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skinabiter's blog: "drug facts"

created on 06/16/2007  |  http://fubar.com/drug-facts/b92279

Negative medical effects

Here we have listed and explained the negative health effects of using marijuana. These must be read carefully, as with any drug there is always some level of risk involved. It is better to have a good idea what a drug can potentially do to you. Some may read this and decide against using the drug. As with any decision in life, awareness is the key here. The drug has many physical and psychological effects including loss of short-term memory and respiratory related illnesses. The drugs when smoked increases the chances of lung cancer and other smoking related illnesses. Tobacco is usually smoked with marijuana, and this too is a carcinogenic substance. The smoke produced by burning cannabis is less carcinogenic than tobacco, so smoking the substance pure isnt nearly as damaging compared to smoking with tobacco. Habitual use of the drug leads to loss of motivation in all areas. It is easy to get stuck in a cycle of smoking, although the substance itself hasnt been proven to be addictive. It is the feelings the drug produces which becomes second nature to many people too quickly. Loss of motivation in life can prove hugely detrimental to careers and other important life areas. Loss of short-term memory is common, with heavy habitual users often forgetting to do things on daily basis. The loss of motivation is perhaps the most serious negative effect of using cannabis. It is extremely easy to become affected by the drug in this way from even mild habitual use. The long term health issues revolve mainly around smoking related illnesses, but there have been reported instances of people becoming psychologicaly addicted to the effects of cannabis. These people can experience drug pyschosis, which in extreme and rare circumstances can result in death, although there hasnt been a single case of death from cannabis usage alone. It has been suggested that cannabis can cause mental problems in users, however studies have shown that the drug enhances the effects of these illnesses rather than causes them: In the case of delinquency, schizophrenia and mental illnesses, the balance of the evidence points to the second explanation. Marijuana doesn't cause the problems, although it may make them worse. Some schizophrenics, for example, are drawn to the drug because it eases their sense of alienation. And most researchers now accept that the evidence linking marijuana to abnormal brain waves vanishes when people with psychiatric problems, illnesses or a history of general drug abuse are excluded from studies. The verdict from research into the impact of marijuana on road safety skills is less clear. In Britain as many as 1 in 10 motorists involved in serious accidents test positive for cannabis. And figures as high as 37 per cent have emerged from studies in urban areas of the US. However, many of these drivers also test positive for alcohol, and even the cases involving just cannabis cannot be equated with people driving under the influence because the drug lingers so long in the body. In driving simulators, marijuana does impair visual skills and mental dexterity. But studies of actual driving show that even high doses of marijuana have less impact than alcohol, perhaps because smoking it doesn't usually make people become vastly overconfident. In one study, low doses of marijuana made drivers more cautious.
Marijuana has many effects on the body and more importantly on the mind. While not trying to imply that using the drug is good in a health sense for your body, it would be unfair to list the negative health effects without giving an opposing argument for the enjoyment of the effects of the drug. So we have listed the most common mental and physical effects associated with marijuana use. There are reasons why this drug is one of most widely used in the world, and they are listed below. Of course it depends how you take the drug and what variety of the drug you use, but there are almost default feelings that are associated with marijuana usage. The effects are also different for first time users in comparison to the feelings enjoyed by a more habitual user. The main area of your body that is affected by marijuana is your mind and therefore your senses. Time appears to move more slowly, you generally feel more relaxed and less bothered about things in general. Most people become more open-minded towards other people and their ideas, and your tendency toward laughing increases dramatically (sometimes at the most ridiculous things!). Laughing seems far more natural than usual, this is one of the most common and sought after effects of the drug. You feel generally a lot more amiable to those around you whether close friends or mild acquaintances. Your senses are all heavily affected. Music seems many times more crisp, clear and defined. It has been described like having your ears fully opened, feeling the music as well as hearing it. What your eyes see can be enhanced on occasions whereby anything you watch or see that is visually impressive will appear even more amazing to you. A sense of inertia seems to envelop your body, not in an uncomfortable way, but in a ‘cant be too bothered to move very far’ kind of way. You can sit in the same chair for hours! Sex is enhanced whilst under the influence of marijuana, with your body been far more sensitive to touch in certain areas. Some people have experienced hallucinations when a large quantity or a strong variety of marijuana is consumed; these hallucinations can vary hugely. Some of the stronger strains of potent marijuana have been known to make people lose control of their sense for 5 minutes or longer. All these effects are dependent on the user and the THC (tetrahyrdocannibol) content of the marijuana. For example bog standard cannabis resin may just give you a headache and make you tired if the THC content is low, whereas smoking the skunk vairiety with a high THC content gives the user enhanced feelings. We now have a more frank summary of the pros of the drug from a habitual smoker. We aim to give you both sides of the story, as we at weedguru do not advise using marijuana as this activity is illegal and punishable by a prison term or even death in some countries.
Marijuana as a medicine has been studied for many years. The drug is used in some cultures around the world in present day for its medicinal qualities. However for a drug to be used as medicine it must be legal in that country. Countless doctors who are aware of the positive medicinal effects of the drug advise patients to use the drug despite the laws prohibiting this. Uses for medicinal marijuana have been found in treating the following diseases: Cancer- Marijuana alleviates the vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite that is caused by chemotherapy. Glaucoma- The pain and progress of the disease can be reduced by the drug, as it reduces intraocular pressure. Glaucoma is the primary cause of blindness in the US. AIDS- Vomiting, pain and loss of appetite can be reduced. Multiple Sclerosis- Muscle pain is reduced by use of marijuana. Epilepsy- The drug has been known to fully prevent epileptic seizures in some patients and can allow more fresh areas of bronchi to open up. Chronic Pain- The drug reduces chronic pain caused by an array of injuries. It is thought that for marijuana to be effective as medicine it must be taken on a daily basis, the optimum period of effectiveness is 3 hours after dosage. ‘Marijuana could benefit as many as five million patients in the United States’-a leading doctor has said. The situation can be infuriating to doctors and patients alike. Many of the drugs that are legal and prescribed in the treatment of the above diseases cause severe side-effects where-as the main side-effect of using marijuana is getting high. The drug has proved successful to many patients in alleviating their symptoms, and there is a strong lobby in the United Kingdom and the US to legalise marijuana for medicinal use. The active substance in marijuana is tetrahyrdrocannibol. This affects the brain to give certain mental and physical effects. Symptoms known include hallucinations, affability, a relaxed ‘dream like state’, increased spatial awareness, laughing. Refer to the Against Medical section for the negative effects of the drug. The drug when used for recreational use is either smoked or consumed.
A simple smoking bottle You need: A coke bottle A knife A spliff Instructions Cut a hole in the side of the bottle big enough to put a spliff in. Make another hole further up the bottle. You make a long spliff that will fit in the hole in the side of the bottle. The second hole is the air-hole. It is good to pull hard and quickly through the bottle with a few short breaths to fill it up with smoke, then put your finger over the air-hole and take a big bottle full of smoke in one go, that’s if you want a real big hit. To clear the bottle, blow through the secondary hole (air-hole).
You need: A large plastic bottle (a 2 Litre coke bottle or 6 pint milk bottle are ideal) A plastic bag (Such as an empty bread bag) A length of string (must be longer than your bottle) Some sticky tape A small piece of tinfoil An elastic band (Small) A knife or sharp object Marijuana Instructions Cut the entire bottom off the bottle near its base. Tape the open end of the plastic bag to the bottom of the bottle using the sticky tape. Pinch the end of the bag and tie the piece of string to it so that most of it hangs down Poke tiny holes in the foil with a pin. Take the top off the bottle and replace with the tin foil - which can be secured with a rubber band but be careful as it rips easly. Now push the bag all the way into the bottle so that there is as little air as possible actually contained in the bottle. Make sure that you can reach the piece of string inside the bottle. Place your marijuana on the foil and burn it, whilst simultaneously pulling the string down until the bag is completely outside of the bottle. The bottle should now be full of marijuana smoke. Remove the foil from the top of the bottle and replace with your mouth. Now push the bag bak into the bottle at the required speed. Another variation of this technique is to use water instead of the bag (ie fill a bath or sink up), and when burning the weed slowly pull the bottle out of the water to create the vacuum that pulls the smoke into the bottle, then push the bottle back into the water to force the smoke into your lungs. This is commonly known as a bucket.
How to make a bong You need: A plastic coke bottle A small piece of piping – 5/10cm A socket from a socket set that will fit in the end of the pipe A knife Instructions Make a hole for the pipe about 1/3 way up bottle and insert pipe so pipe is bending down into the bottle. Put the socket in the end of the pipe outside the bottle Make a smaller hole in the bottle above the first hole Fill bottle with water so that pipe is in water, but water level does not reach the hole. Ok. The socket is where you put your mix(tobacco and your crumbled solid) and the second hole acts as an air-hole. When you have filled the socket with your mix, you light the mix and suck through the bottle top while holding your finger over the air-hole. To clear the bottle, either suck all the smoke out or take your finger off the air-hole and blow the smoke out. So there you have it, a simple bong.

The Theory of a Bong

Basic Principles. A bong is simply a smoking apparatus, which filters the smoke you inhale through water instead of through a filter or roach. The various procedures a bong utilises to convert marijuana into pure filtered cool smoke are as follows: The starting point of the process is with the bowl that will contain your cannabis. This must be fire proof so that when you hold a flame to the weed it wont go up in smoke, and also must have tiny holes in the bottom to allow the smoke to be pulled through. The next stage the smoke goes through is to travel through a hollow pipe that is attached to the bottom of the bowl containing your weed. The pipe will enter into the side of a large vessel containing water. The hole in the side of this container should be airtight, and the bottom of the pipe must be submerged in the water. The water is the next part of the process. The cool liquid acts as a filter for dust particles and other nastiness that floats along with the smoke, and also it acts as a coolant to further refine the hit. After a few uses you can see the superb filtering properties the water has - the water turns into a foul liquid. The smoke will rise up through the water - and hang suspended in the top part of the water filled container. At the top of the container will be a hole through which you have just sucked - pulling the flame onto the weed, and pulling the resulting fumes through the pipe, into the water and finally into the top part of the container. The empty space of the container now has filled up with cool filtered smoke, waiting the final part of the process. At the side of the container - above the water level, there is be a small hole which you should keep covered up with your finger until this point in time. This hole is called a shotgun hole, as it acts in the same way as when you shotgun a can of beer - allowing an easy passage of air into the container - to allow an easy passage of smoke out of the container into your lungs. So to summarise the events: 1) Hold a flame to the weed in the bowl. 2) Keeping your finger over the shotgun hole - inhale to draw the smoke through the water into the top part of the bong. 3) When this is filled with smoke, stop burning the weed. 4) Release your finger from the shotgun hole, and inhale strongly a second time - sucking the smoke into your lungs. 5) Hold in as long as you want, then breath out. 6) Lie back and enjoy - but keep your bong upright, that water becomes pretty disgusting.


A bad workman always blames his tools, but in some cases this can be true of some rolling papers. The most vital piece of a spliff, after the green of course, is the paper that you use to roll your masterpiece. There are many different types of skins on the market, some good, some bad. Different length spliff, speciality spliffs burn-offs etc all require a good quality skin to stand any chance of success. So here is the guide to the most popular skins on the UK market, of course if you pop into your local tobacconist you will find a plethora of paper delights. Ease of rolling increases with paper weight/width, and the gum has to be reliable else the bastard will fall apart in your hands. 1. Rizla. The mainstay of successful caning for years, they produce the best papers. Quality subtle tasting paper and ultra reliable gums. Blue- Thin and light papers for the experienced caner, you don’t end up smoking much paper. The most popular choice for rolling due to its weight and lack of paper. 9/10 Green- Medium weight and medium paper width. A choice for all users due to their ease of use and average weight. 9/10 Red- Thickest and heaviest of the rizla stable, these are ideal for the beginner.8/10 Originals- Think these use hemp oils in the gums, which is good, similar to green weight and width..7/10 Liquorice- Similar to reds weight and thickness, but liquorice tasting., u can eat em if you like. 1/10 Wheatgerms- A rizla paper made of wheatgerm, its like rolling with bloody newspaper.5/10. 2. Swan. The gums don’t stick, the paper tastes bad. Swan standard- Only to ever be used when you definitely cant get any other type of skin in the world.0/10 3. Zigzags. Good quality skins with a smaller width and 1.5 rizla king size length. Blue- Thin with low weight, a good skin.9/10 Green- Thick and heavy but long, a good skin for the novice wanting the extra length.8/10 White- Good and thin.9/10 4. Rips. A long roll of paper, gummed but not very effectively. You can literally pull the paper to the desired length. Rips standard- A good idea, but let down by weak stickabliity.7/10 5. Highland Skins. Interesting due to their common two skins pack, and of course the pack of roaches you get that as you use slowly reveals a stripping police woman. Highland Skins standard- Novel idea, encouraging you smoke quicker.10/10

How to roll a spliff

You need: A pack of skins preferably red king Rizla skins for the beginner Some tobacco Some weed A piece of thin cardboard A lighter / matches Rolling guide: Put the skin on a hardback book or a dish in your lap within easy reach of your hands. Pull your weed apart and spread evenly over the skin. You can tear off a bit of the Rizla pack for a roach; roll it into a cylinder and put at the left end of skin. NB some people find it easier to roll with the sticky end facing you, some the other way, only by trial and error will you find which way suits you. Spread tobacco over your weed in the skin again evenly throughout you can aim for a 60(tobacco)/40(weed) mix to start with. Now pick up the skin with both hands between your thumbs and first two fingers. Using your thumb, roll the skin between your fingers trying to make a cylinder shape with it. The more evenly a cylinder you can get the better unless you want to try making the smoking end a bit fatter to go for a proper spliff look. Roll more and apply pressure to the part you wish to roll first, make the edge closest to you (if the sticky edge is furthest)catch under the opposite side of the skin. This is the only tricky bit. Once you can make one side roll into the other and wrap around itself you have the knack. When you finally get the paper to catch, wrap it around, lick the gum (the shiny sticky bit) of the paper and roll fully. Poke the smoking end (without the roach) down a bit with a pen. Twist of the end for a nice finish and light up. The trick of rolling is all about getting the paper to catch and wrap itself around. Once you have learned this you’ll be flying. It is very useful to buy some rolling tobacco and to practice with little skins first. Once you have mastered rolling a spliff at all you can start adjusting the shape to make some real fat spliffs.

Girlfriend 1.0 Upgrade

Dear Tech Support: Last year I upgraded Girlfriend 1.0 to Wife 1.0 and noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. No mention of this phenomenon was included in the product brochure. In addition, Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs and launches during system initialization where it monitors all other system activity. Applications such as Poker-night 10.3 and Beer-bash 2.5 no longer run, crashing the system whenever selected. I cannot seem to purge Wife 1.0 from my system. I am thinking about going back to Girlfriend 1.0 but uninstall does not work on this program. Can you help me? Dear Sir, This is a very common problem men complain about but is mostly due to a primary misconception. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 1.0 to Wife 1.0 with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a "UTILITIES & ENTERTAINMENT" program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and designed by its creator to run everything. It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the program from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 1.0 because Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this. Some have tried to install Girlfriend 2.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with more problems than original system. Look in your manual under Warnings - Alimony / Child Support. I recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and just deal with the situation. Having Wife 1.0 installed myself, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Protection Faults (GPFs). You must assume all responsibility for faults and problems that might occur. The best course of action will be to push apologize button then reset button as soon as lock-up occurs. System will run smooth as long as you take the blame for all GPFs. Wife 1.0 is a great program but is very high maintenance.
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