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Ms Ladee's blog: "Drama"

created on 05/04/2007  |  http://fubar.com/drama/b79566
Here is prime example one of the worlds most short yellow bus riding Idiots. The reason some people should not reproduce. I bet if he met you on the street he would be the most humbliest human being. If you think this is cute or funny think again. Seems you need to reflect on your life and let the fakeness go. You are trying way to hard,the coward is showing. My Shoutbox Chr1sScand...: bitch, you are less than a fucking one, you fucking disgusting fatass bitch Chr1sScand...: what? I like BBBW big beautiful black women ->Chr1sScand...: Well I see your level of maturity and education, Ignorance has no place in my life and neither do you Chr1sScand...: damn, whats up you fat black bitch. sexy ass ho

What a Father Day

State's deadbeat dads owe $3 bil. Deadbeat parents owe $3 billion in Illinois alone, $100 billion nationwide. When parents refuse to honor child support, their kids pay. And so do you. April 8, 2007 BY ABDON M. PALLASCH apallasch@suntimes.com When her ex-husband stopped paying child support, Rebecca Saban lost her Palos Park home and had to move to Downstate Pekin to find a house in her price range. Working day and night, she still could not afford simple pleasures, even the $12 to take her daughters to a local swimming pool. Her ex claimed to be homeless and rarely employed, but when he took the girls for weekends they'd stay in five-star hotels, she said. And when Saban, 47, begged him for money to pay bills, she said he'd take a roll of hundreds out of his pocket and peel off a few. » Click to enlarge image Rebecca Saban (with Erica, left, and Andi) said that although her ex pleads poverty, he was able to take the girls to Jamaica. (Rich Hein/Sun-Times) » Click to enlarge image Marilyn Townsend, of Palos Hills, and her kids are owed $142,000. With her are children (from left) Katie, 15; Kristin, 13, and Stephen, 17. The feds tracked down Ralph Townsend in Tennessee. (Jon Sall/Sun-Times) PHOTO GALLERY • Deadbeat dads RELATED STORIES • Official site: Ill. Child Support Enforcement "We were on food stamps," she said. "I never took them swimming the entire summer. . . . I told him, 'If you could just give me enough to take the kids swimming. ...' He said, 'Oh, I'll take them swimming.' He took them to Jamaica!" Mark Saban, 49, owes his ex-wife and their 10- and 12-year-old daughters $228,000 in child support, making him the second-worst deadbeat dad in Illinois, according to state records examined by the Chicago Sun-Times. The No. 1 deadbeat dad is Carl Douglas of Chicago, who owes $367,000 in child support to his ex-wife and daughters in the northwest suburbs, records show. Jail gets their attention Deadbeat parents owe $3 billion in Illinois and $100 billion nationwide. At least 20 dads owe more than $100,000 in Illinois. Some parents who owe money have fled and can't be found. Prosecutors and state officials have powerful tools to try to get deadbeat dads: They can confiscate paychecks, bank accounts and income tax refunds. They can block renewals of passports. In some states, including Illinois, they can stop renewals of driver's licenses. Putting a deadbeat parent in jail seems to have the most immediate effect. Rebecca Saban got to keep her ex-husband's $3,000 bond after he was booked into jail years ago for not paying child support. But when a deadbeat dad makes it his mission not to work or to have no traceable income or assets, kids can suffer. Divorce lawyers joke that high-earning husbands come down with "AIDS" after a divorce -- "Acquired Income Deficiency Syndrome." Mark Saban hasn't paid his wife anything this year, and little in past years. But she still lets him take their daughters for periodic weekends. "Some people tell me I'm crazy, but I don't believe in using kids as pawns for money," Rebecca Saban said. "Child support is a separate issue from visitation." Illinois' child support office has not been able to do much for her. Once, the agency found a bank account of Mark Saban's and confiscated the $25,000 in it. That was enough for her to make the down payment on her Pekin house. Another time the agency seized his $952 U.S. income tax refund. Mark Saban said he lost his $2 million-a-year electrical contracting company in a series of court cases after he tried to expose an arson allegedly set by a business rival. "I've had my constitutional rights taken away for exposing injustice in the Chicago area, stripping me of my assets, leaving me homeless," he said. Since the trip to Jamaica with his daughters years ago, he lives a modest lifestyle, he said, staying at hotels with pools only when an employer puts him up at one. "I help my children out every way that I possibly can," Mark Saban said, adding that he's staying at a low-price motel in Downstate Monticello. "I'm looking for food for myself every third or fourth day." 'Say Goodbye to Mommy' It was 15 years ago when Linn Roche's husband came home, ripped out the phone cords, punched her in front of their three young daughters and said, "Say 'Goodbye' to Mommy," according to Roche and police reports. "Thank God a neighbor heard that and called the police," said Roche, 49. Charges against her husband, who could not be reached for comment, were dropped. Her ex, John T. Walsh, 51, left town and now owes $182,000 in child support, making him the state's No. 3 deadbeat dad. A records check shows he might be in Colorado. Illinois' child support enforcement office has been of little help, Roche said. However, the National Child Support Enforcement Association gave that office and director Pam Compton Lowry an award last year for "most improved" in the nation. It has certainly helped some moms, such as Marilyn Townsend of Palos Hills. Feds catch deadbeat dad Federal agents tracked her ex -- the state's 8th-worst-offender, Ralph Townsend -- to a Tennessee trailer where he had everything in his girlfriend's name, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Julie Ruder. Last month a judge allowed Ralph Townsend, a 48-year-old former hospital administrator, to move to California for a $40-an-hour hospital job so he can better repay $142,000 in overdue child support. Marilyn Townsend described raising her three kids without a father as "an emotionally difficult thing for a child, [having] to see their friends have vacations and all the things that come with having a two-parent household with parents who love them." His side of the story Roche wonders why the feds don't go to Colorado to hunt her ex as they did with Marilyn Townsend's. "One question is: 'Has the state exhausted all the means that they have?' " said Margot Bean, commissioner of the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement. Deadbeat parents don't only cheat their kids. Taxpayers must fund Lowry's $180 million-a-year office of 1,500 employees tracking deadbeat dads in Illinois. Carl Douglas, 50, was moving up the ladder at Allstate before s divorce in 2001. The divorce made him too ill to work, he said. He lost his $150,000-a-year job and hasn't made more than $14,000 a year since, he said. He complains it took him six years to get the courts and then the state to lower his child support. Meantime, they suspended his state insurance license. "How can I make money to pay child support when they pull my insurance license?" he asked. The state suspended his license after years of not paying, Lowry said. "People end up on that Web site [of deadbeat dads] because they are the most egregious child-support evaders," Lowry said. Douglas' ex-wife survived seven rough years trying to provide a normal life for her daughters without help from her ex. One of her daughters will start college this fall. "You learn that you can do a lot of things with macaroni and cheese," she said. WHAT WELL-KNOWN CHICAGO DEADBEATS OWE $68,000 Kahil El'Zabar, an internationally renowned jazz percussionist and composer, was named a 2004 ''Chicagoan of the Year'' by the Chicago Tribune even though he owed child support for his 9-year-old son in Mississippi until Cook County prosecutors made him start paying this summer. ''There have been many times when we did not have food because I had to pay an electricity or utility bill," said ex-girlfriend Getty Israel. El'Zabar's Web site says he has six children. $4,400 Larry Hightower, a North Chicago alderman, was ordered to pay up after falling 66 weeks behind in support payments -- though he drives a Mercedes coupe and a Lincoln Navigator. Hightower, who chairs the North Chicago council's finance committee, told the News Sun, ''This is not a public matter. . . . It has no business in the public eye.'' DEADBEATS AREN'T ALWAYS MEN . . . $68,964 That's the amount deadbeat mom Sheila Koek owes ex-husband Lloyd Ploense. Ploense has been forced to comply with a court order that he allow his children to stay with Koek for a month every summer. Neither Koek, nor Areva Williams, Illinois' No. 1 deadbeat mom ($71,943) could be reached for comment. Williams' last known address was on the South Side, Koek's was Simi Valley, Calif.

A note to downraters

Most of us online are very secure with who we are. We lead a balance life for the most part. there are those of you who are either afraid, mean, or just so insecure with your selves you have to downrate others. You never know what is on the mind of the person on the other end of that rate, or humiliating comment. I find that most people feel the need to downrate to compensate for soemthing they are lacking. It gives them a sense of power or control. Well I hope you realize that soemtimes that power or control that you are seeking have devastating affects on some people. I know of 3 cases of suicide where the words typed, spoken, sent be email or the rating issued has pushed a person(s) over the edge. To some the internet is all they have. So the next time before you type those humiliating words, click the low rating number think about this can I handle being the one who played the final role is the suicide of another? I have a friend I met here on the net that will be buried next week for this very reason. This is for people like bigdickboy AngelbabyLcrazyberbero07 erotica Ashes Willie Foxy Dragon Rider Si3lence Palletman lilsexymommy bleedingsoul Just to name a few
Bleeding_soul Sil3nce Kris Kristen_24 Carvell Carpatain This list will be updateed periodically if you have a hater feel free to e mail them to me I shall post them for all to see. IF youo haters/downraters don't like it then don't hate Smoooooches


It behoooooves me the many many sad pathetic haters that log in on Cherry Tap. Is your lives so sorry, pathetic, worthless this is all you have to do? Are you that green with envy, hate, and worship you have to try to belittle others. Well for the record I love haters/downraters it means I have consumed what little minds you have and I am renting space in you other wise empty heads. the 1's and 2's is just as good as the 10's and 11's the stable and secure mineded people give me. I actually feel sorry for people like you, your mental state must be borderline suicidal or something. Suggestion get a life, or end yours either way go away. Thank you so kindly for takinf the time to read my blog. It is greatly appreciated.

Military family

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
We can only hope and pray for those we love that are out fighting our wars. This is a national love, we all live it, feel it, and are afraid because of it. I have family fighting in Iraq, Bagdad,Kosovo. I have friends fighting as well, war knkows no color,it devastates us all. I am sending my prayers to all who have love ones fighting, who have loved ones lost, because of the wars. memorialDay39.jpg
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com


Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
There are not enough words to express the gratitude felt by many of us. There is not a day where you are not thought about. There is no branch held higher then the other, we love and respect you all. Matters not the time or the war, we appreciate what you have given. memorialDay27.jpg
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com

Please help a dying boy

http://www.shaneswish.com/ Shane Bernier is a courageous seven-year-old boy from Lancaster, Ontario who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia when he was only five. On June 6th, 2006 Shane and his family received some unfortunate news: Shane experienced a relapse after completing 108 of 130 weeks of treatment. However, despite the bad news, Shane has managed to keep a positive outlook on his situation and has made a heart-warming wish... He hasn’t asked for money or toys or anything of the sort. Instead, his birthday is on May 30th and he would like to break the world record for the most birthday cards ever received. His goal is 350 million cards. With every card, Shane’s courage grows. Something as simple as sending a birthday card could be enough to help Shane find peace and joy in his current circumstances. Please take the time to send a card to Shane and make his dream become a reality. Share his story with your friends, family and co-workers. If at all possible, get your youth groups, church congregations, employees, neighbours or communities to set aside a few minutes to write a thoughtful note to Shane. With every card, Shane’s smile grows... If you’d like to send a card to Shane, please send it to: Shane Bernier PO Box 484 Lancaster, Ontario K0C 1N0 Canada If you’d like to help Shane in other ways too, then take a look at our “How Can I Help?” page for more ideas. We’ll add more ways as soon as they become available.
Verified in Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/crime/fraud/juryduty.asp Jury Duty Please pass this on to everyone in your email address book. It is spreading fast so be prepared should you get this call. Most of us take the summons for jury duty seriously, but enough people skip out on their civic duty, that a new and ominous kind of scam has surfaced. Fall for it and your identity could be stolen, reports CBS. In this con, someone calls pretending to be a court official who threateningly says a warrant has been issued for your arrest because you didn't show up for jury duty. The caller claims to be a jury coordinator. If you protest that you never received a summons for jury duty, the scammer asks you for your Social Security number and date of birth so he or she can verify the information and cancel the arrest warrant. Sometimes they even ask for credit card numbers. Give out any of this information and ..... Bingo! Your identity has just been stolen. The scam has been reported so far in 11 states. This scam is particularly insidious because they use intimidation over the phone to try to bully people into giving information by pretending they're with the court system. The FBI and the federal court system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites, warning consumers about the fraud. Pass this on. I checked Snopes and this is for real..

Just plain dumb

ROCKVILLE, Md. (Star Tribune) — Two teenagers were charged with setting fires in suburban Washington after they bragged about the blazes on MySpace.com, authorities said. The 17-year-old schoolmates were involved in 17 fires in Montgomery County, fire officials said Friday. The teens face 22 charges, including two counts each of first-degree arson and four counts of second-degree arson. Their names were not released because they were charged as juveniles. Stores, vehicles, a bowling alley and two school buses were set on fire between Jan. 20 and April 16. Investigators got a tip to check out the online social networking site MySpace.com, where they found photos and descriptions. They posted photos of their crimes. The only way they could have been dumber is if they posted routes to the scenes of the crimes from their houses on Mapquest, sold pieces of the burned debris on eBay and written songs about it and distributed them illegally on Napster. They even wrote about the arsons in their MySpace blogs. Wait, I’m sorry, that’s dumber. Both of the teens are in custody at a juvenile detention center, and because of their ages, their names were not released. Of course, I’m sure both of the boys are begging police to release their names.
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