I just discovered I've been cheated on and lied to for about a year now. Some vague comments in the past few months didn't sit well with me and now I know why. I'm not hurt by the cheating so much as the lying. Kinda sad huh? I loved this man with all my heart and would do anything for him. I was even looking to move out where he was. I mostly hurt by the fact he didn't have to balls to say yes I've been lying to you. I wonder if she knew about me before he moved in or not? I know I still love him and would have forgiven him if he had owned up to ANY of it and he has yet to answer any accusations. He just stop talking to me. no answers. Just me finding her blog. With pictures. and half of those pics he has sent me. the other half are ones she is in! Is it too hard to ask for honesty? I would not have liked that he was living with someone else but I couldn't prevent it not living nearby.
I was going to post her blog here but decided I'm not that vindictive yet. but on one entry she talks about him cooking dinner while she's at work I wanted to laugh and say yeah while he was cookign you dinner he was on video chat with me. Talking about me being his wifey and wanting to have kids with me. I might just post this on myspace and send her a link. Not sure. Since he has broken my heart I want to make his life miserable. There is nothing like a woman scorned huh? LOL
Kinda makes me wonder about Jen. I wonder if there is anyway I can apologize to her for my actions.
Feel free to flame this, comment or whatever. I'm just trying to get some feelings out. I may post more but probably not.