40 Year Old
Invited by: 46981·
Joined on August 11, 2007
Born on February 22nd
no fear. man up.
it is what it is, i am who i am. despite all my faults, i like who i am and what i want to become. i have this image of who i'm supposed to be, and it's really great... but i'm nowhere near close to achieving it. i enjoy staring death in the face and pushing myself to the limit. i drive a manual 2003 cavalier that's seen more bad days than good. it's no sports car by any means, but i make do with what i have. the speed, the rush, the quick reflexes, loud adrenaline-charged music with windows rolled down, unapproving stares, it's all there.
40 Year Old
Invited by: 46981·
Joined on August 11, 2007
Born on February 22nd
nine inch nails metallica static x dayton family johnny cash coldplay marylin manson godsmack fuel blue october mudvayne rage against the machine rammstein breaking benjamin snow patrol rob zombie death cab for cutie powerman 5000 linkin park fort minor and many more...
I stopped by your profile sweetieI gave you a 10!!!I also became your fan!!!I would love it if you returned the favor :)And if you want to be friends please send me afriend request :)I love new friends!!!!!!!!!!And if you just need a friend to talk to feelfree to"shout"*hugs and kisses*Have a great day!!!!!Love,Marissa
Just coming by to check out your page!!!! Gave you a 10. When you come back by my page, please check to see if you rated me too. Also, on my page you can find links to my Yahoo group, Myspace page, and my different websites. Don't forget to check out my pictures when you get a chance. Now that we are friends, you can view my"NSFW" pictures. (If you can't see them, check my blog for instructions on how to fix your settings.CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO FIX YOUR SETTINGS) Would love to know what you think of them! I look forward to getting to know you. I would love it if you became a fan of mine!(If you already have, thank you!) Also, if you are looking for some great ladies to check out on here, check out my blog. Click here --->>> Real Sexy Woman on fubar .
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