**Frank Iero** ( OMG)
MUSIC ( Not everything)
Janpanese Anime ( The best on TV)
guitars ( Love It)
My Mom (sometimes)
ThroughtWhatWas (my favorite band)
Nice Old People ( No comment)
My Band ( We Fucking sux at imes and rock at times)
Emo Boys ( Are Fucking Hott)
Drinking ( VOKA, Jack Daniel shit like that)
Smoking (Marbors 100 in the box)
Dark places ( My Basesment
Go Out The Rave ( The Barn)
Dancing (VCRS)
Mudd Ridding ( Plaquemine La)
Bonfires (where ever)
I like to watch Nascar (In my living room)
Hanging out in graves yards (When ever)
when I think of something else I'll put it here
Shallow people
Stupid people
Old People that are mean
The Sun
Rap&Hip Hop Rather listen to Britney Spears sing
Losing a friend or somebody really close to me
What the Government did to the people of Hurricane Katrina
Dislike My Dad all the time
My Mom somethimes
gangsta& Thugs
Most of the people here in Racine
Paris Hilton That's Hot
The color yellow for some odd reason
Seeing little kids get hurt
Most of the bullshit on MTV
The color yellow
Movies and Tv shows I like
I don't really have time to watch tv but when I do I watch the following
28 days later (2003)
28 weeks later (2007)
dawn of the dead (2003)
city of the dead (2004)
house of the dead (2003)
night of the living dead (1989)
day of the dead (1987)
rave to the dead (2006)
shaun of the dead (2005)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
Chuck and Larry (2007)
I mostly watch horror and zommies movies
Japanese Aime
Doctor Who
. hack sign
Full Metal Alchemist
after life
I watch alot of Sci Fi shows
I don't really have the watch t.v that much anymore
Video Games
Gears Of War
Metal Gear
The Sims 2, left 4 dead 1&2
I don't have time
to play games these
day but when I do that's
what I play.