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62 Year Old · Female · From Opp, AL · Invited by: 1479002 · Joined on January 1, 2008 · Born on January 9th
62 Year Old · Female · From Opp, AL · Invited by: 1479002 · Joined on January 1, 2008 · Born on January 9th


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I am a country lady who loves horses and other animals.I was born in Monroe,Louisiana,when I was 7 we moved to Timberline,Louisiana.This is where I was raised by my dad and had 3 brothers.
Was in many events ;barrel racing,team penning and just bare back riding.
Was one of 981 kids to graduate from my high school.I had straight `a`s.
I went to college for 2 years for Art,which I still draw and paint when I have time.
I been married 3 times[so no not looking for a 4th lol].
Back in 2005 we had one of the nastest strom hit my home which was Katrina.This took many things from me.One of them was my dad.
I am in the process of writing my life story and I rescue dogs when I can now.
I moved from Louisiana cause I couldn`t handle the pain of trying to rebuild on my land.
So me and my brother sold it.
So now when hurricane`s get close or hit my home state I go through flash backs of that day.Before settling down here in south Alabama I lived in Bowan,Georgia and Lousiville,Kentucky.
Love the oldes and country music.I tend to try to help everyone out and sometimes forget that I need to come first.
With times changing no one really can be trusted no more.
I have very few friends out side the internet world.But I do have one that is like a sister I never had.
She is very caring and just a down right sweet lady.Best friends no matter where she moves in her life.
I am not full white cause really if you look at it no one really is .I am Cherokee and french in me.
I am on many groups and tend to try when I can sell on eBay to help support my cause with my rescue dogs.
I am here to meet friends and let the times go by cause in the end I am not looking for no one special to share my life with but we never know what is in store for us down the road.I take one day at a time.
My dreams will come true if their are suppost to come true.I hope one day to visit the state of New York and move back into the country to be able to own me another horse to be able to ride again.
Love Wolves,Horses,pit bull dogs and my prissy which she is a Snokie and Tiny Tot which is Prissy`s daughter.
Making true honest friends is what I am looking for .I am not here for someone to play head games with .I am not a child and do not want to be treated like one either.
I do seem to say what is on my mind alot and will stand up for my rights too.And for the ones who can`t speak for themselves.

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  • Dusti Sorry I haven`t been around here lately but been sick and no help in taking care of my animals so been having to do it all.
    14 years ago · Comment

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