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41 Year Old · Male · From Fort Collins, CO · Joined on July 2, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 26th · I have a crush on someone!
41 Year Old · Male · From Fort Collins, CO · Joined on July 2, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 26th · I have a crush on someone!

I am a 26 year old male living in Fort Collins Colorado. I was born in Ohio but have lived in quite a few different parts of the United States. Moving around alot as a child I never got to keep Friends long, but I always tried to make the best out of my situation. I had a very difficult youth and am still adjusting even now to life as it countinues to try to beet us down. All there is to do is to keep your head up high and march on, one day we will all get whats coming to us. I live by a certian philosophy, "Treat every one as if they were Jesus, For when doing so you will be treating others the way Jesus would." The way one treats others directlly reflects that persons thought process and mentalitie in conjuction with the compalation of there expeirences and the choice of what side of the street they want to walk. Yoda "Do or do not, there is no try."

41 Year Old · Male · From Fort Collins, CO · Joined on July 2, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 26th · I have a crush on someone!
My intrests are probably different then a lot of peoples. First off I'd like to think I keep my self well informed on worldlly issues, mabey not as well as I should though. I am a big sience geek and love studying all sorts of things, mostly philosophy and theory. Any time I can educate myself I do, I pride myself on the knowledge I've accumulated over my short life span. I love interacting at a sociale level, but what gets me going are people who I can connect with on the next level, inforativlly and eduacationlly wise. A good debate makes my day.
I'm a bigg country fan because its relatable, and has a very well stated point or story behind it. I also love classic rock, some alternative rock, and classic music as well. David Bowie is one of my all time faverite artists.

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