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46 Year Old · Male · Joined on July 22, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on January 29th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
46 Year Old · Male · Joined on July 22, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on January 29th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

If you're easily offended by other peoples oppinions then do us both a favor and push the back button. there's around 50,000 other people on here at any given time and I'm sure one of them will get along with you better than I will.

I'm a blunt, open, honest person. I live by the motto of if you dont want to know the truth then dont ask. if you dont want me to tell you the truth (no matter how brutal it is) then do yourself a favor and dont ask the question lol.

ok let me start by saying I'm not here looking for love, sex, rates, bling, hh, or any of the other bullshit this site has to offer. I'm here plain and simple looking for new friends and some good laughs. I'm a sarcastis person and yes I am a flirt. but take it for what it is...fun. just because I rate you or leave you a comment doesn't mean I want you. if I accept your friend request it doesn't mean I want you.
now there are exceptions to every rule, every living thing has their weakness, their kryptonite if you will. mine is redheads, not just any redhead though. my kryptonite would have to be a wild petite little red head with green eyes and lots of freckles. mmmmmmm
a quick thought on a couple things here on fubar, pet peeves if you will. 1st is people with drama on this site. come the fuck on people, it's the internet. need I say more? 2. is people who say I'll open my nsfw if you buy me this or buy me that. now dont get me wrong I'm an open minded person (probably one of the most open minded people you'll meet) but to me this is just plain ridiculous. I see nothing wrong with people liking to show themselves off, some are voyeurs and some are exhibitionists. it's human nature. but when you really think about it isn't selling pics of yourself for shit on fubar the online equivalent of sellin yourself on the street? if you're going to charge people to see you naked why dont ya go shake your ass at the local strip club? at least there it'll make ya some money instead of a little picture on your webpage lol.
dont ask me to rate you or crush you, join your lounge, comment your pics, buy you hh or blings, blasts etc. if I want to rate you I will, when I have something to say about one of your pics I will. as for buying you hh, blings, blasts, etc. if I want to I will. please note I will NEVER buy you one to see your nsfw pics. if I'm gonna spend my money to see a girl naked I'll go to the strip club where at least the girls are tangible and there is the possibility of havin more contact than some words and a cold glass screen.

I'm just your average good ol country boy. Now this doesn't mean I wear cowboy boots and a cowboy hat everywhere I go lol! nor does it mean my brother's my uncle, my dad is my cousin, or any other variation of twisted relations. It could be because most peoples perception of country folks is wrong, or maybe it's just because I'm an only child lmao! I guess we'll never know. you could say I'm a redneck and I would probably agree with you. I do things like play in the mud, use my lawn tractor to start the bonfire, and hell yes I like to drink whiskey and shoot my guns! my idea of a good night is a case of beer and a bonfire at my camp, dont get me wrong I definately enjoy a night out on the town now and then but when I want to relax I wanna be able to see the stars and hear the crickets.
I have a 5 yr old son, he is my world. I have had custody of him since he was 1 1/2 years old. raising a child as a single dad hasn't been easy, making myself be responsible when everyone I know was still goin wild and partying every night wasn't an easy task lol. I have an amazing family that has helped me and my son every chance they can. 2 years ago I met an amazing girl on this site, she moved here to be with my son and myself. we got married and shared alot of good times, she was more of a mother to my son than his own mother has been. in a stepmother for my son I couldn't ask for anyone to love him more. as a wife there were flaws (nobody's perfect) but she made me happier than I've ever been. I've never known a love like hers, I couldn't have asked for more. unfortunately things between us went terribly wrong between us. now we are seperated by 3000 miles and the rift between us has grown far beyond that. after just a little over a year of being married we are getting divorced. with each passing day it gets easier, a little more of me moves on and lets go. now I'm back on here to reunite with some old friends and make some new ones to help keep my spirits up while I get over this speed bump in the path of life.

oh one last thing, as I said I am an open minded person, very open minded in fact, so dont be shy and dont hold anything back. I'd rather know the real you than some fake make believe character.

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46 Year Old · Male · Joined on July 22, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on January 29th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

And shepherds we shall be,
For Thee, my Lord, for Thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,
That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.
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