Favorite Authors- James Patterson
Patricia Cornwall
Cathy Reichs
Jean M. Auel
I enjoy all styles in Music, because I just love beat, sound, rhythm. Although I am a rather cool, openminded, and well versed individual. I find myself quite pleased sometimes in my own universe. Can find me spending hours, reading, writing, playing cards, and doing puzzles.
There are really alot of other interests that I have, some not mentionable. If you really want to know, all you have to do is ask me. Gotta leave some level of mystery.....makes the discovery ohhhh so much more WORTH it.
Love movies.....all sorts, from classics (black & white) to Disney. Just please do not ask me to remember characters, and sometimes even the Name. Terrible memory I have. But hey...I do have some all time Land before Time...the first one only, Troy, Braveheart, Hunt for Red October....anything really with Sean Connery....uhhhhh. Sorry had a moment there.
btw.....Scary movies are awesome!!!!! But terrifying me afterwards is NEVER a good idea!! hehe
The only person I can honestly say I admire, cherish, and adore is my Grandmother. No one simply measures up. Love you Grandma (bet heaven is having a blast with you there)