39 Year Old
From Fort Polk, LA·
Joined on August 2, 2007
Born on September 7th
Im in the Army, I am stationed down at the glorious Fort Polk Louisiana. We deploy in November, so my life is crazy.
39 Year Old
From Fort Polk, LA·
Joined on August 2, 2007
Born on September 7th
I did two years at FCC in AutoTech, so my main interest are making slow things fast, cause everything is just a little bit better fast, right? Also I enjoy my 03 Cobra that I bought last year. Currently it is underconstruction getting a fabbed single turbo kit for it. My last setup on it was a Kenne Bell 2.2L which made 600rwhp, dont believe me ask me I have some fun videos to watch. I am an 11BangBang in the US Army, and thats all I gots to say about that....
30 Seconds to Mars, The Used, Groove Coverage, Shinedown, Audioslave, T-Pain, Fabulous, Lloyd, Lil Scrappy, Soulja Boy, Craig Morgan, Keith Urban, etc...
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came across your page and thought id drop in and say hi! rated ya! if you could do the same that would be WONDERFUL!If you already have Thanks so much!Have a great day! Get More at COMMENTYOU.comalso if you have few minutes my friends are in a rates only contest(no commenting) link is on my page!