: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius |  |
'What is your Sexual Zodiac?' at QuizUniverse.com
Your Sex Sign is... |
You're a sexual wild child who's aiming to do it all - or die trying. Getting with you is a total adventure, so people should only hop on if they can handle the ride. No one can predict your next sex move... you'll do anything to get off!
Gemini, people better look out for you. You need a lover who is a match for your wit, intelligence, and sexual curiousity. You are unpredictible, moody, highly entertaining, adventurous, versatile, and an incredible flirt. You have the tendency to be promiscious. You hardly ever wear underwear, and you are the most likely of all the signs to shave ... down there.
Your sexual curiousity knows no bounds. You'll try anything and try it often. You jump at the chance to engage in threesomes - but only if it's a guy-guy-girl thing. Typically, an orgy will always revolve around you.
You love gadgets, especially sex toys. Being highly sexual, you love to incorporate sex toys in to intercourse. It's a challenge to keep up with you... And your lover must be willing change sexual positions and techniques to keep you satisfied.
You are an unpredictible person who seeks the same in a lover. You like sex in unusual places, including: phonebooths, movie theaters, and airplane bathrooms. |
'What is your Sex Sign?'
at QuizUniverse.com
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