49 Year Old
Joined on January 12, 2009
Born on April 7th
I'm a proud father of 6 wonderful children. They are my life and reason for being. Outside of fatherhood, I'm a pretty boring individual.
I'm a 29 year veteran of neoclassical rock guitar and martial arts, started both at about 4 or 5 years old. Yeah, yeah, so I'm old. Who cares? ...I'm gooood ;)
(I use Carvin guitars and amps exclusively, with only a hand few modifications.) -- www.carvinguitars.com
I'm a DJ on Nekkid Radio (DJ Blind Fury), specializing in 80's hard rock / hair bands and, of course, guitar gods.
Wanna hear us?
Check out the Blind Fury and Seeing Eye Midget Show every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 10 am Central time.
Check out the DJ forums over at our homepage, and by all means sign up, become a member, and give us some shit in there.
WARNING: The Blind fury and Seeing Eye Midget Show is totally uncensored. If your idea of comedy is toilet humor in the vein of Andrew Dice Clay, Sam Kinison, or Richard Pryor, stop on in and listen to us. If not, don't show up.
Like making fun of people? Like humiliating innocent bystanders? Like to make fun of people riding the short bus wearing helmets and drool cups? Like to hear orgasms live, on-air? Do you think my farts smell good? If you said yes to any of those things, listen in every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 10 am Central time on www.nekkidradio.com
49 Year Old
Joined on January 12, 2009
Born on April 7th
Guns, Hunting, Fishing, Long Range Marksmanship, Martial Arts,Guitars, Sex, Physics, Structural Engineering, anything outdoors, Music, and tons more. Just ask!
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