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Points: 219,832

Stats for Mar 2

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Male · From Monroe, LA · Joined on May 2, 2007 · Born on October 15th · 8 referrals joined!
Male · From Monroe, LA · Joined on May 2, 2007 · Born on October 15th · 8 referrals joined!

ok here we go again...just recently got back into weightlifting and boxing..don't be shocked if u see some changes..im still the same geek u know and love just going to look a little different before the end of the year...i feel i've been depriving myself of my physical attributes and when i get back in shape i feel like i'll be doing much better.


Male · From Monroe, LA · Joined on May 2, 2007 · Born on October 15th · 8 referrals joined!
Lets see...i'm into movies,video games,art,music,,boxing,weightlifting,art,philosophy,writing literature and songs.im sure there's other things but i'll have to put them in at another time.

dIS's Point Bible
this is a listing of the points u get for certain things u do on FUBAR.If any of them have been been misquoted feel free to let me know and i'll happily change it.

You get no points for doing the following:
Posting bulletins,MuMMs,Fanning someone or requesting to be added.U do get points for being fanned and for the acceptance of a friend request but im not sure of the point value yet.

I'm going to try to keep this in the order of most points to least points:

· You will get 1,000 fuBucks and points when your friend joins
· You will get 1,000 fuBucks and points every day your invite uses fubar (up to 5 days; non-consecutive)
· You will get 8,000 fuBucks and points when he or she posts an approved salute!
Voting on MuMMs-21pts
Friend request accepted-11pts
Rating a profile-5pts
Profile comments-4pts
Rating pics-2pts
Rating Stash-2pts
Pic Comments-2pts
Adding Stash-2pts

music player
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish.com.
My favorite movie of all time is Donnie Darko.if u haven't seen it,check it out.I promise u won't be disappointed!I am an absolute movie junkie.I'm a big critic.if the movies no good i'll tell u and just in some opionated way.if the story is no good and if the actors known or unknown aren't convincing i'll be the first to say.There's a long list of movies i like but to name a few,Sin City,300,Zodiac,The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford,thats a long fukin title,Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street,Conan the Barbarian and alot more.

Flixster - Share Movies
Video Games
I FINALLY GOT A Wii!!! it's so cool..if u haven't tried one out please do..you'll instantly be addicted..the physicality of it is so incredible!

If i had to pick a favorite game i'd have to say GTA Vice City.after that ummmm God of War,Warriors,Max Payne The Fall of Max Payne,Shadow of the Colossus,Bully,Midnight Club 2,The Suffering and quite a few others.Haven't really found any favorites on the PS3 yet but im hoping GTA4 will be the first.im kinda of behind on my gaming cause of business but hopefully that'll change soon.

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