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61 Year Old · Male · From Fayette, AL · Invited by: 1132707 · Joined on December 27, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 2nd · I have a crush on someone!
61 Year Old · Male · From Fayette, AL · Invited by: 1132707 · Joined on December 27, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 2nd · I have a crush on someone!

/>Satisfaction.com Free Comment CodesMyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts Free Glitter Text Maker CommentsGet Your Sexy NameHi my name is Ronnie,And I am a SWINGER....I am a 43 year old, white male,6'2" tall, weight of 285Lbs, blue eyes, and brown hair...when i have hair My screen name is the sting of pain,the reason for this is because of all the things in my life that i have went though which i will not go through because this is not a pitty me profile,lets just say its been a lot,also because of the way of the world today,and all the confusion in society today,Im not perfect,nor do I claim to be , but I am myself, and that is all I want to be and all I ask others to be,is their selves...I am not a fake friend,sales rep,or drama major, and I don't like haters, or making fun of people on line, so if this is what you want keep on stepping, I got no time for bullshit....I am , a straight forward kind of guy,and I say it like is,no whitewash,no bullshit....AND NO HEAD GAMES. And if you ain't in to that I don't give a damn!!!cause I will survive... I am a weird guy in an even stranger world trying not to get caught talking to myself(though I do it quite offten).Other than that I am an easy going, laid back, and free spirited guy,who is pretty normal... if you call being a swinger,and a clown normal lol.....making people laugh is very important thing to me,hey I am a people person,and enjoy watching their interactions with each others;I enjoy being the center of attention in small groups or crowds of others,as sad as that might sound,but I try to keep that as a positive view, I concider myself a fun person,and I think I know how to have a good time,but I make sure that all those arround me are doing the same first,after all friends should come first... I am in search of like minded souls and amorous adventurers. I am always looking to meet new people for no strings attached adult good times; Bored house wives looking for some extra curricular fun. Open minded couples looking for an easy going play partner, and single ladies looking for a friend with benefits.I am looking for people that want true friends ,people that are crazy and wild like me, people that can be their selves, I will say this now if I say it I mean it there is no white wash from me just straight fact because if you can't be honest with a friend who can you be honest with. What , would be nice and; refreshing ,would be to hear from other singles and; couples of faith who have learned to balance their lives to live the lifestyle that is available with the freedom they possess, you know the ones who have cast off their moral and sexist blinders that are worn for societies sake and dare to let lose their sexual taboos,and really be them selves. I like all music of all kinds and genders my favorites are R&B,hip hop,and some rap,but it depends on my mood and state of mind that I am in to what I listen tolets see I like a lot of movies,yes including porn,but it can't be just a fuck flick it has to have a plot to it... but I would say that my favorite movies would be horror,sci_fi and thrillers.The same with the movies,but charmed,angel,buffy and a whole lot of reality T.V.are my favorites.All Harry Potter books,Stephen King,Dean Koontz,and all of the Don Pendelton action books.and yes every now and then a good comic book... I am, a man of many mysteries, and I like it like that,I have many intersts,and many hobbies,probably too many to mention here,but hey if you don,t find what you need to know about me here, or any were else in my pro file you can always ask me my life is an open bookI am looking for people that want true friends ,people that are crazy and wild like me, people that can be their selves, I will say this now if I say it I mean it there is no white wash from me just straight fact because if you can't be honest with a friend who can you be honest with. What , would be nice and; refreshing ,would be to hear from other singles and; couples of faith who have learned to balance their lives to live the lifestyle that is available with the freedom they possess, you know the ones who have cast off their moral and sexist blinders that are worn for societies sake and dare to let lose their sexual taboos,and really be them selves.My heroes are; Hue Heffner the creator of playboy magazine and, Larry Flint creator of Penthouse magazine, for it was for these tow men and their mags that started the sexual revolution that makes it easier for people like me and many others to live the lifestyles we do.freedom....and lastly but not least any one that can put up with my shit cause I can be a hand full...check it out...lol well thats about it ,I think,I could say alot about myself,as anyone could do,but I will leave you with the mystery of me in your mind.getting to know me ,could be a benefit...or worst case scenario...I'll be just another person you know... So if you wanna,or need to know more about me, just ask, my life is an open book...BESIDES I DON'T BITE....UNLESS I AM ASKED NICELY TOO.Other contacts for me... Drfate_69@yahoo.com dllngjam@aol.com So hit me up if you need a friend,a clown,advice,to talk or just to know me...ok

61 Year Old · Male · From Fayette, AL · Invited by: 1132707 · Joined on December 27, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 2nd · I have a crush on someone!
/www.myplaylist.org/mc/images/create_red.jpg" border="0" /> href="http://www.myplaylist.org/download/14972927">
Hey, who has time for t.v. or movies,when there are so many,many beautyful people,out there to meet,and share life with,hell Im a people watcher,and belive me there is alot more fun in watching peopl then a movie,you should try it some time lol,I mean you have romance and love,you have comady,you have tragady,you have drama,and yes you have suspence and thriller,all wrped into the people of our world, so get off the couch,and your butts and try it,you might like it.....
My idols range from many,and diffrent personalitys and traits to match my confusional and choatic thinking and life styles but if i had to choose I would say it would have to be my friends,cause if I dident idolize them they would not be my friends so to that I say thank you to all of them... Who would I like to meet,hmmmm lets see,all the ones out there with brains and not crap between their ears,the ones that want our goverment, to be ran and have intellegent leaders, instead of the morons and wieners that we have now...lmao..not really... I am here to find old friends, and to make new ones, I mean real and true friends, not the ones intrested in how many friends they have,or who they can make fun of or hate on,cause these people are a dime a dozen,and ain't worth a flipping fuck,I am not interested in marketers or sales reps,unless they just want to be friends with no sales pitches,drama is a play written,for the stage, not the life of your friends,so I have no use for the drama king or queens out there.I MUST WARN YOU I HAVE A DELETE BUTTON, AND WILL USE IT, IF NECESSARY, SO DON'T ASK WHY IF I USE IT.....But mostly what I am looking forward to,is meeting people that are real,people that can be them selves no matter what; and the ones who don't run away from me, screaming that they seen the antichrist, or some facsimile thereof,any one who can find humor or something to laugh at in life,or any fellow insane person who just wants to enjoy a state of bewilderment with me.So join the round table of nuts, there is always a place for you. so who do I want to meet,hmmmmmm YOU THATS WHO....
Video Games
The only games I play is with the minds and hearts of lovely ladies, I say games but there not,I usually mean what I say to them,but hey i am both a flirt, and a swinger,and I love all the ladies,and I do show it...I don't say I am gods gift to woman,cause i am not,but of those that know me I try to be,cause why do any thing half ass..

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