I wake up to you in the morning
With your smile shining so bright
We part our ways,
To fo our work for the day
I have supper ready when you get home
I am never long alone.
Dinner is ready my Love.
Made by your lil turtle dove
Sharing the house work
Wenever go beserk
Cuddling on the couchwatching T.V.
I feel the warmth of your love surround me
I spend my nights in your loving arms
Where I am safe from any harm
You are a wonderful man
You always give a helping hand
You shower me with many things
YOu amaze me, with the joy you bring
The Man of my life
Please say one day you will make me your wife!
I can not live with out you
My love is sooo True
If you left me, I would die inside
So,please make me your bride
I offer myheart, my soul abd my total being to you
What you have touched in me, you have no clue
When I am blue or sick you make me feel like a queen
YOu are the man of my dreams.
Someone please tell me this is not a Dream!!!
dk written by farah