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Empaths Tools

How can these healing stones help? By holding or wearing a gemstone necklace / stone / bracelet, they can help by dissolving negative emotions and replacing them with positive energy. Aquamarine – helps you adapt to any harsh vibrations in your surroundings – provides understanding of your path and how to adapt to the denseness of the earthly vibrations without losing the “self”. It helps with communication of heart-felt things and when there is difficulty in putting feelings into words. Black Tourmaline – psychic protection (when necessary) – a good stone to carry with you when you are out in crowded areas or if someone is intentionally sending negative energy your way. Acts as a buffer from the physic bombardment. Green Jade – I wear this to give my heart a boost – It is very strengthening - keeps the heart rhythm. I often wear it in a medicine bag over my heart together with a piece of rhodochrosite, especially if I am feeling stressed at work or have a lot to deal with emotionally. Smoky Quartz - keeps you grounded if you start to “space out” or feel panicky e.g. in crowds etc. – also good for bringing spiritual energies down through the chakras so that they can be grounded and acted on. For some of us there is a tendency to “space out” or excarnate from the body when things get stressful. Smoky quartz helps us to properly incarnate into the body so that we can fully deal with what is going on. Rose Quartz – enhancing your self esteem and providing you with the love vibration needed to overcome painful feelings – like a soothing balm it gently caresses the soul helping you to “love” yourself. Helps with physical and emotional pain. Wise goddess energy – (my favorite healing stone). Rhodochrosite – Heals the inner-child. Wear when feeling vulnerable. I often feel it keeps people “off my back” when I need time to heal and have some space to myself. I find that I am treated more lovingly when I am wearing rhodochrosite –for this reason I recommend it to everyone. It is also good to clear any blockages between the heart and solar plexus - e.g stomach pains caused by an emotional upset. Lapis Lazuli – discernment – getting clear about what is your “stuff” and what is not. Can release blockages of held in emotions – very powerful – use with care. Brings things to the awareness but does not help you to deal with it. You will need to use other stones for this. Moonstone – Soothing to wear after emotional upsets, brings the emotions into balance and helps you speak loving words and be kind to yourself and others. A real goddess stone – my favourite is rainbow moonstone. Keywords that come to me when describing this stone are kindness, beauty. And balance. Sugilite is a very energizing stone for sensitive individuals. It is a spiritual stone that works at the etheric body level. It moves congestion (that emotionally compressive negative energy) in the light body before it works its way into the physical body. This congestion happens when surrounded by mental confusion or excess emotionalism that you are having trouble processing, Sugilite keeps your energy free and moving and is also beneficial for depression or melancholia. If you have a piece of sugilite it will usually let you know when it wants to be worn or used. Flower Essences: Some important essences in the life of the “Empath”: Flower essences are vibrational essences made by floating certain flowers in a bowl on pure water, placed in the sunshine for several hours, which eventually imprints the vibrational patterning (or message) of the flower into the water through a process of alchemy. The essence is then decanted and several processes of dilution occur before it is taken at dosage strength. These essences are freely available from essence makers and distributors throughout the world or of course you can make your own. It is important to meditate, be clear and attune with the plants before making your essence. White Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium white) For extreme vulnerability to others and to the environment, easily depleted, overly absorbent of negative influences The essence of the white yarrow flower seals up any “holes” in the aura and provides a protective filter from the bombardment of environmental and emotional energies that the empath is prone to absorbing. This will stop the feeling of depletion from trying to process these energies. It stabilizes and grounds a person and allows the inner light to shine through. Pink Yarrow (Achillea millefolium var. rubra – pink/purple) For lack of emotional clarity and inappropriate merging with others. Promotes loving awareness of others from a self-contained consciousness Because of the extreme openness of the empathic person, he or she will often merge with his/her environment, including the emotional aura of others. This causes emotional confusion and an inability to identify his/her own feelings from those of another. The empath will often internalize this emotional confusion in order to heal the situation. Pink Yarrow flower essence helps one to discern between ones own emotions and that of another. Golden Yarrow (Achillea filipendulina – yellow) Use when you have a tendency to withdraw and isolate yourself because of your sensitivity. For protecting oneself from vulnerability to others - Gives inner protection when in social situations. Golden Yarrow is indicated for those whose natural inclination is to avoid public limelight or performances because of acute sensitivity. This essence is like wearing a protective cloak when out in public. It shields and protects and helps the person to cope with his/her sensitivity and express himself/herself without feeling vulnerable. It can help in situations where a person has turned to drugs or alcohol in order to dull his/her sensitivity.
This is an excerpt from a book by Dr. Jelusich, released by Lotus Press Publishing. Eye of the Lotus In my understanding, having been an energetic healer and counselor for over 10 years, I have found that 95% of all communication is not verbal, nor physical. It is energy on many levels. Certainly, you have walked into a room before and encountered someone you do not know, yet you’ve had a feeling about that person, good or otherwise. And whether you are sitting in a movie theater, a restaurant, or standing in an elevator, you emanate a quality of energy in all directions at all times that is the energetic unique signature of your being. That same energy is the signature of you as an individuated spirit, a multidimensional being who is unique in the universe. It is that same 95% that creates the meetings with others, that creates the relationships in which you engage, that creates the possibility for you to learn a life’s lesson.. And at first, this presents us with an interesting puzzle of life. We live in a oneness with no separation, yet we are unique beings. We use words like “I think,” and “I see,” and “I believe,” and yet there is no separation between us as we exist in this oneness of being. It is quite an enigma, for it is that very same oneness that allows an intuitive healer to tap into you, whether you are there in the same room or speaking on the telephone, separated by a great distance. In metaphysics, there is no space and no time. They are not limiting factors in the information, wisdom and healing that is available on all levels of our being. So often this is difficult to embrace, because most of us in western society tend to only regard the physical being as viable, with little consideration for those parts of us that are non-physical, but every bit as viable to our existence. It is necessary to embrace that part of our nature that is not physically borne, not because it is on some other level, but because our metaphysical nature coexists seamlessly with our physical nature in a continual exchange of life energy. It is that very same oneness where reality exists, where the boundaries between the physical and the non-physical evaporate in the light of greater understanding of our true nature. We are, as human beings, composed of four archetypal energies: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Look at most tarot decks, and you’ll see the four minor arcana suits are divided into these same distinctions of human character. I t is the congruence of these energies, flowing along together through time, that allows our lives to be productive and meaningful. If one or more are out of balance, suffering ensues as our illusions in life are challenged by the realities we encounter. So as we go along through life, composed of these four components of being human, the energies exchange and intertwine with each other and among several dimensions in a dance of experiential existence. And through our experiences we garner the wisdom to push through our illusions, thus reducing suffering and hardship in our lives. Your metaphysical nature is set, to a certain degree, in each lifetime by specific parameters of karma, mission statement, skill sets, and chakra disposition. That is, most of us are governed by one or more chakras that influence the psychology of our being through their respective attributes. One’s life and challenges become a stage, where the predominant chakric disposition orchestrates the life’s lessons in a way that the participant must experience. Knowing your disposition, chakric strength and weaknesses helps you to gain understanding of why you may tend to live your life the way you do, and why certain repetitive patterns occur. It is in the understanding of our metaphysical nature through our given disposition that allows true self-empowerment to take place. As you grow in consciousness, you begin to understand how and why situations are created for your learning, and how best to optimize your life’s path. Your weakness becomes your strength, and your strength your weakness. And by remembering within you are all answers, you self-empower through that same chakra by making conscious decisions, aware of your orientation towards this life time. With the evolution of consciousness in our world of today, there is a growing portion of the population of people who are experiencing not only their own growing pains, but the growth of others as well. In this instance, consider the person who has incarnated with a heart chakra disposition. In my opinion, an individual must have had several lifetimes of right action and behavior, or dharma, before that person could qualify. It is through the accrual of merit, an individual accomplishment of character, that one carries with them from incarnation to incarnation. Thus the person who incarnates in their heart carries an inherent experiential goodness, different from an inherent spiritual goodness that we all have. It also means that the individual comes through in this lifetime, through that goodness, as psychically sensitive, through that 95% of all communication that is not physical, to all others around them. So not only is the heart-chakra individual faced with the living of their own life, they are sensitive to the energies of others around them, to the extent they become living sponges, soaking up emotional energies of other individuals. In my experience, one in fourteen people are empaths. This “taking on” can create a negative compressive emotional energy in the emotional energy field of the individual. This can often create a problem, because most empaths do not know that they are in fact empaths. Most empaths, not knowing that they are taking on this energy in a non-physical way, are unaware of the origin of their suffering, and the negative compressive emotional energy can have deleterious effects on the individual, because that person also would not know how to clear the energy, or dispose of it. Many heart-chakra beings suffer continually, taking on the negative energies of humanity, through having had many good past lives. They often do not see their own goodness, but rather may sometimes take on suffering as a validation of their lives. This is done through love, not as a purposeful self-destruction, but because of the intense self-realized goodness that the empath has lived in their past reincarnations. Many physiological and psychological issues can develop from a heart-chakra disposition, and with the heart chakra, issues can become systemic to the body, mind and emotions. Physical issues include problems with the heart itself, respiration, ribs, thymus, skin, joints, fibromyalgea, blood flow and blood quality, weight retention, and other issues systemic to the body. Psychological issues include a loss of personal identity, depression, loss of the ability to think clearly, personal sabotage, and constant struggle to stay emotionally stable. Imagine your emotional energy field as a cup that holds water. If the cup is full, then any water (emotion) added to the cup causes it to overflow. This is the energetic equivalent of what happens to a heart chakra individual, who has taken on so much energy from the people around them that any added emotion is always too much, and causes suffering in some way. Here are some exercises that the empath can do to help relieve the emotional body of negativity. Exercise #1. Whether you shower or bathe, imagine the water as magnetic. Knowing what a magnet does, imagine the magnetized water pulling out of you, as appropriate, any negative emotion, thought or feeling. You don’t even have to know what the negativity is, just think “Release, release, release,” to yourself as the negativity goes out into the water, the water goes down the drain, and you are clear. The Earth transmutes the negative energy into neutral energy. If you cannot get to a shower or bath, hold your hands under running water and think “Release, release, release.” If you cannot get to water at all, just imagine it running over the back of your hand. The power of your will helps to clear you. You can do this exercise as often as you want every day. It will help to keep your emotional energy field clear. Water is a great conductor of emotional energy, and most empaths always live near water or love being in water. Exercise #2. “No-Stick Teflon” When in a situation as a party or gathering of people, an empath can often feel claustrophobic, as the press of many emotional energies can be very chaotic in mixed gatherings. Knowing what Teflon does for cookware, imagine “No-Stick Teflon” in your energy field. Your field will not filter any goodness that comes through, but will tend to fend off any negative emotional energies, hooks or tubes from others. You may still take on certain things, as you must, if it is within your path’s learning. Remember, people will come into relationship with an empath to work out mutual life’s goals; the energies already being set up across space and time through that 95% that is not physical. Most empaths find their lives as a hub of a many-spoked wheel. They usually will find themselves in the center of a soul-group to help anchor the groups karma and emotional workings. Therefore, it is imperative that they keep their fields clear with regular exercise, meditation, and with a sincere recognition of their inherent goodness for having incarnated in their heart. Through the empath’s mere existence, the 95% of communication that is non-verbal will energetically cause others to tend to aspire to their own greatness, because of what the empath represents as a soul that has made diligent progress in past lives. Given in Love by Dr. Richard Jelusich
Article Written By: Lyn Rose-Hornabrook Many of us who were born with empathic abilities have not understood this “gift” until well into our adulthood. Those who were lucky enough to have parents that recognized this “gift” would have a head start in understanding how to deal with your intensely feeling life and sensitive nature. You were possibly fearful as a child because you did not understand those intense feelings, which may have made stepping out into the world quite terrifying. In my own case I was not always able to process what was going on around me as a young child and would sometimes end up having convulsions. In an unaware state, an empath will experience the feelings or pains of others - be it distress, sadness, anger, etc., and any physical pain that accompanies it, and think that it is his / her own feelings or illness. It will be quite confusing because he / she will not understand what it is that is making him / her feel that way. It can be sudden and intrusive. This “taking on” is known as surrogation. Of course this surrogation can also be beneficial – say if you are a healer and need to know exactly what needs treating in a patient. For this to be effective you need to be able to discern your own feelings from those of the other person, and be able to clear yourself effectively afterwards. The task is to learn to understand this gift– to understand how to discern between your own feelings and pain, and that of another. In this way you will have the ability to feel compassion for others from a self contained point of view instead of merging with them and taking on their pain in order to heal them. Because you understand what they are feeling you can then lead them to the correct path for them. You do not have to do it for them. Being an empath, you see people as their naked selves. No matter how hard people try to hide who they are, an empath will see through them. This can be a blessing for some who feel unable to express themselves or unnerving for others if they are trying to hide something or if some ill intent is meant. Some “Symptoms of Empathy” Acute senses – i.e. sense of smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing etc. Acute awareness of the feelings of those around them and feeling deeply for those in pain or suffering Often easily hurt Avoidance of conflict where possible preferring to keep things harmonious Easily startled by noise Easily moved to tears because of deep feeling Nervous in crowded situations People feel safe around them and able to talk to them easily. Even complete strangers will talk to them about personal things without consciously intending to do so Animals and children love and are attracted to them Easily affected by the weather Their greatest gift is to perceive with the heart They are usually a blessing to be around as they are nurturing and caring Music and harmony are very important to them. They can lose themselves completely while listening to music that resonates with them. Water is very beneficial and therapeutic to the empath.
Study Examines Empathy During Psychotherapy Chicago Tribune - March 07, 2007 Chicago Tribune (MCT) CHICAGO - They're special, those moments of close connection when you become attuned to another person's mood, and it seems you can sense what he or she feels. This "we're on the same wavelength" phenomenon is known as empathy, part of the emotional glue that helps bind people together. Now it's being studied with the tools of modern science, sophisticated neuro-imaging scans and physiological tests that track how people's brains and bodies respond during social encounters. The still-young field of scientific inquiry is called social neuroscience, and it's beginning to demonstrate that empathy has biological underpinnings as well as emotional dimensions. The latest research comes from Boston, where Massachusetts General Hospital researcher Dr. Carl Marci has been examining empathy in the context of psychotherapy. His research appeared last month in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. The study is the first to try to measure how patients and psychologists react to each other during a therapy session and how empathy plays out between them. The major finding validates the depth of connection that can occur: The more in tune patients and therapists appeared to be emotionally, the more closely their physiological responses mirrored each other. "In other words, when we feel connected to someone, it's because we actually are experiencing something similar," said Marci, who worked with collaborators in New York City and New Hampshire. "Fundamentally, we're social beings, and our brains are wired to connect." The physiological measurement used in the study was "skin conductivity," a sensitive indicator of arousal in the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. Researchers obtained readings by attaching electrodes to patients' and therapists' fingers and recording their responses to imperceptible electrical currents. Some 20 patient/therapist pairs were studied during a session averaging 45 minutes. All the patients had a diagnosis of depression or anxiety and had worked with the therapists for some time. This part of the study showed significant "concordance," or similarity, between patients' and therapists' level of arousal about 50 percent of the time. That was highly significant and not due to chance alone, the researchers said. After the session, researchers asked patients to rate the degree of empathy demonstrated by their therapists, using a standardized questionnaire. The higher the level of perceived empathy, the higher the congruence in the pair's physical responses, researchers discovered. In the last part of the study, two trained observers watched videotaped segments of therapy sessions when pairs were most and least closely aligned, according to physiological data. The purpose was to identify moments of apparent empathy by observing social and emotional interactions. This analysis showed that patients and therapists were, indeed, having more positive interactions when their skin conductivity measurements were most similar. That comes as no surprise to Anne Alonson, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School who directs the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies at Massachusetts General. "Everyone knows that emotions locate themselves in the body. What we're finding is, it's not just one person's body: People can join each other in feeling," she said. Alonson gave the example of a recent session with a man who appeared quite downhearted but seemed not to know it. "He's talking, and I'm realizing that I'm beginning to feel really sad so I say, `I have a sense of sadness in myself, and I wonder if you feel it too.' At which point, he started to cry." This kind of empathetic connection is fundamental to the therapeutic process, said Dr. Deborah Spitz, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Chicago. "In working with someone, you need to know where they are, emotionally, in order to be able to help them," she explained. "You have to be able to meet them, and empathy helps you do that." "I'm not at all surprised that is something we experience in our bodies as well as our brains," Spitz said. Indeed, human brains appear hard-wired to "perceive and share others' feelings," according to Jean Decety, a professor of psychology who joined the University of Chicago's faculty last year. Decety was quoted in a University of Chicago Magazine interview describing his groundbreaking neuro-imaging studies, which demonstrate that brain networks processing personal pain also light up when another person's pain is recognized. That's compelling evidence of a biologically grounded emotional overlap between self and other, experts suggest. There are limitations to the new research out of Massachusetts General. The sample size is small, and there were no controls. Patients' perceptions of empathy could be influenced by their underlying mental conditions and treatment status. Still, Dr. K. Luan Phan, director of the brain imaging and emotions laboratory at the University of Chicago, believes the finding "that you can get a biological marker for a therapeutic relationship" is "very important and very exciting." The author was not mentioned.
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