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43 Year Old · Male · From San Antonio, TX · Invited by: 1040471 · Joined on August 28, 2008 · Born on August 14th · 4 referrals joined!
43 Year Old · Male · From San Antonio, TX · Invited by: 1040471 · Joined on August 28, 2008 · Born on August 14th · 4 referrals joined!

I'm a 27 year old professional fuck off, working on a ship 6 months out of the year. Music is my passion and first love. Currently I play guitar, piano, trumpet, and percussion, though I am a bit out of practice on everything except guitar.

Gaming is the other constant in my life. I have been playing every sort of game I could get my hands on since I was a kid, and I've never gotten tired of it. Computer games, Table top RPG's, legacy console games, board and card games, whatever I can find.

I am an avid reader. I started with sci-fi/fantasy, but have moved more towards philosophical and sociology books I have gotten older. If they have all of it rolled into one, even better :P (See: Sword of Truth - Terry Goodkind, Time Enough for Love - Robert Heinlein, The Virtue of Selfishness - Ayn Rand)

I hate drama, laziness, stupidity (and for those who are easily confused, stupidity and ignorance are not the same), and melodramatic people. I don't give a fuck who you are or how bad you've had it, someone else has had it worse. So stop bitching, get off your ass and do something about it.

I'm not a punk, goth, emo, hippy, skater, cowboy, or metrosexual. Don't like it, feel free to write your congressman. I don't care what you rate my profile, or if you are a fan, because it does not matter.

The asshole bit said, if you can hold a decent conversation, or have something interesting to say or show, then by all means, hit me up.


43 Year Old · Male · From San Antonio, TX · Invited by: 1040471 · Joined on August 28, 2008 · Born on August 14th · 4 referrals joined!
I am definitely into traveling. I spend 6 months a year on a boat. I love music first and foremost, computer gaming/graphics/programming, reading, art, philosophy, anything to expand my mind.

I am NOT interested in cars, sports, drama, television (with very few exceptions), or who fucked who in Hollywood or the neighbors house last night. Don't act surprised or shocked that Tiger fucked around, don't scramble for the tabloids because Brittany is an alcoholic slut. Fucking live your own life and let the other bitches get on with theirs.

Apocalyptica, Dave Mathews, Regina Spector, Jim Croce, Simon and Garfunkle, Mika, The kooks, The killers, The Coral, Underworld, Leonard Cohen, Jack Johnson, etc etc Watch the videos below.. maybe you will find something you didn't know you would like.

I Was Only 19 - RedGum


Path - Apocalyptica

Sampson - Regina Spektor

Remember That Time - Regina Spektor

Big Girls(You are Beautiful) - Mika

Knights of Cydonia - Muse

Ghost of You - My Chemical Romance

Ooh La - The Kooks

When the World Ends - Dave Mathews

Trainspotting, The World According to Garp, Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail, August Rush, Sweeny Todd, And any Mel Brook's Film.
Video Games
Halo3, Assasin's Creed, CivIV, Medieval Total War, EQ, and WOW (At the moment) Huge fan of all The Final Fantasy games except the online one. Basically, anything with enough of a story and depth to hold my attention.

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