Time: 11:41pm
Name: Nicole
Sisters: Joy, Jill & Jamie
Brothers: James & Chad
Height: 5ft 9"
What are you wearing? Quincy Hawks tshirt & Flecce pants
Favorite Number? 7
Favorite Drink? Brass Monkey
Favorite Month: October
Favorite Breakfast: fried eggs, bacon (extra cispy), hashbrowns, toast with jelly
--------------------------Have You Ever-------------------------
Broken a bone: yes
Been in a police car: yes
Been on a boat? yes
Swam in the ocean and surfed?: yes
Fallen asleep in school: yes
Cried when someone died: yes
Saved emails?: yes
--------------------------Ever Had-------------------------------
Chicken pox: yes
Sore throat: yes
Broken nose: yes (6 times)
----------------------------Do You--------------------------------
Like cake? no
Like school? yeah, i until i found beer
Who was the last person you danced with? Drew
Who makes you smile? My princess Landry
What are you listening to right now? TV Deal or No Deal
Hated someone in your family? um yeah someone that joined my family
Diamond or pearl? diamonds DUH
----------------------------Today did you------------------------------
1. Talk to someone you like? yes
2. Get sick? no
3. Sing: yes
4. Talked to an ex: yes
5. Miss someone: yes
--------------------------Last person who---------------------------
6. Was in your bed besides you?: Landry
7. Talked to on the phone?: Joey
8. Made you cry?: Warren
10. You went to the mall with? Joey
-------------------------Have you been to------------------------------
11. Been to Europe: No
12. Been to Asia: No
13. Been to Russia: No
14. Been to the Bahamas: No
15. Been to Mexico: yes
16. Been to Canada: yes
17. Been to Africa: No
18. Do you like someone at the moment?: Yes -
19. What books are you reading right now?: None
20. Best feeling in the world?: true happiness
21. Future kids names: Capital Joseph or Kapital Jillian
22. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: No
23. What's under your bed?: Storage Boxes
25. Who do you really hate?: People who LIE
26. Hows your life rite now?: Stressful
27. Whats your favorite colors? green red black
28. Are you lonely right now?: No
-------------REVEAL A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF-------------
Is your hair up?: yes
Is your phone right beside you?: yes
Do you wish you were somewhere else?: yeah
somewhere on the beach
Do you have plans for tonight?: already done
Are you wearing makeup?: not now
Who was the last person that called you? Joey
Anything you regret?: No cause at one time that
is exactly what I wanted
Ever stuck gum under a desk?: yes
Ever spit at someone?: no
Ever kicked something living?: yep
Ever had your nails done?: Yes
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard?: yes
Had any plans last week?: yes
Who did you see last week?: Who didnt I see?
Was last week interesting?: always
Kiss anyone last week?: yes
Have you cussed?: Yes
-------------SPILL YOUR GUTS-------------
First thing you did this morning?: went pee
Last thing you ate?: Salad and baked potato
What's something you look forward to most?: The
What's the last movie you saw? Delta Farce
Do you think someone is thinking about you right
now? Yeah
Do you wish on stars? yes
Does it work? I don't think so.
When was the last time you cried? 3 weeks ago
Do you like your handwriting? unless im in a hurry ya
Are you a friendly person? I think so.....
Are you keeping a secret from the world? No
Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Mine.
What color shirt are you wearing? brown
What is the color of your bedsheets? brown
What were you doing at 11 last night? Drinking
Last person you talked to? Joey
Ever cried on your friends shoulder? Oh yeah
Are you a normally happy person? NORMALLY yes
Is your self esteem low? Fuck no!