girl language
its all true.
when i dont call you
[ I'm waiting for your call. ]
When i walk away from you mad
[ chase me down ]
When im quiet
[ ask me what's wrong]
When i ignore you
[ talk to me. ]
When i pull away
[ Pull me back. ]
When you see me at my worst
[ tell me i look beautiful. ]
When you see me start crying
[ tell me it is ok no matter what the reason. ]
When you see me walking
[ sneak up behind me and scare me. ]
When im scared
[ comfort me. ]
When i lay my head on your shoulder
[ lay your head on mine. ]
When i tease you
[ Tease me back ]
When i say that i like you
[ i really mean it. ]
When i grab at your hands
[ i want to hold them. ]
When i bump into you
[ it's because i want to be close to you. ]
When i tell you a secret
[ i trust you with my life to keep it a secret. ]
When i look at you in your eyes
[ look into mine, then kiss me. ]
When i miss you
[ it really hurts. ]
When you break my heart
[ i'll never entirely get over it. ]
When i say its over
[ i usually don't want it to be. ]
When i repost this bulletin
[ i'm thinking of him... ]
girls repost as" "Girl language
guys repost as "i posted this to prove that i read it"
p.s. even w/ this right in front of their faces, they're still not going to understand